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Destiny 2's Witch Queen expansion has brought with it an overhaul to every Void subclass. Dubbed Void 3.0, this overhaul brings the Aspects and Fragments system from Stasis to the Nightstalker, Sentinel, and Voidwalker subclasses.

Related: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Arc 3.0

Beyond the added layer of customization this system brings, Void itself saw some major changes. Three buff and debuff keywords give Void a signature identity that each subclass pulls from, allowing for new synergies and builds. We'll be covering what Void 3.0 is, how to unlock its various Aspects and Fragments, and give a breakdown of how each Aspect and Fragment works.

Updated February 28, 2023, by Charles Burgar: Lightfall is here, complete with an overhauled sandbox and sweeping ability changes. Void saw some ability cooldown changes, Fragment tweaks, and two new Fragments for players to unlock. We've updated this guide to include Lightfall's updated ability cooldown values, Fragment changes, and we've added explanations on how Echo of Cessation and Vigilance work.

What is Void 3.0?

Destiny 2 Void 3.0 Nightstalker Screen

Void 3.0 is an overhaul of how Destiny 2's Void subclasses are balanced. Instead of using the diamond subclass trees of old, all Void subclasses will now support the Aspects and Fragments system used with Beyond Light's Stasis subclasses. All Void subclasses—Nightstalker, Voidwalker, and Sentinel—have three class-specific Aspects and a handful of class-agnostic Fragments to play with. For clarity, these Aspects and Fragments are not the same as what's available on other classes; they have been tuned specifically for Void subclasses.

Is Void 3.0 A Buff Or Nerf?

Neither. Void 3.0 is a retuning of overarching class and element balance. In general, most Void builds have received a buff. Voidwalkers, in particular, have seen arguably the largest gains from this rework, capable of using Top Tree's overcharged grenades with Bottom Tree's Devour effect. Sentinels now have more methods of supplying overshields to their team, and Nightstalkers have new avenues for becoming invisible. With that said, some notable passives like Nightstalker's Heart of the Pack have been removed to make way for class-agnostic Fragments.

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How To Unlock Void 3.0

All Destiny 2 players pre-Witch Queen will have all Void Aspects and Fragments unlocked upon logging in. There aren't any quests or bounties you'll need to complete to access these Fragments; they're all available from the start. If you're starting your Destiny 2 adventure with The Witch Queen expansion, you'll receive your Void Aspects and Fragments through the New Light tutorial experience.

How To Unlock Void Grenades, Aspects, And Fragments

Destiny 2 Void 3.0 Purchase Menu

New Light players will be given a curated loadout when starting Destiny 2, but they can expand their options by visiting Ikora in the Tower. She sells every Aspect, Fragment, and grenade tied to Void 3.0 for measly Glimmer costs. Once purchased, interact with the device beside Ikora to unlock your new Void options. If you're new to Destiny and need to farm Glimmer, check out our Glimmer guide.

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Void Keywords Explained

Destiny 2 Fireteam Using Void Subclasses

Stasis set the foundation for an element's identity within Destiny 2. Most players know of the Slow, Freeze, and Shatter loop tied with Stasis, but what about the Void rework? Void 3.0 has a similar keyword system or "verbs" that dictate what your abilities are capable of. Let's quickly list what each keyword does, then we'll give an in-depth look at each of them.




Feast on the energy of your defeated foes. Final blows restore you to full health, grant grenade energy, and extend Devour.


The target is taken out of any active abilities and cannot activate any abilities or movement modes while Suppression persists. Afflicted combatants cannot fire their weapons.

Stuns Overload Champions


You vanish from sight and do not appear on radar. Performing offensive actions will end Invisibility.


The target is afflicted with unstable Void energy and will explode upon taking additional damage.

Counters Barrier Champions

Void Overshield

You are armored with a protective barrier of Void Light. Reduces damage taken from combatants.


The target takes increased damage and has their movement speed slowed. Afflicted combatants have difficulty firing accurately.

Subclass Pickup

Void Breach

A well of Void energy that grants class ability energy when grabbed. Use certain Void Fragments to spawn Void Breaches.

Devour Explained

Destiny 2 Voidwalker Feed The Void Aspect

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Invisibility Explained

Destiny 2 Nightstalker Vanishing Step Aspect

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Void Overshields Explained

Destiny 2 Sentinel Shield Super

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Suppression Explained

Destiny 2 Sentinel Shield Bash Melee

Suppressing an Overload Champion stuns them.

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Volatile Explained

Destiny 2 Sentinel Controlled Demolition Aspect

Volatile Rounds can pierce Barrier Champion shields.

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Weaken Explained

Destiny 2 Nightstalker Shadowshot Moebius Quiver Super

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Void Breach Explained

Destiny 2 Echo of Harvest Fragment Icon

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Related: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Armor 2.0

Void Grenades

Destiny 2 Nothing Manacles

We'll be giving a brief overview of how each grenade works and notable synergies. If you want a thorough breakdown on grenade DPS values, we recommend watching Ironworker Gaming's Void 3.0 Grenade video:

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Void Melee Abilities

Destiny 2 Void 3.0 Titan Shield

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Related: Destiny 2 The Witch Queen: A Complete Guide To Weapon Crafting

Void Supers

Destiny 2 Void 3.0 Subclasses

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Hunter Void Aspects

Destiny 2 Void 3.0 Hunter Dodge

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Titan Void Aspects

Destiny 2 Void 3.0 Titan Shield

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Warlock Void Aspects

Destiny 2 Void 3.0 Nova Warp

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Related: Destiny 2: The Best Warlock Builds For PvP And PvE

All Void Fragments

Destiny 2 Void Fragment Example

This section showcases how each Void Fragment works. If you're looking for which Fragments are the best, check out our Void Fragment tier list.

Fragments are class-agnostic buffs that slot into your Aspects. Each Aspect has a number of Fragment slots it can equip. Some Fragments also come with stat alterations that increase or decrease a stat by one tier. Each Fragment can be found below.

Echo Of Expulsion


Echo of Expulsion: Void ability kills cause enemies to explode. +10 Intellect.

Echo of Expulsion detonates enemy corpses when you land a Void ability kill. The damage is comparable to a Volatile explosion and has a similar blast radius. Void grenades, powered melee abilities, Supers, and Volatile explosions can all activate Echo of Expulsion. This Fragment works in PvE and PvP.

Echo Of Provision

Destiny 2 Echo of Provision Fragment Icon

Echo of Provision: Damaging enemies with grenades grants melee energy. -10 Strength.

Most grenades grant around 10% melee energy upon damaging a target, persistent grenades granting 5% per damage tick instead. This Fragment works best with Vortex, Void Wall, and Spike Grenades since they can damage a target multiple times during their lifespan. This Fragment works in PvE and PvP.

Echo Of Exchange

Destiny 2 Echo of Exchange Fragment Icon

Echo of Exchange: Melee final blows grant grenade energy.

Melee kills of all types will grant around 10% grenade energy. Uncharged melees, charged melees, and even Glaive melee kills will activate Echo of Exchange. This Fragment works in PvE and PvP.

Echo Of Remnants

Destiny 2 Echo of Remnants Fragment Icon

Echo of Remnants: Your lingering grenade effects (Vortex, Void Wall, Void Spike, and Axiom Bolt) have increased duration.

All lingering grenades last 50% longer while Echo of Remnants is equipped. This bonus stacks additively with Chaos Accelerant from Voidwalker, allowing your grenades to last nearly twice as long with both effects active. Echo of Remnants works on Vortex Grenades, Void Wall Grenades, Void Spikes, and Axiom Bolts.

Echo Of Reprisal

Destiny 2 Echo of Reprisal Fragment Icon

Echo of Reprisal: Final blows while surrounded by combatants grant Super energy.

While three or more enemies are within close proximity, defeating any combatant will grant an additional 1% Super energy. This effect stacks with other Super-generating sources like Thresh. Echo of Reprisal only works in PvE content.

Echo Of Undermining

Destiny 2 Echo of Undermining Fragment Icon

Echo of Undermining: Void grenades Weaken enemies. -20 Discipline.

All Void grenades apply a 15% Weaken effect (7.5% in PvP) when they damage a target. The Weaken debuff is applied to all enemies damaged by the grenade. Persistent grenades will reapply the Weaken debuff if the target stays in the grenade's area of effect, refreshing the debuff's duration. Echo of Undermining works in PvE and PvP.

Echo Of Persistence

Destiny 2 Echo of Persistence Fragment Icon

Echo of Persistence: Void buffs applied to you (Invisibility, Overshield, and Devour) have increased duration. -10 to the stat that governs your class ability cooldown.

Echo of Persistence extends the duration of all Void buffs, although the duration increase isn't static among each buff. Unlike other Fragments, the stat penalty is towards your class ability stat. Hunters get reduced Mobility, Titans get reduced Resilience, and Warlocks get reduced Recovery.

The duration increases are as follows:

  • Invisibility: Increases the duration of all Invisibility effects by two seconds.
  • Devour: Extends the duration of Devour by 50%.
  • Kills grant the same duration extension with this Fragment equipped.
  • Overshield: Extends the duration of your Void Overshield by 50%.

Echo Of Leeching

Destiny 2 Echo of Leeching Fragment Icon

Echo of Leeching: Melee final blows start health regeneration for you and nearby allies. +10 Resilience.

Defeating a target with your melee—both uncharged and charged attacks—will immediately begin health regeneration for you and nearby allies. This Fragment's health regeneration is affected by your Recovery stat. Echo of Leeching works in PvE and PvP.

Echo Of Domineering


Echo of Domineering: After suppressing a target, gain greatly increased Mobility for a short duration and your equipped weapon is reloaded from reserves. Suppressed targets create a Void Breach when slain. +10 Discipline.

Inflicting Suppression through your weapons or abilities will reload your weapon from reserves and grant +30 Mobility for the next ten seconds. You cannot reactivate Echo of Domineering while it's active. This buff works in PvE and PvP.

The second half of this Fragment creates a Void Breach upon defeating a Suppressed target. You can suppress targets through any means to trigger this perk, including Exotic weapons like Tractor Cannon. Void Breaches have a five-second internal cooldown. Void Breaches can be spawned in all activities, including PvP.

Echo Of Dilation

Destiny 2 Echo of Dilation Fragment Icon

Echo of Dilation: While crouched, you sneak faster and gain enhanced radar resolution. +10 Mobility and Intellect.

Echo of Dilation sets your crouch movement speed to 3.85 meters per second, the same as a Guardian with 100 Mobility. This gives you the fastest crouch movement speed in the game. While crouched or sliding, you also gain a more accurate radar that can track targets from more precise angles. By default, your radar has eight different 'slices' it can track enemy targets from. With this Fragment, that number increases to 12.

Echo Of Instability

Destiny 2 Echo of Instability Fragment Icon

Echo of Instability: Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons. +10 Strength.

Landing a grenade kill will cause all Void weapons to fire Volatile Rounds for the next ten seconds, inflicting the Volatile debuff with each bullet fired. All Void weapons benefit from this buff, most notably SMGs. Rapid-fire weapons perform the best with this Fragment. Echo of Instability works in PvE and PvP, although Volatile activates far less often inside the Crucible.

Echo Of Harvest

Destiny 2 Echo of Harvest Fragment Icon

Echo of Harvest: Defeating weakened targets with precision final blows will create a Void Breach and Orb of Power. -10 Intellect.

Any target afflicted with the Weaken debuff will drop an Orb of Power if you land a precision final blow. The Orb of Power is equal to a Siphon mod in terms of Super energy gained. The Orb of Power effect has an eight-second cooldown before it can activate again and works in PvE and PvP.

Additionally, you'll also spawn a Void Breach when you get a precision kill against a weakened target. Void Breaches have a five-second cooldown before they can spawn again. Void Breaches can be spawned in PvE and PvP.

Echo Of Obscurity

Destiny 2 Echo of Obscurity Fragment Icon

Echo of Obscurity: Finisher final blows grant Invisibility. +10 Recovery.

Finishing a target in PvE will grant Invisibility for the next five seconds, giving you time to recover your health or reposition. The duration of this Fragment can be increased to seven seconds through the Echo of Persistence Fragment. Obscurity is also affected by Graviton Forfeit, a Hunter Exotic. Since this Fragment is reliant on Finishers, Echo of Obscurity only works in PvE environments.

Echo Of Starvation

Destiny 2 Echo of Starvation Fragment Icon

Echo of Starvation: Picking up an Orb of Power or Void Breach grants Devour. +10 Recovery.

You cannot grab Orbs of Power while your Super is full. Consider using Armor Charge mods, Explosive Light weapons, or other Void Fragments that spawn Void Breaches to bypass this restriction.

All Orbs of Power and Void Breaches you grab will grant five seconds of Devour. You can extend this effect by killing enemies or grabbing additional orbs or breaches. Echo of Persistence will extend the duration of Devour to ten second per pickup and grant a maximum duration of 15 seconds, the same as with all other Devour sources. Echo of Starvation works in PvE and PvP.

Echo Of Cessation

Destiny 2 Echo Of Cessation

Echo of Cessation: Finisher final blows create a burst of Void damage that causes nearby combatants to become volatile. Defeating volatile targets creates a Void Breach.

Performing a finisher will cause the target to explode, inflicting Volatile on all nearby enemies. Additionally, all Volatile combatants you kill will spawn a Void Breach. This effect has a five-second cooldown and pairs exceptionally well with Echo of Instability and Collective Obligation. Since finishers can only be performed on combatants, Echo of Cessation only works in PvE activities.

Echo Of Vigilance

Destiny 2 Echo of Vigilance

Echo of Vigilance: Defeating a target while your shields are depleted grants you a temporary Void Overshield. -10 Recovery.

While your shields are destroyed, landing a kill against any target will grant a 50-point Void Overshield. You can extend the duration of this overshield by equipping Echo of Persistence. Once triggered, Echo of Vigilance enters a ten-second cooldown. This is a powerful effect in PvP and a solid way to get some added survivability in PvE if your build struggles to proc Devour.

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Next: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Solar 3.0