The champions of League of Legends all have interesting stories to tell that are often conveyed through their voice lines. You'll know how the past influences the lines of each champion, especially when they encounter characters they share a history with.

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Good world-building aside, champions tend to say a lot of interesting lines in battle. A lot of these lines are unnoticed since most of our focus is placed on killing more than one champion. Let's step back from wanting to ace and take a look at all of these badass, funny, or otherwise profound in-game lines.

17 Yasuo

Yasuo sleeping from League of Legends

"Honor Is In The Heart, Not In The Name."

All of us who play League of Legends, even those who haven't played Yasuo once on the field, know that he's had a lot of experience behind that statement. Not only was he wrongfully accused of killing his master, but he was also forced to confront his brother. This confrontation resulted in his brother's death, something which he had difficulty forgiving himself over for a long period of time.

Despite being seen by others as dishonored, he's proven that their judgment of him doesn't matter, as honor is based on how he chooses to live his life.

16 Riven

Riven from League of Legends with the Runic Blade

"What Is Broken Can Be Reforged."

Riven's story started with desperation, which her nation took advantage of. Once she realized that even her desperation shouldn't have driven her to slaughter countless numbers of Ionians, she was consumed by regret and hatred for her sword. She sought to break the sword with the help of a master, and she was successful at it but at the cost of the master's life.

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She also mentions how the state of a blade reflects the state of its wielder, which suggests that if a blade is broken and can be reforged, then perhaps its master can heal from their wounds. It certainly seems to be the case for Riven, as she accepts her fate by returning to Noxus, which she deserted.

15 Katarina

Katarina from League of Legends

"Better Dead Than Dull."

This is true for those who are the life of the party but also true for anybody who craves excitement in life. Katarina's definition of fun might be unusual, but that's because she was raised to be the best assassin in Noxus, and her days were filled with strengthening herself. This came to the point of afflicting herself with all sorts of poison to increase her immunity.

When she says the highlighted quote, she may also be referencing how she failed her first mission, which made her fall from her father's favor. Not all of us can relate to Katarina's love for killing people while taking pleasure in it, but we all can agree that a little bit of fun isn't a bad thing to have in life.

14 Kai'sa

Kai'sa from League of the Legends in the Void

"This World Is Changing... We Decide Into What."

Kai'sa might look scary, but she's one of the kindest champions you'll meet on the battlefield simply because she loves to help people, even if they're all afraid and disapproving of her. The Daughter of the Void knows all too well that the only way to survive is to keep fighting, and it is only through fighting that people can change the world how they want to.

We don't have to fall into the void to know that we have the ability to create change in the world we live in, even if they're small changes.

13 Viego

Viego The Ruined King from League of Legends

"Her Eyes Were Portraits Of A World Without My Cruelty."

Most of his lines are dedicated to his lost queen, Isolde, and they're all filled with tragic longing. His obsession with reviving his dead queen is the same in death as it was in life. He talks about committing all sorts of atrocities as long as it can reunite him with her once more.

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We could only speculate what would've happened if they had forced this man to abdicate instead of accidentally killing his wife. A happy ending's off the table for them now, but we can imagine how beautiful Isolde's eyes must have been if Viego speaks of them this fondly.

12 Yone

Yone from League of Legends

"Wear A Mask Long Enough, And You Forget The Face Beneath."

Yone wore many masks in life: student, brother, and protector, to name a few. He's lost himself to these identities and awoke with an azakana's mask glued to his face. Finally, having let go of his past life and the regret that came along with it, he now only searches for the truth of what he became after death.

His story is a good reminder to get to know yourself better outside the roles you play in other people's lives.

11 Ahri

Ahri from League of Legends

"A Clever Fox Is Never Caught."

It's a difficult task to catch this nine-tailed fox in-game since she has paralyzing range attacks, which proves that she's indeed clever (if you know how to use her character). Her long life trained her to be that way, as well as being the last of her kind.

Ahri lived her life in relative stealth due to her predatory nature, and nobody could ever get a hold of her. So if you plan to live as dangerously as she has for a long time, try not to get caught.

10 Akali

Akali from League of Legends

"The Will Comes From Within, Not From The Blade."

Akali's restless and rebellious spirit can be summarized by that saying of hers alone. This prodigy has turned her back on the order that raised her so she could enact justice her way, which means slaying enemies of Ionia swiftly. But we don't have to train like Ionian assassins to live up to Akali's words; we can implement them when we feel discouraged from starting out a workout session.

On a serious note, it doesn't matter what weapon you wield. What matters is your determination to go after the goal you've set yourself to achieve.

9 Sona

Sona from League of Legends

"Art Bridges The Gap Between People. Governments, Not So Much."

In the chaotic world of Runeterra, Sona does hit this quote right on its head. With failed treatises between nations, constant warring, and self-interested politicians, it's not so hard to make this conclusion. Add her backstory, which tells of a child whose countries were torn to war by Noxus, and you'll understand why she made this statement.

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Naturally attuned to music and to her mystic instrument, she plays to soothe and protect. But Sona isn't wrong; art is capable of conveying messages between people of different backgrounds the way diplomats could only ever hope to achieve.

8 Master Yi

Master Yi from League of Legends

"A True Master Is An Eternal Student."

The lone Master Yi makes this statement because, despite being the sole courier of his heritage and rightfully having the title "master," he knows that Wuju and its techniques can still be improved.

Although he was a former child prodigy, we can tell that he's not averse to being corrected or learning new ways. He had to learn the dangers of pride the hard way, even if there were good intentions that came along with it. We all learn something new every day, so in a way, we're all just students of life.

7 Camille

Camille in their League of Legends Splash Art

"Anything Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Right."

You'll never be sloppy with your job if you live long enough as Camille has and get a bunch of hextech augmentations. Even if you'll probably never become semi-bionic in your lifetime, hearing her say this might encourage you to rethink your life choices. Why did you choose her against Darius on top lane? Why did you end up feeding the enemy team instead of being a good carry?

You'll have her words to thank before acting upon bad decisions without looking back at hindsight with regret. As expected from a calculated being who's lived a long life, Camille's sharp words never miss, just like her blades.

6 Swain

Swain's splash art in League of Legends.

"More than what we do not understand, we fear being understood."

This Machiavellian force has great, if not interesting, words to spare, mostly about strategy and the reality of ruling Noxus. This seasoned, (literally) devilish politico has years in him, and it's unsurprising to hear him give his two cents about human beings from time to time.

Perhaps he doesn't want to be understood and sees the dangers of being read well by others as a threat to somebody of his stature. It's a stark contrast from other champions in Runeterra whose lives would've been easier if they were understood by others around them, but Swain isn't wrong if you're the type to keep to yourself.

5 Yorick

Yorick League of Legends

"I've Become What I Must Be."

Yorick has lived a mostly solitary life in the Blessed Isles, and even more so now that it has become the Shadow Isles. His ability to talk to spirits and put them to rest is a unique gift, but it's double-edged and is not without its consequence of loneliness.

The Maiden of the Mist would often remind him of what he has become, but Yorick has accepted what he had to be to vanquish the Ruined King and put a stop to the Ruination. Despite living in pitch black, Yorick remains hopeful.

4 Pantheon

Pantheon's splash art in League of Legends.

"We Are What We Overcome."

Pantheon is a man who was shaped by the challenges he had to overcome, friends he had to mourn, and fights with gods he had to win against. He's not strong because he had divinity, but because of what he chose to do after being at the blade's edge of death.

Man is confined to mortality, but Pantheon was more than willing to push those boundaries if it meant fighting for mortals that are almost always at the crossfire of divine disputes. While you might not be fighting gods yourself, Pantheon's words are a good reminder to test your limits.

3 Senna

Splash Art of True Damage Senna from League of Legends

"If life is my curse, then living is the cure."

Life is not easy, especially for Senna, who is stuck in the strange border of life and death. She couldn't truly die, but she's technically been killed by a wraith. When you're stuck in that kind of limbo long enough, in a lamp, to be specific, you'll eventually start musing about the life you've lived.

Life is hard, and there will be days it feels like a curse more than it is a blessing, but living differently might provide you the cure in the form of a new perspective. At least you'll never have to experience being stuck in a lantern just to gain Senna's epiphany.

2 Irelia

Irelia from League of Legends

"To Live Under A Boot, Is Not To Live."

The Blade Dancer is a name known to Ionians and is seen as a hero for rallying forces against Noxians. She became a figurehead for the rebellion against Noxus, with her blade dance proving to be the deadliest, even among elite soldiers and generals.

In reality, she's just a person who tragically lost her family in a war. Having lived through an invasion, she knows more than anybody that a life without freedom means the inability to live life at all.

1 Evelynn

Evelynn from League of Legends

"A Man Once Told Me To Put On Some Clothes. So I Wore His Skin."

It's not encouraged to skin anybody or turn them into a fashion statement for calling you out on your clothes, but Evelynn made her point clear. This dashing demon relishes torturing the poor, unfortunate souls who get lured by her charms.

She's not exactly a lawful good character, but she served and slayed in this one (literally) and kept the fashion police off the streets. Moral of the story: don't tell people what to wear. It's none of your business.

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