The Sims series has been going strong ever since its inception 17 years ago. From the very first iteration, it was pretty apparent that Maxis and EA had discovered a goldmine that would stand the test of time and go on to become one of the most played video game series of all time. The gameplay present in each game of this series is unbelievably addictive, letting players basically emulate God as they watched over a particular family and took care of all their needs. It's a gameplay loop that has attracted millions of gamers towards this product, and for good reason.

However, this also means that gamers now have increasingly high expectations when it comes to this particular franchise. This can be witnessed in the backlash that The Sims 4 received at launch, due to a bunch of glaring omissions that rubbed the hardcore fanbase the wrong way. Gone was the open-world, lack of loading screens, and a bunch of other features that had become a mainstay of the franchise. While Maxis did end up patching some of these elements back in the game, it's still quite perplexing as to why they were not present at launch. In fact, even with the sheer number of patches that have been released there are still a bunch of problems in The Sims 4, that the majority of players haven't even noticed — either that, or they simply chose to ignore it so that they could enjoy the final product. Here are 20 of the craziest mistakes you never noticed in The Sims 4.

20 Demon Babies Are Still A Thing In The Sims 4


Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes that — for some indiscernible reason —  is constantly repeated throughout the various iterations of The Sims series is also one of the most disturbing ones present on this list. A single look at the deformed structure on this list will be enough to provide an explanation as to why this particular mistake can prove to be especially grating for the unsuspecting player.

Childbirth is one of the many memorable moments in The Sims, simply because it's not something you see way too often to begin with. So, it'll obviously be a rather unpleasant surprise for said player if his Sim gives birth to what looks less like a normal baby and more like a spawn of the devil.

19 Sims Will Wash Dishes In The Bathroom And Clean Their Hands In The Kitchen Sink


The Sims is a game that sells itself mostly on the fact that it provides the most realistic depiction of life possible (aside from a few exceptions). This is important, since at the end of the day The Sims is still a life simulation at heart, and any aspect of the game that might detract from this experience can prove to be a huge blow to the overall fun factor of the game. The poor AI present in the game is perhaps the biggest example of this.

Specifically, what we want to talk about is the garbage tracking of said AI, which is downright shoddy and unacceptable. This poor tracking can lead to a number of inane decision-making from your Sims — the worst one being that your Sims will sometimes clean their dishes in the bathroom and wash their hands in the kitchen sink.

Just... why?

18 You Can Develop A Grown Up Relationship With Family Members


The fact that a mistake like this is still prevalent in The Sims even after being identified time and time again is somewhat worrying.

It goes without saying that "family fun" is a pretty vile action to enact. A game like The Sims — that's marketed towards teens — should not be allowing something like this to occur.

And yet, for some indiscernible reason, you can actually initiate this taboo act in the game. This can be done after an extended playthrough, and is truly sickening. Maxis needs to get to work and fix their coding — after all, this problem has been prevalent in every iteration of the Sims series, and is simply unacceptable.

17 Sims Will Automatically Eat Food, Even If It Makes Them Sick


The concept of free will for your Sims might seem neat on paper, but its implementation is anything but. This is because your Sim can perform a number of annoying things that can get rather irritating after a while... including moments where he or she will intentionally try and get food poisoning.

This happens because your Sims will get the hankering to eat something the moment their Hunger bad turns yellow, which — let's be honest — is not exactly a critical situation, to begin with. However, if you have any spoilt food outside, then for some reason your Sim will forgo their healthy eating habits and eat it as well, which can be absolutely baffling.

Just do yourself a favor and throw out any spoilt food to save yourself this headache.

16 Kids Wander The Neighborhood Even During School Hours


One of the main draws of The Sims series is its unyielding focus when it comes to providing players with a realistic depiction of life. The game goes to rather painstaking lengths to make sure that this simulation can be as accurate as possible (aside from a few over-the-top elements that add to the charm to the series). However, there are moments when this carefully crafted illusion can be completely broken.

Perhaps one of the most glaring mistakes present in the series can be witnessed during school hours. You expect the children in the neighborhood to be diligently attending school at this point... which can lead to a rather unexpected surprise when you notice random kids roaming outside of your household.

Stay in school, kiddo.

15 'Coolala, The Defender Wall Light' Is A Scam


The concept of finding monsters under your bed has been an age-old story that has been told time and time again to children all over the world. It's a universal story that Maxis has taken to heart by including actual monsters under the bed of children, which can certainly be a rather creepy thing that these kids can witness.

One of the objects present in the game that can help deter these monsters is a wall light officially known as 'Coolala: The Defender Wall Light.' This light source is meant to prevent monsters from appearing under the bed... but for some reason, no matter how many lights you place in the game, it's painfully apparent that these lights are bugged out and simply don't work.

14 Why Do Closets Even Exist?


One of the major draws of The Sims is the ability to craft the house of your choice, which lets you flex your architectural muscles as you design the perfect abode for your Sims. In order to make the building experience as realistic as possible, you can buy and place a bunch of mundane objects that will make the place feel more like home. This includes closets as well — an object that has to take the award for being the most useless thing one can purchase in The Sims.

We say this because your Sim can change their clothes anytime and anywhere they want. This makes the existence of closets completely pointless, and serves as nothing more than a way to make your bedroom feel more authentic.

13 Traits Are Pointless


One of the major elements of The Sims 4 is a personality system that's fueled through the various traits that you can bestow upon your Sims while creating them. These traits are meant to provide Sims with unique and distinct personalities by slightly altering their behavior and mannerisms... but in the grand scheme of things, these traits turn out to be largely inconsequential.

Whether due to a lack of proper implementation, poor programming or a combination of both — these traits do little to differentiate your Sims. At the end of the day, what ends up happening is that most of your Sims end up with the exact same body language. This leads to situations where Sims that are meant to be sloppy still clean up like normal. It's a blatant oversight that Maxis needs to fix as soon as possible.

12 Sims Will Sometimes Not Enter The House After Coming Back From Work Without The Player's Input


Work is extremely exhausting, and after a long and stressful day, it's obvious that a person would wish to reach their home as soon as possible so that they could unwind. However, when it comes to The Sims 4, it seems that these people function more like robots, which can take away from the overall experience at times.

We say this because once they're done with their work, there's a high possibility of your Sim just standing outside your house, lazying around and doing nothing as they stare blankly at god knows what. Without any player input, it's possible that the Sim will just stand in one spot with nothing better to do.

And speaking of stupid things that your Sim does...

11 Sims Will Constantly Move Around While Eating, As If They're Playing Musical Chairs

Sims Eating Grilled Cheese in The Sims 4

This is one of the biggest complaints regarding The Sims 4, to the point where there are mods that are specifically tailored to remove this annoying occurrence.

Now, it's normal for people to talk while eating together at the dinner table. After all, sitting together and eating in silence can be somewhat boring, and talking can help prevent this monotony.

However, what's certainly not normal is for these people to move exactly next to the person they want to speak to while talking. If you're all sitting at the same dinner table, then surely you can talk to other without having to physically move beside them. No wonder why the fans have coined this as a weird form of musical chairs.

10 Sims Can Develop An Unhealthy Addiction To Basketball


We've already discussed before how annoying free will can be at times. Your Sims will end up performing stupid actions for no explainable reason. Things, like juggling coffee cups or writing in their diary, are stupidly mundane tasks that do nothing to improve your Sim's productivity. And god forbid if you happen to purchase a basketball hoop.

This is because your Sim will just straight up forget everything important that had to do during the day and just play basketball for a stupidly long amount of time. It's baffling just how strongly your Sim is inclined towards playing basketball, prioritizing this particular activity above anything else.

And speaking of priorities...

9 Sims Sometimes Forget The Actions In Their Queue


When it comes to making the best use of your Sim's time, it's highly recommended that you queue up actions for your Sims so that you don't have to constantly monitor your Sim and micro-manage and everything that he or she needs to do. Queuing up your Sim's actions can be extremely helpful since it basically frees you up and lets you tend to the needs of other Sims.

Unfortunately, the game can throw a massive cog in your plans if you wish to utilize this method to streamline your game. Sometimes, after spending a lot of time forming a solid queue for your Sims, the game will just freak out and all of a sudden your entire queue will disappear. Obviously, this can be a huge inconvenience, since you have to queue up all those actions from scratch.

If that wasn't bad enough...

8 Sims Can Take Forever To Do Basic Actions


Once you finally queue up your Sim's actions (which is already a pretty big task in itself), you can finally take a breather as you tend to your other tasks, whether in the game or otherwise. However, once you focus your attention back to the Sim with the queued actions, chances are that he or she is not even halfway through these actions.

This is because — for some weird reason — your Sim can experience a huge delay while completing some of these actions. The reason for this delay is never properly explained, since this affects every Sim player regardless of what their system specs are. It's a major problem that Maxis needs to fix to prevent any unnecessary frustrations.

7 The Game Literally Kills Sims Off In The Neighborhood At Random


The Sims has a code set in place that generates a number of Sims in the neighborhood you're currently playing in. Throughout the course of your playthrough, you'll undoubtedly form a lot of great relationships with these generated Sims. However, if you happen to play this game for a really long amount of time... then be prepared for a rather unwelcome surprise.

We say this because there's a 'culling' system present in The Sims 4, which can negatively impact your overall experience. Basically, once the game reaches the self-imposed limit of 180 Sims in a particular neighborhood, it'll proceed to straight up remove random Sims without warning to make room for more. This includes Sims you've formed deep relationships with as well, which is obviously not an ideal situation to be in.

6 At This Point, Sims Should Be Able To Climb Out Of A Pool If There's No Ladder


Yep, we're going there.

There are various ways in which your Sims can perish, and perhaps the most widespread cause of death in the game has to be drowning in a pool by deleting the ladder while your Sim is swimming in said pool. It's a method so popular that there are actual dead Sims with backstories alluding to this particular instance as a legit cause of death.

However, we need to address this particular cause of death, since it's certainly something worth talking about. There's no easy way to say it — the fact of the matter is that your Sims should be able to climb out of the pool if there's no ladder. I mean, how hard can it be to just pull yourself out of the water?

5 Sims Complain... While You're Trying To Fulfill Their Needs


One of the major gameplay loops present in ' is the fulfillment of needs. This task was infamously hard in the first Sims game, but with future iterations became somewhat easier since the developers realized that the game was more about forming your own story and not going to the bathroom 200 times in one freaking day.

However, fulfilling these needs can become somewhat of an annoyance over time. In fact, it's highly recommended that you don't let these bars become red no matter what. We say this because if you happen to reach this critical zone, then your Sims will start whining about how you're not taking care of them... while you're trying to instruct them to fulfill this critical need.

That's not the only stupid things your Sims will do...

4 Hosting A Great House Party Can Be Deceptively Easy


Anyone who's ever hosted a house party can vouch for how much a pain it can be to monitor such an imposing event. You need to make sure that there are enough food, drinks, and entertainment to go around, and on top of that, you need to make sure that your guests are in control and not messing about in the house.

However, in The Sims, having a great house party is way too easy. All you need to do to make sure that your guests are happy is to order some pizza, turn on the television, talk for a few seconds with everyone and put on some music. Completing these four simple tasks is enough to provide your guests with the best house party experience possible.

One thing is for sure — Sims have really low standards.

3 Sims Who Are Best Friends Or Even Lovers Will Randomly Fight Each Other


The release of The Sims 4 was met with the kind of reception from fans that can be described in many words — however, positive is certainly not one of them. In fact, the hardcore section of the fans was absolutely miffed due to the number of problems present in the game. Omissions are one thing, but there were a bunch of fundamental problems that needed some serious work.

Perhaps one of the biggest problems in the game was the random tendency of Sims to pick fights with other individuals for no reason whatsoever. This is especially baffling when the two people are friends, or even lovers. It's a grievous mistake that the developers need to work on and patch out of the game so that the experience of players isn't completely hampered.

2 Vampires Will Happily Walk In The Sun Without The Player's Intervention

via by SimsVIP

Supernatural elements have always been present in The Sims — in fact, these things have become a mainstay in the series since they've pretty much become a part of the series' charm. The Sims 4 is still rolling out expansions and DLC to add more elements that will make the game interesting, and one such major aspect that has already been added are vampires.

Now, anyone who knows anything about vampires can vouch for the fact that sunlight is their biggest weakness, and this is certainly true in The Sims as well. However, if your Sim is a vampire who's out in the sun, then you need to pick up the pace and instruct him or her to move indoors as quickly as possible. Don't count on the game itself, because your Sim will display no survival instincts during such a dire situation.

1 Pregnant Sims Drive Themselves To The Hospital During Labour


Pregnancy is an extremely fragile situation for a woman to be in. She needs to be provided with a ton of love and care to ensure that these nine months go by as smoothly as possible. This rings true in The Sims as well, where a pregnant Sim should be given priority at all times to ensure the birth of a healthy offspring.

One feature that has been added in the game is the option to have the baby at a hospital, to provide a higher degree of realism. However, this attempt to make the game more realistic falls flat since the pregnant Sim will — in a rather bemusing manner — drive herself to the hospital. This will happen even if there's another Sim that's tagging along, who'll just uselessly sit in the passenger seat while the woman who's going through labor will end up at the helm of the vehicle.