As one of the current most popular online battle royale games, Apex Legends draws in tons of players every hour, and with its awesome gameplay, it is not hard to see why. There are a variety of modes to choose from in the latest season, including the brand new 3v3 arenas. Winning any Apex mode will always come down to skills and working together as a team.

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However, as many of the players of the game know, teamwork is not always the main focus of the game. As frustrating as it can be for other gamers, it can be hilarious for some to run off and leave their team. Although for first-time players, it is often a case of not knowing how to be a better teammate and increase their chances of winning.

10 Use Your Abilities To Help

Apex Legends Lifeline And Care Package

Each Legend in the game has their own unique abilities that can be highly useful in the game when you've figured out how to use them. There are a few Legends that are particularly useful for the entire team and if you choose to play as one of them it can be helpful to know how to use them.

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Gibraltar is a good one for the entire team as his dome shield which he can deploy to protect his team for a short period of time. Even though Lifeline has been tweaked, she is an extremely good character to have on the team as her D.O.C drone can revive a teammate whilst you keep fighting. Also, her packages can bring in high-tier loot for your team to use.

9 Share Out The Loot

Apex Legends Purple Shield Loot In Game Screenshot

Collecting as much loot as possible at the start of the game is a good idea. However, it can be a dangerous idea when you are in the top 5 teams that are left. At this point in the game, it can be nearly impossible to find loot. If your teammate signals that they need another shield cell and you are hoarding 5 then it can be a good thing to let them have it.

Keeping your team in play for as long as possible will make you the ultimate teammate. Keeping your teammates topped up with shields and health can give your team the upper hand against attacking opponents.

8 Stick Together

Apex Legends Arena Win Screen Revenant Bloodhound Octane

It may be tempting to run off and do the solo act in the game, especially with so many areas to explore. However, if you run off on your own you can leave your team in a seriously precarious position and this can cost you the game. This is also a good tip for the new arenas mode. 

A team that stays as a whole team stands a better chance of surviving an attack from another squad. Also, you stand a better chance of surviving with your team than on your own. If you really feel the need to go off alone to gather loot then the best Legend for this is Octane as his stim ability can allow you to run back to your team quickly.

7 Don't Be A Loot Pirate

Apex Legends Squad Eliminated End Screen

A Loot Pirate is a player in the game that will run ahead of their team and steal all of the loot in the area. They do this even if they do not need it and other teammates have put dibs on it. This can be extremely frustrating for other members of their team because it's bad game etiquette and it just becomes annoying after a while.

All fans of the game know that the best chance a team has of winning is for all of them to have a good amount of loot and items in their inventory. If one player becomes selfish by taking all loot unnecessarily, it is very likely the team will lose. Please do not be a Loot Pirate.

6 Help Your Squad

Apex Legends Open Loot Bin Pinged Loot Shield Cell And Backpack

Loot can be scarce to find if you do not drop in one of the top loot areas of the new season map. Therefore, it is up to you and your team to work together to find loot for each other before another team can pounce on you.  Quite often in the game, your fellow teammates will use the ping system to let you know if they need a certain item or type of ammunition.

If you are exploring and see the specific item of loot that they have said they need, then you can ping it to show them where it is. Alternatively, if you have a purple or golden backpack and are feeling mighty generous, you can pick it up then take it to them.

5 Communication

Apex Legends Ping System Wheel

No this does not mean that you need to pick up your headset and speak to random people you do not know. In fact, Apex Legends has created its own communication system whereby players do not need to verbally communicate at all. The ping system takes a while to get used to but once you are used to it, it will make teamwork much easier.

You can ping where you think your squad should go next and they can agree or disagree with you. If they agree then this is a perfect way of making sure your whole team is on the same page. Also, you can ping loot or use the system to alert your squad to nearby enemies so that they can be ready to attack.

4 Revive Your Teammates

Apex Legends Lifeline And Mirage

One of the coolest things about Apex Legends is that you have the ability to revive your teammates if they are downed by an enemy. This can put you in a dangerous position because you will not be able to use your weapon whilst reviving someone.

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However, by taking that risk of death to revive your teammate you can be increasing your chances of winning. The only Legend that can get away with reviving someone and being able to fight still is Lifeline as her drone will revive the person when prompted to. Also, Mirage can currently cloak himself whilst reviving someone so he looks invisible.

3 Respawn Your Teammates

Apex Legends Season 9 Olympus Active Respawn Beacon

If you are too late to revive your teammates then there is always the option of respawning them. You can do this at the Respawn Beacons dotted across the map that will be highlighted once you pick up a teammate's banner from their death box. You can also Respawn a teammate through collecting and using a mobile Respawn Beacon which will have a one-time use on it.

The further into the game you get then it becomes harder to find working Respawn Beacons to use and it becomes more dangerous. When you respawn a teammate from a beacon it will let off a flash of green light that can be seen by close by enemies. Also, the entry of the dropship that brings your teammates back can be seen by anyone nearby so your position will be obvious to everyone.

2 Protect Your Teammates

Apex Legends You Are The Champion End Screen Spitfire Weapon

The aim of Battle Royale and the new Arenas mode is to be the champions, be the best and the last squad standing. It is often the squads that have the best teammates who will become the champions and a big way of being a good teammate is to protect your squad.

If one of your squad is recharging their shields then they will be vulnerable for a few seconds and if you can, you should protect them.  The same rule applies if they are trying to replenish their health. A team that works together will win together.

1 Do Not Loot Your Own Squad Deathboxes

Character looks at a death box on the ground in Apex Legends

This has been a huge source of irritation for many Apex players for a long time and it has even come to the developers' attention. There is now a loading screen caption where the developers advise you to leave your teammates' death boxes alone if you are going to respawn them.

As many fans of the game know, finding a gun you love to use is an amazing feeling and if you die it can be extremely frustrating to head back to your death box to find it has been taken. It is even worse if you watch your own teammate take it from you. Also, you are vulnerable after being respawned so having a reliable place to go to get loot is brilliant. Being a good team player is everything in Apex Legends and if you learn to be a great teammate, you are a legend.

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