UPDATE: There is another Nessy doll on the front desk of Carrier as well.

A long-running Easter Egg in Apex Legends has now made an appearance in Olympus, the newest map that arrived with season 7 of the battle royale. The hidden gag is a small green doll of the Loch Ness monster, which fans affectionately refer to as Nessy.

To find her on Olympus, you'll want to drop near the central waterfall outside of Turbine, at Hammond Labs, or around Energy Depot. Approaching from the south, take the height and run down the long ramp that stretches down from the waterfalls towards energy depot. Once you reach the covered roof, drop off the ramp on the right, which is only a few feet down. There, you'll find a door to a small room with some loot and the doll on left when you enter.

If you are approaching from the north in Energy Depot, make your way up towards the ramp that would take you up towards the waterfalls outside of Turbine, but stay to the left rather than taking the ramp up. You'll have a nice view of the courtyard plus a door on your right where the Easter Egg is located. The below picture circles the small room that you can find Nessy in.

RELATED: SpaceX's Zero Gravity Tool Looks A Lot Like Apex Legends' Nessy

If text isn't your thing, here is a clip of how to reach the Nessy doll from the waterfall height outside of Turbine.

This Easter Egg may seem relatively insignificant – and practically speaking – it is. However, it has some pretty interesting history to it. Supposedly, Wattson left the dolls around King Canyon as she grew up around the area as a kid. In fact, the Nessy doll actually started before Apex Legends released, originating with Titanfall and Titanfall 2. Considering Respawn developed both games, it only makes sense that the studio decided to interconnect the goofy discoverable. The team at Respawn is no stranger to throwing in small tributes, such as one for Shadie, design director Jason McCord's family dog that had sadly passed at the time.

As for Nessy, you could even summon the real, humongous version outside of Swamps on Kings Canyon for a time. Otherwise, she's appeared in the form of weapon charms and badges. Although it'd be awesome to see her resurface on Olympus, the lack of water-based areas on the map deems the possibility unlikely.

NEXT: Apex Legends Has A Hidden Stuffed Nessie (From Titanfall 2) Easter Egg In The Training Level