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Apex Legends' Season 9's first ranked split on World's Edge is well underway, with the Bocek bow (even after its nerfs) dominating the meta. The new season has also seen a huge influx of new players, many of which might be keen on checking out the ranked mode.

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World's Edge is a map suited to ranked play, hence why it's the map most regularly played in professional tournaments. This guide will cover the best drop spots, what sort of weapons you should be picking up, and the cleanest ring rotations. It'll also go over what sort of team composition you should opt for — no Mirages here, unfortunately.

Updated June 30th by Harry Alston: The ranked split has changed from World's Edge to Olympus, as is normal halfway through the season. With the latest collection event drawing in new players, we've updated this guide to include some more information about what to expect from playing ranked on Olympus.

This guide will cover the best drop spots on the Season Nine version of Olympus, the ideal gun load-outs for the new split, and any recent changes to the legend meta that might make picking your next comp a bit more interesting.

How Ranked Works In Apex Legends

There are several tiers to ranked, ranging from Bronze to Apex Predator. The lobbies scale in difficulty as you progress through the ranks, so the matchmaking filling the lobby with equally skilled players.

You gain Ranked Points, RP, based on the number of kills, assists, and your placement. The maximum kill point threshold is six, and that counts both kills and assists. Anything more than six kill points will not increase your RP.

This puts the emphasis on placement once you've successfully cleaned up a couple of squads. Understanding the ring, finding a good spot, and knowing when to push squads will determine whether you walk out victorious or end up finishing in the top ten.

Olympus Ranked Guide

The newest iteration of Olympus was introduced at the start of Season Nine. Attempts were made with the map changes to introduce new Points Of Interest, or landing spots, which has been largely successful with the new large Icarus ship drop spot. Several jump towers were also removed in an attempt to quell the third parties on the map, but this hasn't worked so well. Third parties are still your biggest enemy playing ranked on Olympus.

Where To Land On Olympus

apex legends olympus season 9 map

The hot spots and quieter spots are very reliant on which angle the ship approaches the map. Unlike World's Edge, there are fewer distinct hot drop spots on the map, like Fragment East and West, on Olympus. Hot spots tend to be areas like Estates, Hammond Labs, and Bonsai, but these can change depending on where the ship approaches from.

It's more difficult to select certain spots on Olympus because of the map design. One tip is to make sure you're always watching where other squads land. Three teams landing Bonsai? Probably best to ignore that spot if you're not looking for early fights.

apex legends olympus map

As we mentioned, third parties are your biggest enemy, but they can also become your greatest strength. Picking a drop spot that is separate from two squads that land close together means you can swoop up and clean up the two battling squads. This saves you time looting (they've already picked it all up) and guarantees some early kill points.

The above image is a representation of putting this strategy into action: three teams land at Fight Night, your squad lands at the carrier and rotates into the ongoing fight to clean up squads and collect the loot.

Best Team Composition For Olympus

pathfinder wraith and octane

Little has changed, even with the most recent set of changes introduced with the end of June patch. Many of the meta legends are still top picks for Olympus, with Revenant and Octane still one of the most annoying compositions to come up against, even with the small nerf to Revenant's death totem. Pathfinder is typically less effective on Olympus due to the lack of tight vertical spaces, like the various towers and buildings that reside on World's Edge, but remains a top pick if you like the ability to traverse the height around Hammond Labs and other areas. Wraith remains a solid pick for any map.

Other legends that remain viable for ranked play include Gibraltar, Lifeline (even with her hitbox nerf), and Bangalore. Gibraltar excels in the wide-open spaces of Olympus, particularly to provide cover with his defensive dome. The same can be said for Bangalore.

Though players were looking forward to buffs for Crypto and Wattson, any changes made have yet been ineffective in improving the viability of these characters.

Best Weapon Loadouts For Olympus

apex legends season 9 weapons eva 8 and r301

With few meaningful weapon changes made during the most recent patch, with little changed except for the power level of the Longbow and 30-30 Repeater, the two most powerful guns in the game remain the same: the R-301 and the EVA-8 Shotgun. The R-301 provides close-range, medium-range, and long-range versatility, whereas the EVA-8 is arguably the strongest weapon in the game when in a close-quarters 1v1.

Other viable weapons include the G7 Scout, ideal for the long sightlines on Olympus, as well as the Spitfire, however painful it is to come up against. If your recoil control is down to a decent level the Flatline is an exceptional weapon, although you might struggle a bit if you can't control its kick. Both the R-99 and Volt are reliable close-range weapons, but you'll need some great aim to defeat a player running at you with an EVA-8.

Where To Land On World's Edge - Hot Drops

apex legends map with drop spots highlighted

The decision-making begins before you even find your first weapon. Knowing where to land is crucial if you want to have a good start to the game.

There are two key decisions you have to make: are you going for early fights, or do you want to loot up somewhere quieter and play for the ring?

Here's a rundown of some of the drop sites that pretty much guarantee early action.


apex legends fragment drop spots

Located in the center of the map, Fragment has, and always will be, one of the hottest spots to drop on World's Edge. Split down the middle by a lava fissure, Fragment East and Fragment West are where you'll likely see your first Diamond, Master, and Predator dive trails descending from the sky.

Typically, players land on the large construction building, across the lava fissure on the broken building, or north, close to the market building. In a perfect world, there's enough loot here for about three separate teams, but it can get a lot busier than that.

Things to remember about Fragment:

  • Third Parties, Third Parties Everywhere — Fights are inevitable in Fragment, and that means you'll likely get pulled up on by at least two or three other squads. Keep your eyes on the sky while you drop to scope out where other squads are landing.
  • If You Don't Feel Confident With Your Loot, Rotate Out Of There — Apex is a game of pure RNG. Sometimes you'll land on the construction building and walk out with three white shields and a couple of RE-45s. If that's the case it's probably a good idea to rotate out of Fragment.

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Sorting Factory

apex legends sorting factory drop spots

Sorting Factory is another hot-drop, though this time it probably only has enough loot for two teams. Teams either land in the main factory building or along the adjoining shaft that leads towards the Tree and Launch Site.

Due to the design of this area, it is possible to effectively cut off another team's loot by landing halfway down the shaft. However, this means you might be pinched between two teams.

With Launch just across the way, Tree a jump tower away, and Harvester just beyond that, Sorting Factory quite quickly becomes busy during the early game. Approach with caution, unless you feel confident in your abilities.

Things to remember about Sorting Factory:

  • It Can Get Busy Quickly - Teams love to rotate into Sorting Factory in the hopes of securing an easy third party. Try not to have any kind of prolonged fight.
  • Height Is Key - There is a lot of verticality in Sorting Factory, whether it's the roof of the shaft building, the main factory, or the two cranes in the center. Pathfinder excels in an area like Sorting.


drop spots in skyhook apex legends

Skyhook is covered in loot. With multiple buildings, if you manage to snag a lonely drop at Skyhook you're sorted for the game. The problem is that that's quite unlikely. It's a popular drop because of its relative isolation from other areas, Bloodhound's Trials and Countdown the only drop spots that can easily third party.

Where you land in Skyhook is largely determined by where the other squads are dropping. It's not a good idea to land on anyone else, as there is plenty of loot to go around for up to four squads.

Rotating out of Skyhook also gives you plenty of flexibility based on where the ring is ending. You can head out towards Countdown, towards Fragment, or towards Train. If the ring pulls towards Trials (one of the most frustrating end rings in ranked) then you're in a great spot to set up for the game.

Things to remember about Skyhook:

  • Don't Fight First - Because it has enough room for three or four squads to drop at the same time, fights here are pretty guaranteed. Try not to fight first. You'll likely be charged by at least one other squad.
  • Control The Height - Skyhook is all about establishing yourself on the height, whether that's on the central circular building or on one of the rooftops.

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Where To Land On World's Edge - Quieter Drops

apex legends looking towards fragment

Those are the three main drop sites that are busy in the early game, here's a rundown of some of the other popular areas, and where the best spots for good loot are if you want to play a slower game.


Countdown is an excellent spot to drop, with guaranteed Blue or Purple shields underneath the launch hatch in the center of the POI. You just need to open it by pressing a button on the inside of the glass room to the south of the area.

  • Good loot
  • Can be third partied from Train or Skyhook
  • Good rotations with multiple exit angles


Launch is another site with great loot and relative isolation. The nearest third-party trails lead towards Dome, Tree, or Sorting Factory, but if you manage to land here alone you should be set up to go third-party hunting on your own.

  • Decent loot for a three-man
  • Relatively isolated
  • Can easily third party Tree or Sorting Factory

Lava Fissure

This is a very quiet drop spot and it isn't a spot squads regularly land at, but it probably has some of the best loot distribution on the map. It could be the differential drop spot you're looking for if you find yourself dying repetitively at the hotter sites.

  • Good loot, the bins in the circular buildings are a good spot to aim for
  • Quiet in terms of third parties, with Countdown being the closest other POI
  • Jump tower to rotate into Countdown or south towards Thermal Station

Thermal Station

Another isolated drop site, this area can get busy if the ship flies directly over it, but is generally quiet if the ship is far away. It has decent loot and is not a common third-party spot because of the distance to other main POIs.

  • Good loot
  • Can rotate towards Tree or Harvester

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Best Team Composition In Apex Legends Season 9 Ranked

Every legend in Apex has its strengths and weaknesses, and that becomes even more evident in ranked matches. Knowing which legends your team should pick is the foundation of having a successful time in ranked. Here are some of the top-tier meta picks for Season 9.


apex legends wraith

Wraith continues to be one of the most valuable assets to have on your team. Many Wraith players act as the main source of damage on the team, having the capability to flank opponents and get out quickly if they find themselves in danger. In terms of assisting the team, the Ultimate Portal ability is ideal for getting everyone out of a tough spot, or for getting a revive off on downed teammates.


pathfinder apex legends

Pathfinder is seeing something of a revival after his hitbox and low profile were finally fixed. His ultimate (the Zipline) is very good on World's Edge, a map that has a lot of verticality through its buildings and cliffs. Pathfinder can get the whole team into an excellent high-ground position.


gibraltar apex legends

Gibraltar has been a steady pick for several seasons now. He has some of the best team utility of any legend in the game and is a nightmare to take down. The dome is perfect for protecting your teammates in difficult situations and his ultimate Barrage can be literally game-winning.


revenant apex legends

Love it or hate it, Revenant found his true calling on World's Edge a few seasons ago, and the Revenant meta is back in full swing. Sending a team while in Rev's Death Totem is an easy way to safely third party and pick up one or two extra kill points. Watch out for where you place your totem, as there might be a team waiting for you.


octane apex legends

An unlikely addition, but Octane has firmly placed himself as a viable option for ranked play. His buffed jump pad is a great way to push teams and to get out of difficult situations. He pairs nicely with Revenant: sending a team while in Death Totem via a jump pad is both horrifying and a lot of fun.

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Other viable options include:

  • Lifeline - Even with her nerfed revive capabilities, Lifeline is a great pick for the team player. Sticking a rez in the middle of a fight can be the make or break of a sticky situation. Definitely a valuable asset.
  • Bangalore - Bangalore is a classic and untouched legend. Her smokes are great, especially with the buff to the thickness of it, and her movement speed makes her a 1v1 demon.
  • Loba - Loba gang! With Loba finally getting some love at the start of Season 9, you definitely see her more in ranked at the moment. Her teleport finally works, most of the time and her ultimate Black Market is great for getting ammo and heals in the end rings.
  • Valkyrie - The new legend does find a spot in some ranked team comps. Her Ultimate is great for repositioning. Check out our full guide to Valkyrie here.

General Playstyle Tips

Succeeding in ranked is all about finding the way you, and your team, like to play. Here are some general tips.

Third Parties

Learning how to third party is an essential skill. Always listen to the sound of gunshots in the distance to inform you where squads are and where they are fighting. Keep an eye on the kill feed to check out the spreads of legends and guns while keeping an eye on how many knocks on each team are happening in the fight. You should also know when to get away as fast as you can. Using legends with an escape ability, like Wraith's Portal or Octane's Jump Pad, can help prevent you get squished between two squads.

Use Weapons That Suit You

Whether you're a long-range gamer or prefer to up close and personal, the weapons you choose determine how successful you will be in ranked. Taking long-range weapons like the Scout or Bocek Bow is ideal if you want to pick at people from long-range, whereas a combination of the R301 and Volt is better if you think you're going to get stuck in.

NEXT: Apex Legends: Arenas Best Team Compositions