Assassin's Creed: Valhalla has an incredible amount of potential when it comes to setting because it's centered around a Viking protagonist. The Danes were raiders who invaded a plethora of lands, from Asia to Europe to America. As such, there's plenty of cities and countries that we could see snippets of.

RELATED: Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - 7 Things We Want To See In The Game (& 3 Things We Don't)

We already know we'll be setting foot in England where we'll most probably go toe-to-toe with King Alfred, but there are more historical places we'd like to see before or after that fateful clash. Without further delay, here are five other places we'd like to visit and five we'd rather not in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla.

10 WANT: London

In Syndicate, players set foot in the closest-to-the-modern-day they've been in the Animus (barring a brief trip to Nazi-occupied Paris in Unity, of course) with Victorian London. However, seeing this famed capital way back in the middle ages would be entirely different.

So much so that it is a justifiable re-visit given that, whilst it shares a name, London was sacked and rebuilt many times. In fact, the Vikings invaded and conquered England's capital. It'd make sense to see it once more.

9 DON'T WANT: Ireland

Whilst players will obviously be setting foot in England, particularly Northumbria, Ireland might not be the best choice of location. This is because Valhalla has the perfect opportunity to have a more diverse set of locations than any other Assassin's Creed to date.

Due to the close proximity Ireland has to England, the countries are fairly similar, so it would be more interesting to delve into other foreign lands that would expand on the palette of Valhalla instead.

8 WANT: Paris

Paris is another city that players already saw in the aforementioned Unity, but it was set during the French Revolution. The location that was explored is vastly different to that of its middle ages counterpart.

The French capital was the largest city in Europe during the era of Valhalla and because of this, it was a massive target for raids and attacks. The city sported a moat topped off with a wall, making it one helluva fortified place for the French to call home and a city worth invading in Valhalla.

7 DON'T WANT: Iceland

Around the time that Valhalla is set, the Vikings discovered the land that would become known today as Iceland, and they began to set up the very first settlements on this volcano-riddled island.

RELATED: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: 5 Things It Could Learn From Odyssey (& 5 Things To Avoid)

As such, there wouldn't be much to do in this location, and there definitely wouldn't be much fighting going on. Rather, it's a land with some settlers setting up shop for the first time, farming, hunting, gathering, and building - not a whole lot of potential there.

6 WANT: Estonia

Estonia was one of the last countries in Europe to be turned to the ways of Christianity, and its current inhabitants are direct descendants of Vikings, and so it would a perfect contrast to England.

Historians believe that the country was an important transit location for the Vikings, so it would make sense to see this little slice of Europe make an appearance; especially if players get to delve into Russia and other Eastern locations.

5 DON'T WANT: Constantinople

Like Paris and London, Byzantium has a rich history of change and evolution, but its beginnings were somewhat hectic. After all, the town was being passed around by various factions, from the Romans to the Athenians. In fact, we already visited this city much later in its history, in the 1500's, as an older Ezio.

RELATED: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: 5 Reasons To Be Hyped (& 5 To Be Worried)

During the period of Valhalla, the Vikings invaded Constantinople, but the city was already undergoing its own conflicts with the Arab-Byzantine Wars. Delving into all this further context could over-complicate the game.

4 WANT: Persia

It's an open secret that the Assassin's Creed series is a spiritual successor to the Prince of Persia games. In fact, the original game was intended to be a spin-off about the bodyguard of the titular Prince before becoming its own classic franchise.

Returning to Persia in Assassin's Creed would be a great love letter to the franchise that spawned it long ago. With the Vikings having historically visited the ancient nation that may be better known today as Iran, Persia could (and should) work its way into Valhalla.

3 DON'T WANT: Scotland

Much like with Ireland, Scotland's close proximity to England makes it a similar location. With players already venturing into Northumbria, it would be far too similar for them to delve into Scotland.

The Vikings also settled much quicker in Scotland and Ireland, meaning there was less conflict than they had in England. Truth be told, it would be more interesting to see the Norsemen's vicious attacks on the English.

2 WANT: Russia

Cracked and bloody gas mask on snow in Metro Exodus

The Vikings have had settlements in Eastern Europe since 750 AD, meaning that by the time of Valhalla, there are already locations that have been established for over a century.

Vikings are also the founders of Kiev and they were known as the 'Rus', which ties them into Russian heritage in quite a significant manner. To see this location would not only add variety to Valhalla, but it would delve into some incredibly interesting Viking history.

1 DON'T WANT: Germany

Germany's close proximity to Scandinavia meant that there were less frequent raids and pillages, due to the political implications of the time period. That's why it's more likely to hear about tales of Vikings venturing into England and France, not Germany.

The British Isles were much easier for the Vikings to attack, and attacks on them didn't risk political issues with the Danish or Swedish. Venturing into Germany would be rare, and justifying a departure from the main locations in Valhalla to do so would be difficult.

NEXT: Valhalla: 10 Questions We Still Want Answered In The Assassin’s Creed Universe