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There are many crucial systems and mechanics in Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key, with Rebuilding being amongst the most important for your Alchemy. Rebuilding enables you to take already created Items and Gear and add more materials and resources to them, allowing you to fill in more Loops, unlock more Traits and Effects, and much more.

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Not only does this feature allow you to fit your Items and Gear will specific Traits and Effects to help you create unbelievably powerful builds for each character, but it is also an excellent way to obtain S-Rank and 999 Quality on everything you create, which will help you earn lots of SP quickly and dominate in battle.

Rebuilding Overview

An image of the Rebuilding Skill on the Skill Tree in Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key

Before you can use the Rebuilding mechanic in Atelier Ryza 3, you must first meet a few requirements that can take some time and effort to achieve. While unlocking the Rebuild feature is as simple as progressing through the Skill Tree, you will need a lot of Skill Points to acquire it and follow a specific branch to get it as well. You can find all that information in the section below!

Rebuilding Requirements

  • Medica Powder - 50 SP
  • Max Quality 300 - 500 SP
  • Quality Up 500 - 1,200 SP
  • Link Morph - 700 SP
  • Item Rebuilding - 2,000 SP

So, in total, you are looking at 4,450 SP if you were to make a direct path to the Item Rebuilding Skill. Still, we strongly advise against doing that in the early game, as you will need access to some other crucial Skills, such as Duplication, to make the most out of Rebuilding Items. Generally, we recommend focusing on these Skills first, as they will help you naturally build more SP, allowing you to obtain Item Rebuilding a bit later in the game but not too late, allowing you to use the resources you have gathered up to that point to go all out with it and make more potent Items and potentially fill out the rest of your Skill Tree.

What Is Item Rebuilding

An image of Ryza Rebuilding the Red Neutralizer Item in Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key

Now that you have the Item Rebuilding Skill acquired, it's time to put it in use, which can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but it will quickly become your best and most used mechanic in the game by a long shot after you get the hang of it. Item Rebuilding essentially allows you to pick up where you left off after you have Synthesized an Item, allowing you to finish Material Loops and gain access to new Traits, Super Traits, and Effects.

In short, Rebuilding will be your go-to method of getting the most out of every Item, allowing you to reach 999 Quality and, in most cases, S-Rank. Also, since you can manipulate what Traits and Effects you get during this phase, you can make the ultimate Gear or Core Items, making you unstoppable in combat or elevating your Gathering to the next level. But, as you may have assumed, this mechanic doesn't come for free and requires a specific resource.


An image of Ryza breaking down hundreds of Red Neutralizers into a ton of Gems for Rebuilding or Duplication in Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key

Gems are the required resource you will use to Duplicate and Rebuild Items and are obtained by using the Gem Reduction system at your Atelier, which gives you the ability to dismantle Items, Gear, and some Materials into Gems, giving you incentive to constantly update your equipment and get rid of the stuff you no longer need.

But this is Atelier Ryza we are talking about. You can sort of manipulate this system to get your hands on a boatload of Gems and SP in a matter of minutes by Synthesizing a high-quality Core Item that costs fewer Gems to Duplicate than you will receive when breaking it down. Essentially, you can make Core Items that you can Duplicate, sell all of but one, Reduplicate it, and repeat until you hit the capped limit of Gems.

While this is a powerful strategy in and of itself, we won't cover it here. Still, it might be something you want to look into if you find yourself wanting more Gems or maybe want to unlock the entirety of your Skill Tree before you even reach the halfway point of your journey—just a suggestion. Anyway, once you have enough Gems, you can begin Rebuilding Items, which has its own rules and limitations. You can learn more about that in the section below!

Item Rebuilding

An image showcasing Ryza's Rebuild Level, the Item's Level, along with the Quality of the Item in Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key

Even though it may seem like there are many things here to keep track of, once you understand the overall system of Item Rebuilding, you will be utilizing it to its full potential in no time. When Rebuilding an Item, you must be mindful of two properties that will enable you to squeeze the most out of the Item. These are the Rebuild and Quality levels, which are initially capped until you expand them via the Skill Tree.

Rebuild Level

Your Rebuild Level refers to how many Materials you can add to the Item. Essentially, every time you add a Material to your Loop, the Item's Level will increase. If this number reaches your Rebuild Level, you cannot add more Resources or Materials until you further increase the limit in the Skill Tree. For example, if your Rebuild Level is 50 and the Material you want to add will take the Item Level over 50, it will be unselectable, forcing you to choose a different Material to use that will either undercut your Rebuild Level or hit it dead on.

The max Rebuild Level you can achieve is 99, giving you more than enough room to fill out every Loop and get all the Traits and Effects you want. If the Material is of high quality, it will raise the Item's Level more significantly. Be mindful of what you're adding and when, as you do not want to reach the cap prematurely and miss out on achieving 999 Quality.


Speaking of the Quality of the Item, this is the other limitation that can initially make Rebuilding a bit frustrating, as this is also increased via the Skill Tree. If you have a high Rebuild Level but a low-Quality Level - or vice versa - you will easily reach the lower cap well before you max out the other, making you settle for a slight upgrade now and return to it later once you have increased the other Skill.

Much like your Rebuild Level, the Item's Quality will increase when you add Materials to a Loop. The higher quality of the Material, the more the Item's Quality will increase. If a piece of Material you want to add exceeds your max Quality, it will be unselectable. This will force you to be mindful of both metrics, which can be a bit frustrating at first, but the upgrades for both Item Quality and Rebuild Level are obtainable the moment you acquire the Rebuild Item Skill, so you can work toward getting them as soon as possible.


Lastly, the other limiter on the Rebuild system is the Gems, which we covered in the section above. Whenever you add Materials to a loop, the amount of Gems you need to Rebuild the Item will also increase, so make sure you have enough Gems to enhance your Items before you attempt it. Like the others, the higher the quality of Materials, and the more of them you add, the more Gems you will need to finish the Rebuilding process.

NEXT: Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist Of The End & The Secret Key - Complete Guide To Core Crystals