In the Brave New World section of Atomic Heart, after leaving the train that has crashed, you will be tasked with "Reaching the Exhibition". This is a short, open-world section. There are multiple things to explore here, including separate Testing Grounds where you can access unique blueprints.

RELATED: Atomic Heart Review - A Weak Pulse

To continue with the story mission, you will need to activate the Hawk and defeat the Hedgie boss. Here's a guide to this area.

Updated March 4, 2023: We've added a video walkthrough to this guide that shows you how to defeat HOG-7 Hedgie in Atomic Heart.

Accessing The Hawk

Atomic Heart Camera To Access Hawk

To progress to the Exhibition, you need to access the Hawk. Descend from the train platform and follow the marker. The game will inform you that you need to access the Hawk.

You can do this by climbing up the Volan tower marked by your objective marker. Access the map system, then click on the camera shown in the image below.

This camera will allow you to open the door to the Hawk's terminal. Climb on to the Hawk, then zipline down into the main Exhibition area.

Hedgie Boss Fight

Atomic Heart Hedgie Fight robot in the distance while p-3 is holding a pistol

Once in the main Exhibition park, you will have to defeat Hedgie - the game's first major boss fight. There are multiple mechanics here, but the main principles of the fight are:

  • Jump over the wave attack
  • Hedgie's ranged rocket attack can be difficult to dodge, save your dash for the attack
  • Attack Hedgie when it is disabled (this will expose certain parts of the robot that you can hit with your weapon, melee weapons do a lot of damage)
  • You can raise platforms during the fight that Hedgie will collide with, thus disabling the robot
  • There is a save area & an upgrade machine located near the gate if you die/need to replenish your meds

Activating The Mirrors

Atomic Heart Mirror Puzzle

After defeating Hedgie, you will be asked to find a way into the complex. This is a bit tricky to understand at first, but you need to move the left mirror all the way to the back with your Telekinesis. This will prompt the game to send you underground to open a jammed lock.

Completing The Magnetic Puzzle Rooms

The Magnetic puzzle rooms are deceptively easy, as there are multiple routes through the puzzle. Pay attention to which platforms rise and fall when you activate the magnetism. Check for easy jumps that you can make from platform to platform. Make sure to utilize your jump dash here to clear bigger jumps. Once completed, finish the relatively simple puzzle (shown below!) and then return to the surface.

Atomic Heart (5)

Just move the second-from-left wheel to complete this puzzle, moving the separator down once.

NEXT: Why Are You Covering Atomic Heart When You Boycotted Hogwarts Legacy?