Avengers: Infinity War hit the theaters with a vengeance — no pun intended. The movie has been breaking multiple records both set by the MCU itself and the box office. Fans have been waiting for this for years. This phase has been building for a really long time and since the first few Marvel films came out, fans everywhere were really hoping that we’d see an epic showdown like this. Whether you’re a fan of the original comics, a fan of just the movies or even a fan of both, everyone loved this film. Marvel put some of their best people on the task both on screen and off to give viewers the movie they’ve all been waiting for.

Now that the film is out and our wait is over, we’ll have to hope right back in line and wait yet again for the next thrilling film Marvel will be bringing to the screen yet again. After all, if you did go to see Infinity War, you know we can’t just leave it there. We have to see how this all pans out and hopefully see our heroes defeat the Mad Titan, Thanos, once and for all. While we wait, an abundance of wonderful memes have been coming out in response to the film. Here’s 25 of them that even Thanos himself couldn’t help but laugh from seeing.

25 Poor Vision!

via: gramunion.com

It looks like we’re still not over Vision’s poor attempt at cooking. This joke has been around for so long and Vision has been going through a lot ever since. Especially since he has the Mind Stone, we’ve known that he’d be at great risk this movie. Still, we need to remind this fresh audience just how bad he did at trying to cook for his girlfriend. Wanda seemed to appreciate the gesture, even if their conversation ended with her getting pretty peeved that she had to stay indoors. Hey, it’s the thought that counts right?

Vision and Wanda were perhaps one of the cutest ships/couples up on screen this time around. In fact, it looked like there were a lot of passionate flames up on screen that were making the audience feel the love. While this pair never had an easy romance, it was certainly always one that really moved people. In the comic books, Wanda was always there to support her significant other and his battle with understanding his newfound humanity. The MCU really did help bring that relationship to life up on the big screen. We just wish they could have brought a little life to Vision’s cooking while they were at it.

24 Peter Had To Work Really Hard!

via: quirkybyte.com

This might also be a pretty rough meme that’s by no means fair to poor Peter. For a long time, we wondered if Spider-Man would ever get into the Avengers; the MCU at the time hadn’t really given us any hope. We didn’t have a Spider-Man movie that was cannonly in the same world as everyone else. Even though he was a part of the Avengers in the comic books, there was a time we teased that Peter could never get into their cinematic counterpart. Marvel obviously got hold of that meme and started to parody it in the new Spider-Man movies that were now a cannon part of the MCU.

Peter desperately wanted to be in the Avengers, and this was only echoed in the movie Spider-Man: Homecoming. All Peter wanted to do was be a hero like Tony, someone he obviously really admired. Of course, all Tony really wanted to do was be responsible and protect him so that he could grow up in a sort of normal way. Really, their relationship was quite touching but was a huge reason why Spider-Man wasn’t really an Avenger quite yet. But Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver got in right away; that had to have stung just a little bit.

23 Freshman vs Senior

via: cheezburger.com

We’ve all been there: freshman year is never quite the same as senior year. Captain America is a pretty good example of the changes we face, whether that’s in high school or in college. It might even be a little more accurate to have a photo of him from even before he became a super solider, but maybe that’s taking it a step too far. The MCU seems to continue to get darker and darker as we go along; just look at that lighting change to set the mood. Plus, Steve has a beard now, so you know things are getting serious.

School has taken just as much away from us.

Captain America has gone through a lot of character development since we were first introduced to him in the movies. Steve Rogers has always been a symbol of hope, not to just America, but everyone. He shows us that anyone can be anything and that he will always be there to stand up to bullies. But sometimes, that’s easier said than done. Just looking at how much he’s sacrificed to continue being that beacon of justice, to do what is right, has taken a lot out of him. And apparently it has also stolen his razor because that is one serious beard.

22 The Casting Was Spot On!

via: pinterest.com

Seriously, when they started casting for these Marvel movies, they really did a fantastic job. It’s always fun to see an actor’s real personality versus the people they play —sometimes they’re polar opposites. Just look at Loki, for example. Tom Hiddleston is literally a living cinnamon bun and a total sweetheart. Loki may be fun to look at but at some point the Avengers are getting really sick of his mischief. And then we have casting like Robert Downey Jr. who may actually build his own suit of armor one day. It’s really all he’s missing at this point to be the real-life Iron Man.

What’s always been fun about these movies is just how positive the cast is and how they take these characters to heart the way the audience does. Of course, you have to be more than excellent to be in a Marvel movie, but these actors really care about the stories being told. It makes a huge difference to those of us who’ve always wanted to see our super heroes come to life. That being said, we don’t think anyone really anticipated how much of a jerk Tony would really be on the big screen, we love him all the same.

21 Salt Bae Has Arrived

via: pinterest.com

Even though we’re far past the trailer now with the movie out in theaters, this meme still applies because Thanos just shows up like Salt Bae to really rub it in our wounds. No one was really ready to see this giant purple monster take to the screen and dash our hopes and dreams. But here he is, sprinkling Infinity Stones on his gauntlet like it’s nothing. At some point, we’re really going to need to stop crying over the movie and all the hype that was rightfully built around it, but that day is not today. What’s great about this meme is that Thanos might not seem like he has that attitude, but behind closed doors we know just how sassy he really is.

Thanos is secretly sassy, we know it.

In the recent movie, we know that Thanos feels his actions are for the greater good. He acts like it’s a very large burden for him, but he really doesn’t need to do this. What makes him a great villain is the fact he feels he’s right in what he’s doing and that he won’t stop for anything. Being purple and muscular is just a plus to that intimidating disposition that makes us all just a little more frightened than we were before.

20 Please Don’t Get In Trouble Loki

via: gramunion.com

We all love Loki, but he can kind of be a handful; really, you can’t deny that one. He is, after all, the god of mischief. You can’t stop someone from being who they really are and some of us might actually love him for that very large, sometimes annoying, flaw. In previous movies, we probably all had the same thoughts whenever he’d even come close to the tesseract. After taking it, we can’t really trust that he’ll keep making the right decisions. Obviously, Thor feels the exact same way. His sibling keeps taking things he really shouldn’t — we’ve all been there right? It doesn’t mean we can’t hope he’ll use his devious personality for good rather that his own self-interest.

The brotherly relationship between Thor and Loki is always something we love to see on screen though. Even though Loki is a true pain in the side, Thor never really hates his brother. In fact, it looks like he just wants the same thing the audience wants, for him to be just and right. Is that wishful thinking? Probably. But it doesn’t mean we have to throw out our dreams right away. He wasn’t so bad in Thor: Ragnarok and there’s always room for improvement in Infinity War.

19 I Feel Old

via: elcomercio.pe

You’re probably going to see a lot of memes that make fun of Thanos’ new look in this list. It’s not that Thanos looks bad, in fact the amount of work the artists had to do on multiple levels to get him to look so realistic was astounding. But we can’t pass up some of these shots where he looked just a little too similar to someone else we know. In this case, it’s another meme of the “Success Kid”. He even has the fist and everything; don’t tell us you don’t see the resemblance. Of course, Thanos’ idea of success is probably something none of humankind wants to see. Succeeding in gathering all of the Infinity Stones only spells doom for us!

They grow up so fast.

There’s also a little part of us that wants to see Thanos win; it only makes his downfall all that more appeasing. Besides, sometimes heroes get even more motivated once they’ve lost the battle. That’s how Captain America came to be when he didn’t stop trying no matter how many times he fell down. We won’t give out spoilers for those of you readers who haven’t seen the new movie yet, as we know Thanos is seriously demanding silence, but be mentally prepared for that emotional roller coaster.

18 Throat Grabbers

via: pinterest.com

Speaking of Loki and Thor, did anyone else notice this in their last movie? We’re pretty grateful to this meme for pointing it out because, seriously, the neck thing is spot on. The saying should probably go, “A family who grabs necks together stays together” but we all remember what happened to their sister. Seriously, what is with these siblings always grabbing people by neck? It makes the scenes a little awkward, don’t you think?

Please stop grabbing people by the necks. It's not polite.

Honestly, Hela was a great villain. There were a lot of twists put on her for the movie that wasn’t originally in the comics. For example, Hela was actually Thor’s niece and Loki’s daughter in some of the comic series. She was a little more well-known and certainly not hidden from Thor. The movies did keep her motivations much the same as she did continuously try to take over Asgard and build up her undead armies. Being that she’s the daughter of Loki, what else would you expect from her? She was quite the mischief maker much like her father. It’s obviously a bit different in the MCU with this revelation that she is in fact the daughter of Odin instead; clearly, she’s not here to pull pranks.

17 Who Would Win?

via: reddit.com

And now we’re back to roasting Thano and his new, charming looks. The poor guy just can’t seem to get a break on this list of memes. Hopefully he knows what a grape is so he can laugh at himself. While this meme certainly is funny for comparing one of the MCU’s mightiest villains to a crushable fruit the size of a thumb, there’s a few things it’s leaving out. After all, Thanos isn’t just any grape; he’s a grape with a very fabulous glove that just might change the game in this recent movie.

We all love the Avengers and we always will want to see them win their battles, but Infinity War is something else entirely. Plus, they’re not always together in this movie. Seriously, Tony and Steve need to just get back together at this point, this breakup is hurting all of their Avenger kids. What’s also very admirable about all of the Avengers is that not all of them really have any kind of super powers. This might also not be the best thing when it comes to fighting a titan with a mission, but it does tell us that anyone can be a super hero.

16 The Flavor Stone

via: memedroid.com

Whoever made this got really creative. But hey, at least Thanos has some rad hair this time around. And we bet Guy would agree that the Flavor Stone is the most powerful one out there. What we love about this meme, and part of why it’s on this list, is that someone had to have taken some serious time out of their day just to create it. Seriously, this is a work of art all on its own. We hope the Flavor Stone's power would be to create amazing diners; it’s not the hero we asked for, but it is the hero we needed.

The Flavor Stone has ultimate power... of flavor

Memes aside, all of the Infinity Stones have some pretty crazy powers. We know what some of them can do; we’ve seen Loki with the tesseract, Strange with the time stone, Vision with the mind stone and the power stone in Guardians of the Galaxy. The others we have yet to really see, but it’ll be exciting to watch what kind of damage they can do in Infinity War. Those of you who’ve seen the movie already know the damage it did to our hearts. If you could create an Infinity Stone of you own, what kind of powers do you think it would have?

15 Watch It

via: dorkly.com

We really need to put these two in a room together just to see if Steve can keep it together long enough. One of Drax’s greatest qualities is not being able to get metaphors. Sure, it makes audience’s laugh, but it also is something that might actually make even Captain America confused for a moment or two. Think back to poor Peter when he first met his fellow guardian; if that could happen again with Steve it’d probably be a laughing gold mine. Besides, is anyone else tired of watching their language around Captain America?

Originally in the comics, Drax wasn’t actually a human! Although he still took everything literally, but this wasn’t because he came from an alien society that collectively couldn’t understand. Rather, Drax was a human spirit that had a specially made body. While his character has had a lot of changes in the MCU, he’s still certainly a crowd favorite that we all love dearly; metaphors or not. We can only hope that Drax will find our human Avenger company to be just as enjoyable as his merry band of misfits in space. We’re not so sure Captain will be as excited as the rest of them are.

14 We Support It

But aren’t we all on this journey to to gain the affection all of the Spider-Men? We guess if someone is going to finally do it, it may as well be Robert Downey Jr. He is just as good looking, after all. Finally, a cause we can all truly get behind. No matter if you like Marvel or not, you can’t disagree with this one! If this photoset is right, he’s well on his way there. Such an admirable cause.

We’re all behind you Robert Downey Jr.!

What we love about the current MCU, however, is the relationship on screen between Iron Man and Spider-Man. It’s really touching to see Tony actually being responsible for once. Peter really looks up to Tony and you can tell that all he ever wants to do is make him proud, even if that means risking his life doing some pretty deadly stunts. Tony clearly has to care just as much about Peter because he actually makes a lot of decisions to try and protect him. When Tony starts being an adult, you know it’s serious. Pepper must be so proud of him… But not enough to overlook some of the other dumb things he does on a daily basis.

13 Leave Vision Alone!

via: dorkly.com

Vision is really going to have a hard time in Infinity War. If you’ve already experienced this cinematic adventure, you probably know just how rough Thanos and his gang went after him. Do you think a simple hat would have stopped them from chasing after our favorite super hero android? Obviously this meme does. Plus a nice fuzzy hat looks pretty good on him — we’re sure Wanda would agree. We love that relationship, but it sort of requires that Vision stays alive.

Vision has the Mind Stone and it’s always very interesting to see how that particular stone interacts with the rest of his being. Vision’s entire being is actually very interesting because he’s not just one personality. He’s made up of several different beings that are sort of all melded into one; Jarvis and Ultron for example. He’s not just the Mind Stone, but it is a very important part of his life because it is what essentially keeps him alive. Without it, we probably wouldn’t have the only living android in this cinematic universe. This poor guy has gone through enough; just leave him and Wanda in peace Thanos! We just want one happy ending out of this whole thing.

12 All Of Us In a Nutshell

via: noguiltlife.com

This one is for those of you who’s already seen Infinity War. You’re probably gearing up a lawyer now for all those psychological damages Marvel has just thrust upon you with this recent movie. No one was ready for that ending and we just want you to know, we’re here for you. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, but you’re still looking at this meme anyways, just prepare yourself the best you can. It won’t make a difference come the movie’s end, but you will finally understand why everyone is so distraught. The only thing that makes this picture hurt more is the fact that it’s Loki eating the popcorn; this poor guy goes through too much.

This is all of us who watched Infinity War.

Some might argue that Loki deserves what he gets in Infinity War, but what’s truly heartbreaking about his scenes in particular is that he’s finally trying to do what’s right. Even though he’s been a pain in everyone’s side, especially his brother’s, he hasn’t been all that bad in the past few movies he’s been a part of. This last one really was a testament to his character and him finally being a bigger person than who he was. Honestly, we wouldn’t be surprised if this photo was just him sitting on the sidelines watching after all he went through. Poor Loki.

11 No Patrick!

via: comicbook.com

These memes are now getting out of control and you all need to learn some self restraint. This one has us dying; perhaps literally since this is Thanos we’re talking about. In the beginning of this year, the ever popular Patrick Star had a screen shot taken of a particular panel that then became yet another Spongebob meme. As if the world needed yet another one of those memes. This one really sort of became the shadiest one there is and was posted on pretty much everyone’s timeline, regardless of their social media platform.

It appears we’ve evolved to finding a screenshot of Thanos making quite the similar pose. Whoever found it may just be the most attentive and diabolical person in this universe and we should all be very afraid for the future. No one would have expected this meme, but we’re pretty sure Thanos is feeling it right now with all those stones wrapped around his hand. If he was more inclined to our kind of Internet humor, or maybe if he even just had a Twitter, we’re pretty sure he would have made this himself at the end of Infinity War just to get a rise out of us.

10 So That’s How He Got So… That.

via: dorkly.com

This meme has been going around quite a bit recently and before you ask, no we are not off of how much Thanos has changed since he was first introduced. The one thing that really didn’t need to be changed was his skin tone; we were all really okay with him being a deep purple. Maybe the creators felt that it was time for more of a purple hue rather than an entire tone, but he actually looks a little more younger than his original version to. What on earth, or off it, could be his secret to such youth?

He’s younger and… Lighter?

We have to keep in mind that it’s been six years since Thanos was first introduced and within those years our technology has changed a lot. This could be one of the many factors why we keep seeing new versions of Thanos with each movie he makes a cameo in, but that’s not the only reason. In the comics, Thanos actually does have very odd skin; the color continues to change depending on what kind of lighting he’s standing in. Sometimes it does get to this sort of pink hue that we’re looking at in this meme while other times it’s a shade of dark purple.

9 Okay Stop It

via: ritlu.com

We all love the Avengers and we all love the sailor scouts, but this meme is taking us out there. If you’re a fan of both comics and manga, or maybe just anime, you can kind of see the resemblance between these two powerful groups. For those of you who only vaguely know a little bit about Sailor Moon, you might find this funny because the Avengers are being compared to a group of high school girls in sailor uniforms. Give the scouts more credit! They’re actually a pretty powerful group of girls and at least all of them have some kind of super power, which we can’t say for all of the Avengers.

Here’s just a few things the Avengers have in common with the sailor scouts. Firstly, they’re all groups of friends. Even though not all of the Avengers have gotten along as of recently, especially since Captain America and Iron Man decided to break up, a lot of them are still good friends. Hopefully, perhaps even in the next movie, we’ll see them all get back together. It’s also funny because the sailor scouts aren’t really just one team; Pluto, Uranus and Neptune are sort of their own group much like the Guardians of the Galaxy are to the Avengers. Even though they all sort of want the same thing, they’re not necessarily the same group of heroes.

8 The Dream Team

via: imgur.com

We all love these two together, even if they’re just standing in the same proximity as the other. Whether you ship them as friends or more than, their personality clashes make them such a great comic relief in the grand scheme of things. It’s not ever your typical butting heads that you often see when characters don’t quite match up in their design, but rather that they don’t actually understand each other. Mantis really does not get that Drax has very little to do with her, but she still tags along with him anyways. Drax doesn’t really quite understand why he’d ever even need Mantis around. All in all, it’s an excellent archetype that we don’t really get to see very often and one that really only works because of who they are.

This may be the best dynamic between two characters in the entire MCU.

A little unknown fact about Mantis is that in the comics she actually did have quite the crush on Vision. That’s right, the android we’ve also taken to roasting in this list. She and Vision don’t have a romance, however, as Vision is still very taken with Wanda even in the comics. Mantis does actually fight Thanos head on in the comics which is actually something they kept relatively consistent with her role in the battle during the movie.

7 Please Stop Reminding Me

via: dorkly.com

The build up to Infinity War has been a lot of dark humor. In particular, we’ve been told that several people will die, some of which will be our favorite superheroes. Marvel has been trying to emotionally prepare us for what’s to come. But after seeing a lot of reactions from it’s first few weeks out in theaters, we know there's not enough preparation in the world for that movie. We love this meme because Ragnarok was more or less a little more light-hearted like its predecessor Marvel films. Sure, it told us that Thanos was coming, but it wasn’t nearly as dark.

Now we can see that all of that wholesome superhero light that often radiates off Marvel movies is suddenly gone; like Thanos just snapped his fingers and the lights went out. It’s really taking our heroes into new territory we’ve not seen the MCU really head into yet. One other great thing about this meme is that Chris Pratt is in it; he’s usually our go-to happy character, even when he’s playing Star-Lord. We don’t think any amount of his jokes or silly scenes will be able to cheer us up this time with Thanos looming right over us.

6 This Family

via: easygram.club

Going back to everyone’s favorite ship, here’s one that will remind you just how great it was when the Avengers were actually together and not split in two. We love how innocent this new version of Spider-Man is, but it’s great to see Peter asking for something so innocent. This isn’t the only meme like this either; in fact, there really needs to be a whole category for memes and fan art about Peter being Steve and Tony’s kid. Especially with how Tony treats him in the movies, this isn’t really hard to see.

Spider-Man might hate this family, but we don’t!

We’re sure every kid has been in this position trying to get their parent to pick them up fast food on the way home from some function and being devastated when they’re denied. We’ve probably said the same sort of edgy, overdramatic kind of thing just like Spider-Man says in that last panel. Plus it looks like Steve really just wants to get home at this point, which we’ve all probably been in his shoes too. We could see this happening on screen, although that would have to require the Avengers officially getting back together before we can do it. Make that call Tony, you’re going to have to at this point!