Marvel's Avengers is an incredibly ambitious game that, while flawed, is off to a great start. Anyone that plays looter shooters will tell you these games always come out in pretty rough shape, but given enough time and fan support, they eventually find their way. Warframe, Destiny 2, and even Diablo 3 had significant problems at launch that took a great deal of iteration and tuning until they became the games that people love today. With all that said, here are the 5 things we hope Marvel's Avengers can fix as soon as possible.

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Multiplayer Communication (Ping System)

Beyond the campaign, Avengers is a multiplayer game. As your power level increases and you pursue more challenging content it becomes increasingly untenable to play the game by yourself. The A.I. teammates aren't the brightest, and even if they were, they are limited by the power level you've managed to earn on each one. In an online lobby, you'll find players with comparable power levels that have much better game sense than the bots.

All this to say: communication is really important. When you load into a War Zone mission there could be 10 objectives scattered around the map and, without a way to ping targets most players will end up dividing and doing their own thing. Further, pinging and combat can let players know when you need help or tell players to focus on a target.

Voice chat is an option, but pinging is a standard way to communicate in multiplayer games. It's a feature that Avengers is sorely lacking.

The Shop/Assignment Experience

This is a quality of life problem that's incredibly frustrating and actively discourages efficient playing and maximizing rewards. Let's start with the shops.

There are two faction shops, a non-faction shop, and a cosmetic shop. Each requires physically going to the vendor. Two of the shops are on the helicarrier and two of them are at the Ant Hill. You'll need to go to the mission table, choose the correct region, and move to the outpost that features the shop you want to look at. The shop itself is a total mess of different items for all the characters and random power levels, most of which aren't even accessible until reaching a certain faction level. Getting to the shop and viewing the items is headache-inducing.

Daily assignments have many of the same problems. These function like Destiny bounties (but complete more-or-less passively) and need to be collected from the specific on the Helicarrier and one at the Ant Hill. You should collect and complete all the assignments for both factions each day, but you really have to go out of your way to even collect them.

The shops need a total overhaul for readability and the Assignments need to be auto-assigned each day.

Codex And Accessibility Of Information

As you collect gear you'll have access to perks that affect things like stun, stagger, and willpower. There are damage types like graviton, cryo, and particle with corresponding status effects like shrink, burn, and shock.

Avengers has a Codex where you can read a bit about every enemy type, the locations you can visit, and the 4 brands of gear...and that's it. If you want to learn about status effects or damage types or anything of the other keywords that you see on the gear you pick up the only source of that information is the tooltips on loading screens.

This information needs to be more accessible so players can make informed decisions about the gear they're wearing and the build they're making. It's very frustrating to try to compare two pieces of gear when you don't even understand what the gear does.

Hero Gates

This is one the community is probably the most vocal about right now because it directly impacts the ability to get gear, or in other words, it stops you from doing the one thing you want to do most in a looter shooter.

Gear gates are areas only accessible to certain heroes. There are breakable walls only Hulk, Thor, and Ms. Marvel can break and there are security panels only Black Widow and Iron Man can hack (Captain America can't do anything). If you aren't playing the right character you simply can't access the loot.

This is less of an issue on multiplayer because you can diversify, but in single-player there's no solution. If players could command the NPC teammates to access the Hero Gates it would solve this problem.

The 3 Lives Rule

There are plenty of other issues that need to be addressed immediately (like matchmaking) but this is the one that has personally impacted me the most. In multiplayer when you get knocked down you just need one of your teammates to stand near you and you'll get back up and keep fighting. It doesn't matter if you go down 100 times as long as someone can pick you back up.

When playing with a full A.I. team you only get three lives. Once you get knocked down three times you'll be reset at the last checkpoint. Single-player is already hard enough considering my team is made up of low-level bots (until I have the time to level up four characters evenly) so why should single-player players be further punished with this arbitrary three lives rule. While matchmaking gets sorted it, is has made the end game a real chore.

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