The Call of Duty gaming franchise has a lot of secrets and hidden details that not even the biggest fanboys know about. From forgotten video games, all the way to real life vehicles, and beyond. This list will detail twenty of the most awesome details you didn't notice while playing the games. These tidbits may even affect the way you feel about the Call of Duty franchise. In no time, you will appreciate the years of effort the developers —who worked so hard to hide these intricate details— put into the game. You will kick yourself for not noticing some of these, but that doesn't make them any less cool. All I can say is that when I found out about some of the Easter Eggs in this video game franchise my jaw dropped.

Call of Duty is hardly known for its groundbreaking narrative, but these secrets show how much energy the developers put into building their worlds. Giving players hidden details to find is proof-positive that Call of Duty is a franchise that the developers care about and are thrilled to be a part of. And the fans love it too. These secrets would never surface without players painstakingly going over all of these games searching for hints and clues.

20 I Can’t Believe Google Maps Is In Call Of Duty!


If you have played Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 you are bound to have used tactical insertions in multiplayer. Well, what if I told you that the numbers that appear on the tactical insertions are actual locations in real life. To explain, in every Call of Duty map the numbers will be different to show a different real-life geographical location. As in the Call of Duty map Hijacked if you enter the numbers that appear on the tactical insertion into google maps. It will bring you to a ship that is just off the shore of a random island. Now, the next time you play Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 be sure to type those numbers into google maps as you have no idea where you could end up.

19 Who Knew That Both Of These Maps Were Right Beside Each Other?

via: (overtflow)

When you are playing the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 map Hijacked if you scope/aim off the boat you will see an island in the far distance. Well, what would you do if I told you that this island is actually where the map of Cove takes place? All you have to do to prove this theory is look off the shore of the island and you will see a yacht in the far distance. However, if you scope at the yacht you will see the yacht is identical to the boat in Hijacked. This shows that both maps are right beside each other. Many cracked a devious smile at the little Easter Egg as it is tying the two maps together into the same Call of Duty universe. I have to say I'm quite glad this conspiracy is proven to be true so it didn't end up on the list of "15 Conspiracy Theories About Call Of Duty."

18 Are Marvel And Treyarch Working Together?


Okay, the two companies are probably not working together, but there is a reference to a certain Marvel character in the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 campaign. This happens when you are playing the campaign level Celerium as you will see Thor’s hammer. Yes, the God himself is an Easter Egg in this game. This hammer appears in the mission after you are finished with parachuting, and you are walking around a dark cave. When you eventually walk into the cave, you will happily see the hammer just chilling on a rock. Many say you are best to shoot at the hammer because the light from the bullets will allow you to see it better.

17 Why Was This Game Mode Cut?


In Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 there was supposed to be a game mode called Hacker. However, this game mode was soon canceled, and it’s a shame as it involved robots. The objective was supposed to be that you were to hack neutral A.G.R.s which is short for Autonomous Ground Robots. You would get points by the robots getting kills on your enemies and of course by your character also getting kills on the enemies. Although, if you used the robots to get the kills, it would earn more points for your team. Unfortunately, this game mode was cut, but if you look hard enough, you can find an icon of the game mode online and also in the game’s menus.

16 Was Jason Statham In A Call of Duty Game?

via: (Almin Agic)

Yes, the man known as Mr. Transporter himself gave his voice for the original Call of Duty game. Statham voiced the NPC Sergeant Waters who is a British soldier who helps fellow soldier Evans throughout the game. Sergeant Waters is most known for using his Bren gun to support Evans when he is planting explosives on the highly dangerous Flakverling guns. After this, Waters gives Evans the command of running into a bunker to refuel some rockets so he could denotate the remaining bombs and explosives. Once the explosives go off, and destruction reigns down the team are ordered to get away from the explosions. When the team gets away from the explosions, you don’t see Waters again. However, it is presumed by many in the Call of Duty community that he survived the explosions. I mean, how could Sergeant Waters not survive he’s basically Mr. Transporter.

15 Wait! There Is A Call Of Duty Game That I Don’t Own?

via: (

When fanboys of the Call of Duty series come up to you and brag about how they played every game, you can tell them that they are wrong. There is a decidedly unremarkable Call of Duty game everyone forgets about. The game is simply titled: Call of Duty. The game is forgotten by many gamers, because it was released all the way back in 2004 on Nokia’s N-Gage mobile console. It had a single player campaign which had you complete a few objectives and goals in each level. You could also play multiplayer with eight of your friends through Bluetooth. From playing multiplayer over a piddling Bluetooth connection on a heavy brick-esque phone, all the way to high-quality Wi-Fi, it’s definitely remarkable how times change.

14 Would You Play A Call Of Duty Card Game?


Sadly we'll never find out if it was any good. Still, at one time many thought that this would become a reality. There was originally a two-player Call of Duty-inspired card game by Upper Deck Entertainment, but it was canceled in the autumn of 2008. It would have seen the player deploy three soldiers and the cards would determine what actions the soldier would take against the other player of the game. Upper Deck Entertainment garnered a rather large backing for the game, but it was canceled for reasons that are still unknown to this day. I mean the card game wouldn’t be as enjoyable as the video games, but it would at least have been fun to try it out with friends and family members.

13 A Board Game Inspired Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2!

via: (Ali-A)

Yes, I know this is hard to believe, but this is 100% true. A massively popular —and award-winning— game named Carcassonne was crucial to developing the mega-hit Black Ops 2. You won’t believe how it inspired the developers of the brilliant video game. David Vonderhaar, who is the design director of the game, said that he was having a conversation with his friend about Carcassonne. This conversation inspired him to design the create a class pre-match menu. Once the game developers heard about the idea for the create a class menu they thought it was a brilliant idea. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2's development team then began writing gun names down on cards and matched cards together to see if the guns on the cards would create a good class. Too cool.

12 How Does Someone Play Call Of Duty For That Long?


Did you know that the longest Call of Duty marathon session lasted an unbelievable 135 hours and 50 minutes? I don’t understand how someone can play the game for that long as I get bored after a few hours of multiplayer. Well, a Call of Duty gamer named Okan Kaya, was able to accomplish this record all the way back in 2012. Within these 135 hours and 50 minutes, he was allowed to take a break for ten minutes every hour. This was so he could fuel up his energy with food and various sporting energy drinks. These ten-minute breaks were allowed by Guinness World Records, so the record did and still does count. During this gaming session, he was able to rise up to 37th in the Call of Duty leaderboard by just being fuelled by energy drinks. Now, that’s impressive!

11 How Many Accomplishments Can One Gaming Franchise Make?


Well, the short answer to that question is many. The accomplishment that we are talking about here is how many of the games in the series made it to the list of the top 40 best selling video games. These entries that made it to this specific list are all the games that were released after Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Yes, every single game released after Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has made it onto this very prestigious list. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the highest on this list and it was released all the way back in 2011. To date, this specific game has sold roughly 26,500,000 copies and will continue to sell more. If that accomplishment isn’t impressive, I don’t know what is.

10 Call Of Duty Can Make You Smarter


This gaming franchise will make your thoughts and actions much sharper. Playing a first-person shooter like Call of Duty will dramatically increase your reaction times (as you improve your K/D ratio). There is actually a research paper published by the University of Rochester based on this subject. The researchers proved that first-person shooters help to improve the quickness of your thoughts in real life. They did this by testing a group of gamers who played Call of Duty, and then performing similar experiments on gamers who played The Sims. As it turned out, the gamers who played Call of Duty had much faster reactions than to those who played The Sims over the same period.

9 Why Can People Play These Games For Free? It’s Just Not Fair!


You know the way you spend lots of your hard-earned money to buy the Call of Duty video games. Well, what if I told you that not only some people, but a whole country of people, get to play Call of Duty multiplayer for free. Now, prepare to be annoyed as —in China— there is a game entitled Call of Duty Online and it is only available to the people of China. This game draws inspiration from the maps of various Call of Duty games such as Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. In this online game, you can use the same guns and perks that are in the original Call of Duty games. However, the part to be the most jealous of is the fact that you can even play the zombies game mode for free in this game and it is entitled Cyborg Rising.

8 I Can’t Believe How Many Hours Have Been Wasted On This Game!


How many hours have you spent playing these video games? Maybe a hundred or even a thousand hours. On the other hand, have you ever thought about how many hours combined gamers around the world have spent playing these video games? Well, Activision decided to total up all the hours that have been spent playing Call of Duty games, and the results are shocking. The conclusion was that over 1900 years have been spent playing the games within the Call of Duty franchise. Now, if you do the math, that equals up to around three billion years that has been spent playing these games. I don’t know about you, but the next time I play these video games, I’ll be thinking about how much time and effort I’m wasting. Instead, I could be doing something actually productive like I don’t know, working!

7 That’s Where The Teddy Came From?!


If you have played Call of Duty zombies, you are bound to have noticed the teddy bear on top of the Mystery Box. Many gamers have no idea why the teddy bear is there, but I do. You see, the stuffed animal is there because it is a recurring Easter Egg to other games in the series. The bear first appeared in Call of Duty: Finest Hour, and since then it has appeared in all of the Treyarch Call of Duty games. There is a dark and disturbing theme to the bear, that relates to a developer losing their child, but it also ties all of Treyarch's games together. Honestly, this small detail makes the Treyarch developement team seem a little bit more knowing and prestigious for including a consistent detail year after year.

6 Why Would They Cancel This Game?


The canceled game that I am talking about in this entry is Call of Duty: Devil's Brigade. Devil's Brigade was in development a few months before Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was released in stores. Call of Duty: Devil's Brigade was different to other Call of Duty games as it was going to be in the third person format. However, the game was soon canceled because Infinity Ward was not happy with it. Underground Development who was the studio behind the game had one of the canceled game’s developers Jason VandenBerghe make a comment. This is what he had to say, “ If the IW guys say they want to control the Call of Duty IP, they don't even have to say our name. We just got sideswiped."

5 Can Playing Call Of Duty Help You Find A Job?


Yes, playing Call of Duty can actually help you find a job. This means the next time your parents tell you to stop wasting time playing the Call of Duty games, you can tell them that, "You never know what skills might come in handy." You see, since 2009, Activision has been donating some of the game’s sales money to the Call of Duty Endowment group. The group allows military veterans to find jobs when they return to the United States after fighting for their country. Millions of dollars have been spent on this group as people want veterans to have the life they deserve. It is estimated that this Call of Duty group has actually helped more than 20,000 veterans find new jobs after the service they have completed for their country. Ok, so maybe this one won't get your parents off your back — but it is a feel-good story.

4 For The REAL (rich) COD Fans


I know there are many Call of Duty fanboys out there bragging about all the merchandise they have. However, you can assure them that they don’t own a Call of Duty Jeep. Yes, you can actually buy a Call of Duty jeep that is in the form of a wrangler. This Wrangler is inspired by the jeeps that are in the Call of Duty franchise specifically Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The jeep itself is entitled the 2012 Wrangler Call of Duty: MW3 Special Edition. You are able to purchase the vehicle in the colors of black or bright silver, and they are designed for off the road driving as they have 32-inch tires. These vehicles were released in November 2012 to co-inside with the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

3 Zombies Mode Was Originally Only A...


Could you even imagine the Call of Duty franchise without the zombies game mode? I know I couldn’t, but that was nearly the reality. You see, during the development of Call of Duty: World At War the game’s developers created a zombie mode as a side project just to have fun with it. World At War's developers later asked the studio if they could add it and the studio went back and forth with the idea. They later agreed to put it in the game, however, only as an Easter Egg once the player completed the campaign of the game. When gamers found out about the zombie’s mode after completing the campaign they were stoked about it. The constant talk and speculation of zombies led Treyarch to put the game mode in all their future Call of Duty video games.

2 The Jet Gun Is A Prototype Of What Gun?!


If you played the zombie's map Green Run, then you will know about the Jet Gun weapon. This weapon is a wonder weapon that you build during the game, but there is something you may not know about this weapon. The Jet Gun is actually a prototype of the Paralyzer. Yes, these weapons are similar in a few ways. For example, they both use wind to slow down the poor zombies before it kills them. Another similarity is the fact that the weapons are rather large in size but the characters are still able to run around with both the guns. Many do not like the Jet Gun as, after all, it's just a prototype weapon. Many players (myself included) think it deserves a spot right here: "15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)."

1 Do Oscar Award Winning Writers Write The Story Of The Call Of Duty Games?


Have you ever thought to yourself that the stories in the Call of Duty games are incredible? This may be because Oscar award-winning writers have written multiple Call of Duty games. Paul Haggis who has written successful films such as Million Dollar Baby wrote the screenplay and the story for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. While, on the other hand, David S. Goyer who wrote the screenplay for Batman Begins also wrote the story for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. It is evident that the recent games in the Call of Duty franchise have been very cinematic. From the overly detailed cut scenes to the story itself the game really does look like an Oscar award-winning film.