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Battlefield 2042 has made some radical changes to the Battlefield formula. Dynamic weather is now a threat, 128 players are on the same map, and classes have been replaced with Specialists—playable characters with unique gadgets and passives. Players can mix and match weapons and secondary gadgets with their Specialist of choice, but they can't alter their core gadget or passive trait.

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Understanding the Specialist system is key to getting the most out of 2042's core game modes, especially Hazard Zone. This guide will cover what Specialists are, how they differ from classes and their respective roles, what each Specialist does, and we'll provide some tips on how to use each of them.

What Are Specialists?

Battlefield 2042 Specialists

Specialists are playable characters that take up the mantle of classes from previous Battlefield titles. Instead of selecting from one of four classes, you'll pick from one of ten Specialists before you deploy. Each Specialist in 2042 has one gadget and passive boon exclusive to them. These gadgets are quite powerful, allowing you to use a grappling hook at will or call down a loadout crate mid-fight to change your weapons. Excluding the Hazard Zone game type, any player can use any Specialist, even the same one. Battlefield 2042 has ten playable Specialists as of release, eight of which are unlocked immediately. Mackay unlocks at level 15, and Paik is playable at level 25.

Since Specialists have replaced classes, there are no weapon or gadget restrictions in 2042. An ammo-generating Specialist can use a sniper and RPG, for example. You cannot change a Specialist's unique gadget or passive perk.

Are There Classes In Battlefield 2042?

Not in the core game, no. The traditional roles of Assault, Engineer, Support, and Recon were replaced with the Specialist system. With that said, Battlefield Portal —2042's custom game editor—has older Battlefield classes as Specialists you can use. Similar to the 2042 Specialists, these older characters have a specific gadget and perk you can't change. We'll cover these specific gadgets and perks in the Every Specialist section.

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Specialist Roles

Battlefield 2042 Renewal

Each Specialist in 2042 is categorized into one of four roles. They are:

  • Assault – Attack, Flank, Destroy
  • Engineer – Defend, Fortify, Improvise
  • Recon – Observe, Infiltrate, Eliminate
  • Support – Supply, Maintain, Revive

Assault is no longer the medic role of 2042; reviving and healing is now part of the Support role. Assault Specialists have gadgets that give them additional options in combat, typically in the form of mobility. Mackay has a grappling hook, Sundance has an array of high-damage greandes and a wingsuit, and Dozer has a shield that's impervious to small arms fire.

Engineer is now an anchoring role, focused on defending chokepoints instead of destroying and maintaining vehicles. The two Specialists categorized in this role, Irish and Boris, use gadgets that encourage stationary or defensive play. Any Specialist can now use the Engineer's Repair Tool and anti-vehicle gadgets.

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Recon is still a reconnaissance role, providing your team with information about the enemy's whereabouts. They also have gadgets tailored to disabling vehicles, as seen with Rao's hacking ability and Casper's drone. Paik's wallhack ability also falls under the Recon category. Snipers are no longer exclusive to Recon; any class can use them.

Support fills the classic medic and support roles from past Battlefield titles, replenishing ammunition, armor, and health. Every Support Specialist can also revive any ally that's down, not just members of their squad. The two Support Specialists in 2042 currently, Falck and Angel, also revive allies at a much faster rate.

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Every Specialist

There are ten playable Specialists as of 2042's release, eight of which are unlocked immediately. Portal also has multiple Specialists that mimic the classes from previous Battlefield titles. Each Specialist can be found below.


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Angel




Loadout Crate: Resupply armor and ammo to allies, or call in a loadout crate to switch loadouts mid-life.


Trauma Specialist: Revive any ally, and patients gain armor.


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Boris




SG-36 Sentry Gun: Engages and marks nearby hostiles.


Sentry Operator: Sentry guns are more effective while you're near them.


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Casper




OV-P Recon Drone: Control a drone that marks targets and disables vehicles.


Movement Sensor: If an enemy is behind you, the bottom of your HUD will glow.


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Dozer




SOB-8 Ballistic Shield: Deploy a riot shield that's immune to small arms fire.


Blast Resistance: Take less damage from explosives.


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Falck




S21 Syrette Pistol: Equip a six-round pistol that heals allies from range.


Combat Surgeon: Revive allies faster and at full health.


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Irish




Fortification System: Deploy a wall or trophy system.


Veteran: Additional armor / Recovers more armor.


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Mackay




Grappling Hook: Hoist yourself to wherever your grappling hook lands.


Nimble: Move faster on ziplines and while aiming.

Unlock Requirement

Level 15


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Paik




EMG-X Scanner: Highlights enemies through walls every 2 seconds.


Acquisition: 3D spot enemies that damage you.

Unlock Requirement

Level 25


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Rao




Cyberwarfare Suite: Hack enemies to distort their HUD, vehicles to disable them temporarily, or the environment to activate hazards.


Trojan Network: Downing a hacked enemy reveals nearby enemies for yourself and your allies.


Battlefield 2042 Specialist Sundance




Grenade Belt: Throw scatter, anti-armor, or EMP grenades. Swap grenade type with the Plus System.


Wingsuit: Replaces your parachute with a wingsuit.

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Battlefield Portal Specialists

Battlefield 2042 Specialist BC2 Assault

The classes present in past Battlefield titles—Battlefield 1942, Bad Company 2, and Battlefield 3—have been ported into 2042 as Specialists. Similar to the 2042 Specialists, these classes exclusive to Portal are forced to use a specific gadget and passive. You can't change your class' signature gadget.

Battlefield 1942 Specialists







Heightened Senses: Reveal nearby enemy soldiers on the minimap for your squad.


Medkit: Deploy a Medkit that heals allies within range.

Surplus: Deploy up to 3 Medikits at a time.


Wrench: Repairs friendly and neutral vehicles; damages enemy vehicles.

Minesweeper: Spot nearby enemy gadgets.



Resourceful: Slowly resupply launcher ammo over time.


Binoculars: 3D spot enemies through your binoculars.

Counter Recon: Enemies that damage you are revealed on the minimap.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Specialists






Ammo Box: Deploy an ammo box that resupplies ammo and gadgets to allies in range.

Grenade Vest: Carry an additional grenade. Underbarrel ammo is doubled.


Medkit: Deploy a Medkit that heals allies within range.

Medkit Improved Range: Medkit healing range is doubled.


Repair Tool: Repairs friendly and neutral vehicles; damages enemy vehicles.

Explosive Leg Pouch: Doubles your explosive gadget carrying capacity, excluding grenades.


Motion Sensor: Throw to reveal nearby enemy movement on the minimap.

Sniper Spotting Scope: Automatically spots enemies inside your scope while using x5 scopes or higher.

Battlefield 3 Specialists






Medkit: Deploy a Medkit that heals allies within range.

Frag: Carry an additional grenade. Underbarrel ammo is doubled.


Repair Tool: Repairs friendly and neutral vehicles; damages enemy vehicles.

Flak: Take less explosive damage.


Ammo Box: Deploy an ammo box that resupplies ammo and gadgets to allies in range.

Sprint: Increased sprint speed.


T-UGS: Deploy a device that detects nearby enemy movement and displays it on the minimap.

Ammo: Doubles carry capacity of primary and secondary ammo.

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Specialist Tips And Tricks

Battlefield 2042 Hazard Zone 1
via DICE

We've spent a little bit of time with each of 2042's Specialists. Here's one tip or neat trick with each character:

  • Angel – You can grab your own armor plates and ammo by throwing them at your feet. His ability also recharges, allowing you to top off on armor before each fight.
  • Boris – Your turret will spot targets it engages, even through walls.
  • Casper – Strapping C5 onto your drone is possible. Deploy your drone, load it with explosives, fly it near a vehicle or enemy, then detonate the C5.
  • Dozer – Dozer's shield can reflect small arms fire at the enemy. Do not shoot Dozer's shield.
  • Falck – Shooting a syringe into the ground will cause it to heal the next person that walks over it. Your syringes also have absurd bullet magnetism.
  • Irish – Irish's walls shine when paired with a sniper, allowing you to snipe from safety at any location.
  • Mackay – With C5, you can counter enemy helicopters by grappling up to them, deploying C5, then detonating the explosives soon after.
  • Paik – The wallhacks only ping enemies behind geometry. Purposely obstruct your view to scan for enemies.
  • Rao – Use an AA rocket with Rao. Hack an enemy helicopter to disable its countermeasure systems and weapons, then use your AA rockets to destroy it.
  • Sundance – Use Scatter Greandes against infantry, EMPs against gadgets, and Anti-Armor against tanks. AA grenades can work against helicopters, but it's inconsistent.

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