BDSM, an acronym for Big Drunk Satanic Massacre, is an upcoming top-down action shooter from developer Big Way Games. The game is over the top in every conceivable way and features some surprisingly adult content for a twin-stick shooter.

In it, the Devil's son Lou (short for Lucifer) has been holed up in a bar drinking the days away after his father was ousted from the throne by a hero who looks suspiciously like the Doomguy. Lou gets thrown out of the bar for reasons, and sets out on a mission to, well, kill everyone.

Lou have access to a variety of gun that you'll he uses to blow the heads off of hordes of demons. Health is managed by, what else, getting drunk. And the demon babes he rescues tend to reward Lou with, well, I'll leave that up to your imagination.

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Clearly, the game knows its audience and to that effect, the gameplay is simple, no-frills carnage. Lou has a short dash he can use to avoid damage as he kites demons around Hell blasting them with shotguns and assault rifles, occasionally stopping at a shop to upgrade gun and select some passive perks. He has an ultimate attack that charges over time and can unleash a beam of energy that decimates everything on screen.

Puzzles are kept to a minimum, and never require more brainpower than finding a switch to open a door, and exploration is limited. The game is clearly meant to be played in the same drunken haze that Lou is perpetually in.

If you're looking for a chance to turn off, blast some demons with a shotgun, listen to incredibly crass voice lines, and maybe glance at some intense demon material, this one has got you covered. Be warned though: this game is rated mature with a HARD M.

BDSM will be demo'd at PAX West later this month, they have a planned release date in September. You can add the game to your wish list on Steam for updates and news leading up to the release.

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