Treyarch promises that next-gen consoles will push the Call of Duty franchise to its limits.

The past several months have been full of speculation regarding the upcoming launches of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Microsoft and Sony have been emphasizing the power of these new consoles, and it seems that games like Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War will fully take advantage of this new hardware.

Yesterday's multiplayer reveal for Cold War gave players a glimpse into what they can expect from the game's maps, multiplayer modes, and weapons. The game's developer, Treyarch, also revealed that the game will run at 120fps on new consoles - a precedent unheard of until recently.

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Until now, only PC players could ever dream of boosting their games' frame rates to such high levels. Of course, high-end PC players will also be able to play Cold War at, most likely, higher frame rates than this, thanks to the upcoming line of NVIDIA RTX 30 Series graphics cards.

The new consoles will also reportedly offer support for ray tracing - a feature that not many games are able to take full advantage of, even on monster rigs.

It is still unclear if the entire game will run at 120fps across all game modes. It is possible that there will be differences between the campaign and multiplayer, and there may be options to favor frame rate over resolution, and vice versa. Frame drops could also be more likely in multiplayer, where 12 players could potentially simultaneously detonate remote explosives.

Warzone will still be supported if you play Call of Duty on current-gen, and the standalone battle royale mode will be integrated into the upcoming title. All skins and weapon unlocks will continue to be available for players who previously made purchases.

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War releases on November 13. Players who purchase the game for current-gen consoles will have the opportunity to upgrade for a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X version for an additional $10.

Source: Twitter

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