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The average FromSoftware game is set in an apocalyptic land on the cusp of total ruin, but in Bloodborne, Yharnam is in a league of its own. Danger lurks around every corner, and the few NPCs who have locked themselves up in their homes are liable to die without any outside interference. Whatever you do, don't suspect the goodly Chapel Dweller.

Bloodborne: How To Get Every Umbilical Cord And Beat The True Final Boss
While only three umbilical cords are needed to fight the final boss, there are four total to find hidden throughout Bloodborne.

While Bloodborne does have its fair share of questlines tied to NPCs, quite a few survivors need to be sent to a safe place. As you progress through the game, you'll come to Oeden Chapel, a haven for the few sane Yharnamites still out there. You will want to send them to the Chapel or Iosefka's Clinic, but the latter is a little suspect.

Updated October 9, 2023, by Sean Murray: If you're wondering what to do with all those NPCs, sending them to the Oeden Chapel is usually the right call. However, not always. We've updated this guide to have improved formatting, better tips, and more links to other helpful Bloodborne topics.

Lonely Old Woman

Bloodborne - The Lonely Old Woman talks about Yharnam and blames outsiders like our Hunter

The Lonely Old Woman will be the first survivor most will end up sending to Oedon Chapel. Her home is found by the dog pen in front of the sewer entrance in Central Yharnam, where an Infected Hound will be barking at her door.

  • Kill all the Infected Hounds in the area.
  • Speak to the Lonely Old Woman.
  • Direct her to Oedon Chapel.

Keep in mind that NPCs can only be sent to Oedon Chapel after you've stepped foot in it at least once. On a first playthrough, you’ll have no choice but to turn her down (albeit at no consequence).

The Lonely Old Woman is initially very hostile towards you, but she’ll warm up to you as bosses are defeated. Eventually, the Lonely Old Woman will start offering free Sedatives, even venturing out to find more on request.

Father Gascoigne’s Daughter

Bloodborne - The corpse of a young girl, believed to be the daughter of Father Gascoigne, found dead in the sewers

Gascoigne is a Hunter turned mad by the Hunt by the time you fight him. As it turns out, he has a family, and he may have recently killed his wife.

His daughter – located in a home by the Brick Trolls guarding the sewers – can be sent to Oedon Chapel after you kill Father Gascoigne. However, since this is Bloodborne, the little girl does not have a happy ending regardless of what you do.

  • Speak to Gascoigne’s Daughter and agree to find her mother. She gives you the Music Box item.
  • Defeat Father Gascoigne.
  • Find the Red Jeweled Brooch on the ledge above the boss arena.
  • Return to Gascoigne’s Daughter, but do not give her the Red Jeweled Brooch.
  • Direct her towards Oedon Chapel.
  • Kill the pig in the sewers and pick up the blood-soaked ribbon.

Unfortunately, Father Gascoigne’s Daughter is killed by the pig lurking in the sewers on her way to Oedon Chapel. Worse, giving her the brooch just sets her off in search of her family, getting killed by the pig anyway.

Should you visit the home after defeating Rom the Vacuous Spider, you can also condemn Gascoigne’s Older Daughter to her sister’s fate.

Bloodborne: How To Complete Eileen The Crow’s Questline
Eileen the Crow is one of the first NPCs players are likely to meet in Bloodborne, hidden away in Central Yharnam right by the sewers.


Bloodborne - Arianna close-up of her model in Oedon Chapel

A Cathedral Ward prostitute, Arianna’s home is found right at the start of the area at a dead end.

While amicable, Arianna can only be sent to Oedon Chapel after players have defeated three bosses or defeated at least one boss from the following areas: Cathedral Ward, Old Yharnam, Hemwick Charnel Lane, and Yahar’ Gul.

Realistically, you'll already have triggered the appropriate criteria to send Arianna to Oedon Chapel upon meeting her.

To find Arianna:

  • Warp to Oedon Chapel.
  • From the Lantern, exit towards the left.
  • Hook right up the staircase until you reach the courtyard.
  • Turn left past the carriages and follow the stairs down to a back alley.
  • Turn left at the bottom and Arianna’s home will be lit by a red lantern.

Arianna teaches you the Curtsy Gesture and offers you vials of her blood that restore HP and speed up Stamina regeneration.

Arianna can also be killed after defeating Micolash for One-Third of Umbilical Cord – a key item for unlocking the true ending & final boss.

Sceptical Man

Bloodborne - the hunter stands outside the home of the sceptical man in Cathedral Ward

The Skeptical Man also lives in the Cathedral Ward – right across from Arianna’s home. Unlike most survivors, the Skeptical Man questions everything around him and will outright disregard any advice you give him.

As a result, simply sending him to Oedon Chapel isn’t enough to get him there.

  • Send Ariana to Oedon Chapel.
  • Visit Iosefka’s Clinic and agree to send people to Iosefka.
  • Send the Skeptical Man towards Iosefka’s Clinic.

Distrusting you, the Skeptical Man will instead head to Oedon Chapel. He will now spend the rest of the game giving you contradictory information and generally being a pain.

Curiously, the Skeptical Man is the only NPC not to psychologically snap in the second half, though this might just be because he’s so narrow-minded.

Bloodborne: Recommended Order For Chalice Dungeons
Bloodborne's Chalice Dungeons are well known for being convoluted and a pain to figure out. Luckily, with this guide, things might be much easier!


Bloodborne - the hunter talks to Adella the nun inside Oeden Chapel

While Adella also lives in the Cathedral Ward, she’s already been kidnapped by Snatchers by the time you first arrive in the area.

You must allow a Snatcher to grab you and bring you to Hypogean Gaol if you want to speak with Adella and direct her to Oedon Chapel.

To reach the Hypogean Gaol, you need to beat the Blood-starved Beast boss in Old Yharnam. Then you need to get killed by any Snatcher, who will abduct you to Yahar'gul, Unseen Village.

After you've been sent to the Hypogean Gaol, you need to:

  • Exit your cell.
  • Turn right and follow the path until you reach a staircase.
  • Descend the stairs.
  • Turn right while hugging the wall.
  • Adella will be kneeling and praying by several jars.

Now equip one of the following pieces of Church-affiliated armour. This can be the White or Black Church Set, or any part of Gascoigne's Set.

Once equipped, you can speak to Adella and direct her to Oedon Chapel. Adella teaches the Church Bow Gesture and offers vials of her blood just like Arianna.

Suspicious Beggar

Bloodborne - The hunter talks to the Suspicious Beggar, who is seemingly eating corpses

Positioned by the Cannon in the Forbidden Woods, the Suspicious Beggar is an extremely dangerous NPC to send back to Oedon Chapel.

Analogous to Yurt from Demon’s Souls, the Suspicious Beggar will kill any survivors at the Chapel, rendering your efforts null. Worse, the Suspicious Beggar is bound to be the last survivor you find, giving him a perfect opportunity to pick off the rest.

The Suspicious Beggar will kill one NPC for each boss you defeat. If spoken to, he’ll give you Beast Blood Pellets for everyone he kills, along with leaving any dropped items untouched.

Sending the Suspicious Beggar to Oeden Chapel will result in the death of everyone there. The beggar is, in truth, a Darkbeast. After killing every survivor, he will simply leave the area, abandoning an empty Oedon Chapel.

If you've sent him there by accident and your NPCs are still alive, you can save them by killing the Suspicious Beggar first. Upon attacking him, he will reveal his true bestial form.

To dispel any doubt about how downright nefarious this guy is, you should note that he does not stay inside Oeden Chapel if you send him there. He waits outside. Why? Because the incense being burned by the Chapel Dweller keeps beasts away.

Since fighting the beggar is extremely tough, you can send him to Iosefka's Clinic for an easy kill. You will find him in there as a little blue Celestial Minion, and he will drop the Beast Rune upon killing him.

Next: Bloodborne: How To Enter The CUMMMFPK Dungeon To Level Up Fast