Gamers across the globe rejoice and virtually chant “one of us” as a video surfaces showing beloved actor Brendan Fraser so engrossed in his Nintendo Switch that he doesn’t notice an interview has begun.

Brendan Fraser - known for starring in the action filled The Mummy trilogy, cult classic Enchino Man and Disney’s Tarzan spoof, George of the Jungle - recently showed everyone how much of a gamer he is. While waiting to begin speaking with Youtuber Scott Lawrence, Fraser seemingly doesn’t notice the camera has been turned on and continues to play his game with laser focus. The back of the Switch has been labeled with the name “Fraser”, which quells any rumors that the Switch does not belong to the actor. Someone offscreen attempts to alert him that they have begun, but he gestures for another minute and continues to play until he notices Lawrence.

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The Youtube video has now been viewed over 48 thousand times and has some viewers negatively reacting to Lawrence’s interviewing skills. However, Lawrence cleared things up in the comments of the video by stating that he is in no way a professional interviewer. It appears the video is part of a meet-and-greet package for GalaxyCon that gave fans the opportunity to talk to celebrity guests for 2 minutes. Fraser had cancelled his scheduled live appearance at the con.

The short interaction has blown up on Twitter, as fans have already begun to use screenshots from the video as a reaction meme. Additionally, many have tried to guess what game was so immersive that it captivated Fraser to such a degree. Some have suggested the popular simulation game Animal Crossing to be the culprit, while others have pointed the finger at classics like Super Mario Bros or open world games - such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

In other Nintendo news, the new Pokemon’s upcoming release - Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - are getting their own Nintendo Switch Lite model based called Dialga & Palkia Edition. Additionally, PowerA recently lauched a new Hades themed Switch controller.

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