That's right Call of Duty is back and honestly more popular than it has been in recent years. This is likely due to it's Battle Royale mode.

Games like PUBG, Fortnite, and now Black Ops 4 make mega-millions off the Battle Royale genre and it doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon. That said, that's not all Black Ops 4 has to offer, Zombies is back, Multiplayer is the same as ever, and there are even weapon skins. It's apparent that Treyarch put in the work to make this Call of Duty a complete package and I'm glad that it's being recognized. But with all the content, easter eggs, and secrets they put in, there's tons of stuff people have missed. It's getting harder and harder nowadays to really 100% understand a game. Luckily, as the size of game content grew, so did the internet. Now, we have fanatical YouTube channels and Twitch streamers completely dedicated to guiding you through new releases. Along with the video content, there's also the articles and written guides. So, fortunately, you've got plenty of options when it comes finding out what you missed, and I'm glad you picked me! To make it up to you here's my list of 30 Things Everyone Completely Missed In Call Of Duty Black Ops 4.

30 Dark Ops Challenges

FPS games, especially Call of Duty titles are known for their absurd amount of challenges, levels, and unlockables. 

Every weapon has at least a couple different attachments, skins, and modifications.

Among all these sub-systems in Black Ops 4, are the Dark Ops. These are great for quick bumps to your XP and merits. They're also widely varied in their difficulty, some aren't even visible until they're beaten. Nonetheless, fresh Call of Duty fans are very likely to miss this entire system and because of that, also miss out on a good amount of content.

29 The Gold Weapon Camo

Cosmetics make or break video games nowadays. Whether its loot boxes, DLC, or just pure unlockables, people love their fancy costumes. 

CoD is no different. in Call of Duty Black Ops 4, the Camo system is back.

These are unlockable "skins" for your weapons that available after completing certain challenges. One that many people will miss is the Golden Camo, and there's a good reason for that. It's available only after every other camo for said weapon has been unlocked. It's the completionists camo, to say the least. A proverbial golden star.

28  The Zombie Mode Kraken And Elemental Variant

This time around the Zombies mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has really outdone itself. There is an absolutely insane amount of content within this mode and just as many secrets.

One of the most easily found ones is the Kraken.

This is a weapon that is available both through the Mystery Box as well as it's own chest's within the Voyage of Dispair map. Now the Mystery Box version is strong, really strong. But if you put in the work and collect the Elemental Version, you can dish out mega-damage to even the most elite zombies.

27 Torque's Note in Blackout Mode

Black Ops 4 has been getting tons of great press lately thanks to it's Battle Royale mode, Blackout. One feature that certainly helps is the ability to use Specialists in this mode. The class system that is in the multiplayer is also able to be unlocked in Blackout. 

One such character is Torque.

But it's no easy task, you must find Torque's Note in a supply drop, then use two razor wires and a barricade. And after all that you also have to finish in the top 7! It's a bit of a challenge, one that's missed by many.

26  Gold Weapon Camo With Purple Lightning

TheOceaneOpz on

Now if you're reading this in order you'll remember I talked about the Gold Weapon Camo.

What would you say if I told you it gets even cooler? Would you be...shocked?

Because if so, then the Max Tier Gold Camo is for you. These special camos are temporary, you unlock them through skill alone, and they go back to normal after the match. This one is unlocked after getting a Fury Kill with your Gold Camo Weapon. For the rest of the match, you'll be the cool kid in school with the golden toy, glowing with purple lightning.

25 No Single Player Campaign, But There Is Story

So Black Ops 4 has no story mode. It's disappointing, but not surprising in this day and age, Games really are most profitable in a multiplayer ecosystem.

But longtime fans of the franchise will tell you that Call of Duty actually has had some amazing story elements.

There have been well-written characters, jaw-dropping twists, inventive gameplay sections, and all around engaging plotlines. So it's sad to hear that Black Ops has fully given up on a story mode. It's especially saddening because this fact wasn't well advertised, and many people, including myself, didn't know it was lacking a story until it released.

24  Split Screen For Blackout And Zombies


But, on the other side of the "not well advertised" spectrum, there's split screen. Some days it feels like couch co-op is over. 

Long gone are the days where you could sit on the couch and play a console game with a couple of friends.

Everything's online now, and somehow video games forgot how to let people play in the same room. Luckily Treyarch remembered the good old days and included split-screen. It's honestly impressive that they managed to get the game running so well that they can include split-screen for the Blackout mode. Good on you Treyarch.

23 Firebreak Isn't In Blackout Yet, But People Say He Is

Firebreak isn't available in Blackout. That's essentially it. Don't believe the guides you've seen online that say you just need the Burned Doll in order to unlock him. That's not even it, you'd also need to beat another player using fire and finish in the top 15.

But none of that matters because the Burned Doll hasn't been implemented into Blackout yet.

It seems that Treyarch wants to put Firebreak in Blackout, but for some reason hasn't made it possible quite yet. So people are actually missing the fact that you can't unlock this character, and wasting their time trying.

22 Rainbow Diamond Mastercraft Camo

Gold Camo isn't enough for me, the purple lightning is not my style. But this Diamond Camo is just right. It is unlocked once a player unlocks the Gold Camo for every weapon within a specific category.

Honestly, the Diamond Camo isn't what I'm here for.

No, rather, every 5 person scorestreak you receive during a match, the diamonds change color. After 7 different color changes, you unlock the mother of all cosmetics, the Rainbow Diamond Camo. Like the purple lightning Gold Camo, it's temporary, but the pure visual spectacle of it makes grinding out the 7 scorestreaks completely worth it.

21 Unlocking Medic Class "Crash" In Blackout

Luckily, as opposed to Firebreak, Crash is unlockable for Blackout.

Now Crash is the "medic" specialist with a Tak-5 that heals allies even through walls.

That in of itself is absurdly strong in a scavenging game mode like Blackout. Crash can also provide ammo for his team-mates, all in all making him a top-tier choice for this Battle Royale. So how do you unlock him? Well, like the other characters, you've got to find his signature item. Crash is all about Poker Chips, usually found in Trauma bags (go figure). Finish with 15 healing items in the top 15, and Crash is all yours!

20 Emote Peeking, Hopefully, Will Be Fixed Soon

This has been a problem in a number of games, but switching between 1st and 3rd person causes issues. I understand that developers want to put emotes into their first-person game, and in order to fully enjoy that emote the camera has to zoom out.

Believe me, I really do understand that, but it's asking for trouble.

Every time a game lets players manipulate the camera in any way, it spirals out of control. In Black Ops 4 players have been using the Emote system to check for incoming enemies in Blackout, while they safely hide behind a wall. I'm glad most people have missed this "feature".

19 Wingsuit Can Be Redeployed

So this might be one of the most obvious aspects of the game, but did you know about the wingsuit? Stay with me now, but in the Blackout mode, the wingsuit can be redeployed. Crazy right?

Turns out if you jump off something high enough, you can use the Wingsuit to gain some extra distance and cover more ground.

Fortnite players probably immediately figured this out, as it's essentially second nature to them. But it really gives you an edge against players who haven't discovered this little secret.

18 Super Zombies In Blackout Give Rare Drops

Treyarch not only created one of the best Battle Royale modes so far but have also added to the genre. In Black Ops 4's Blackout mode, zombies spawn in certain locations on the map.

These zombies can drop any number of items upon defeat and even have their own exclusive drops.

Of course, there are also special zombies that spawn such as the "Blightfather". These aren't just exclusive to the Zombie's mode and can appear in Blackout as well. Because of the nature of Battle Royale games, players tend to avoid noisy areas, so many have missed the zombie aspect altogether.

17 Individual Weapon Attachments

Now you might think that there can't be THAT many unlockables in Black Ops 4, but you'd be wrong. There are weapons, perks, scorestreaks, camo's, skins, specialists, modes, songs, even utensils that are unlockables in this game and that's still leaving some out.

Now, what bloats this list a bit is the fact that weapons don't share these unlockables, at the very least not for attachments.

Each weapon has its own attachments that are individual to them. That means that nifty ACOG scope doesn't fit on all your weapons, you've got to unlock it again each time. Bit of bloat is right.

16 Minimap Fog Of War

Fog of war is a pretty old mechanic. It's been around as a mechanic since consoles could render fog.

So why did it take Call of Duty so long to integrate it?

They essentially already had it in past games, but a step removed. Fog of war in Black Ops 4 is that "mist" on your minimap. And unless you have a UAV or related scorestreak, you're not seeing through that mist. Now in past games, it was similar in that you couldn't see red dots on the map unless you had UAV. But it's expanded upon in this new installment.

15 Dark Matter The Ultimate Fanatic Camo

Now it takes a lot of work to unlock the Golden Camo. It takes an insane amount of work to unlock the Diamond Camo. But neither of those even compare to the Dark Matter Camo.

The Dark Matter Camo is only unlocked when a player completes every single challenge for every single weapon.

Essentially once you've unlocked literally every weapon cosmetic there is, you'll get the Dark Matter Camo. This is so rare, that upon researching this article, I could only find one person who had done it. So needless to say, a lot of players will miss it.

14 No Regenerating Health, All Stim Shot's Now

Ah the days of the red Jell-O, how I miss them. For a long stretch of time there, all games had regenerating health. Your character would lose health visible by the Red "Jell-O" covering your screen. I say Jell-O because it was supposed to be blood, but it never looked like it was.

Call of Duty is what "started" that trend, and now finally, they've moved away from it.

Black Ops 4 doesn't have regenerating health. Instead, all characters have access to the stim shots, a healing item. Basically, Treyarch gave us healing potions instead of health regeneration. I can roll with that.

13 Guns Still Up System Scorestreaks

This concept may only be missed by a minority. But this Call of Duty title brings back the "Guns Still Up" system from past Black Ops entries.

This system refers to the fact that players can still shoot while maneuvering, using score streaks, and throwing grenades.

You'd think that this would be obvious to players right? Well for people who don't already know about the system, it's not so easy. People don't automatically notice that they can still shoot while vaulting, most don't even try. And those that try may not pick up on it. It's a subtle feature that many have grazed past.

12 Signature Weapons, Essentially Fancier Masterclass Camo's

Official Promotional Material

Signature Weapons are a fancy word for extra fancy weapon camo's. Essentially they're a tier above the Diamond Camo. But, because they change the actual model of the weapon, they're a bit more involved to make. 

Even more so once a player unlocks the "Mastercraft" version of the weapon which changes its look even further.

Of course, all of these changes are purely cosmetic and have no effect on the stats of the weapon. But, if Gold and Diamon Camo aren't for you, then Signature Weapons might be just what you need. And because they're so rare, they're easily missed.

11 Some Returning Modified Maps

This next one is a feature easily missed by newcomers to the franchise. There are a lot of secrets in Black Ops 4 that harken back to the older games. Firstly, all of the named areas in the Blackout mode are essentially old multiplayer maps. That's why they're designed so differently and have their own unique identities. 

Secondly, Treyarch put 5 of the old maps into Black Ops 4.

Now, most of these maps have been remastered or remixed in some form, but Nuketown is something special. It's a neat little homage to Treyarch's past work that fans can enjoy.