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Stop us if you've heard this one before, but in the Pokemon games, many of the titular creatures are known to evolve into other species altogether. It'd be reductionist to label Cassette Beasts as a 'Pokemon clone' when it's brimming with nifty ideas all its own, but the genre roots are clearly there, and yes, there's something akin to evolution - it's called remastering.

Related: Cassette Beasts: Beginner Tips

Remastering your tapes in Cassette Beasts is similar in concept, but refreshingly different in execution. Let's get into the nitty-gritty on all those burning remaster questions - when, where, who, why, how, and our personal favorite, 'does the traffic cone crab also evolve?' (Yes.)

Five-Star All Your Friends

Cassette Beasts Carniviper

Do you like Carniviper? We do. It's such a cute snake. It can also remaster not once, but twice, with the second stage going in one of two directions. That's pretty spiffy. Good job, Carniviper! But before you can even begin to consider which route you want your cute poisonous boi to take, you'll need to reach five stars with it.

As your monsters level up, they gain stars rather than numerical designations. So, there's no such thing as a 'level 3 Carniviper'. There is, however, a 'three-star Carniviper'. Battling earns your monsters experience points, and filling the blue line on the cassette (you'll see what we mean after every fight) gains another star. Get your Carniviper - or anybody else capable of remastering! - to five stars, and you're en route to greatness.

Rest Up, Remaster

Cassette Beasts Meredith

Once a party member has reached five stars, it's time to rest up someplace. Bear in mind, of course, that not every monster can be remastered into a more powerful form. Generally speaking, though, if they can't, they're already quite impressive on their own merits - again, sort of like how your Zapdos doesn't evolve in Pokemon, but your Zapdos already kicks butt, so that's OK.

Regardless, rest. You can rest at campfires or the Gramophone Cafe Table. Either's fine. If there's somebody in your party capable of being remastered, the option will automatically present itself to you after clicking 'Rest', so you don't need to fiddle with the systems at all to make the magic happen.

Related: Cassette Beasts: The Best Companion Partners, Ranked

Philosophy 101

Cassette Beasts Masquerattle

Let's check back in with our beloved Carniviper. At five stars, Carniviper remasters into Masquerattle. Easy as pie. Many Cassette Beasts creatures' evolutionary methodology is just as concise. However, there is a somewhat uncommon variation on this, in which the game will ask you some form of philosophical query during the remaster process.

Notably, this occurs with your starter beast as well, whether it's sweet or spooky.

In Masquerattle's case, this will actually occur after Masquerattle gains five more stars, at which point it's prepared for its final remaster. Unlike Pokemon, there aren't a ton of three-stage remaster chains in Cassette Beasts, but there are still a solid few.

The questions you'll be asked for certain remasters will seem rather bizarre at first. Alas, that's the point. Answer as you will, and remember, you can always record monsters again and answer in the other direction to fill your bestiary up. For Masquerattle specifically, your answers will be either 'Elegance' or 'Ruthlessness'; Masquerattle remasters into Mardiusa if you choose the former, and Jormungold for the latter.

Both these monsters are recordable (catchable, in other words) in later-stage portions of the game, as is the case with many creatures whose evolutionary path you didn't choose. So again, no sweat - just pick the answer you like, there are no wrong replies.

A Few Oddities

Cassette Beasts Aeroboros

But wait! There's more. A handful of monsters in Cassette Beasts have very specific requirements for remastering, and wouldn't you know it, once again our saucy little Carniviper's evolutionary line is perfect for an example.

Take Aeroboros, a surprising third potential final form. For Aeroboros, have a Zephyr sticker attached to Masquerattle and then rest when it's at five stars. Rather than being asked a question, Masquerattle will remaster into the Air-type Aeroboros!

Here's everything we know about these exceptions to the norm:


Remaster Method



To avoid having it become either Mardiusa or Jormungold, have it equipped with a Zephyr sticker



The outcome of its remastering is dictated by whether you rest with it at five stars at day or at night

(Day) Tokusect; (Night) Wingloom


To avoid having it become Artillerex by default, have it equipped with a Gear Shear sticker



To avoid having it become Triphinx, have it equipped with a Close Encounter sticker



To avoid having it become Grampus, have it equipped with a Toy Hammer sticker



The outcome of its remastering is dictated by whether you rest with it at five stars at day or at night

(Day) Beanstalker; (Night) Draculeaf

Next: Cassette Beasts: How To Complete Ranger Training