Code Vein, the newest JRPG to hit consoles as of this year, has captivated many a gamer, both avid JRPG fans and otherwise. With its fully-customizable system, intense story, and Dark Souls-esque gameplay, it's easy to become sidetracked and miss things on a first play-through.

Most of us spent upwards of 45 minutes or more simply creating our character (the truer to our games selves, the better, are we right?); therefore, it goes without saying that becoming hung up on the glory of full boss fights, hypnotic NPCs, and a plethora of side quests is easy enough to do.

So for a second play-through - or a first, if anyone has yet to pick up this gothic anime adventure - here are some things to note when taking the full dive.

Related: 10 Best Custom Characters Made In Code Vein 

10 The 'Read Hint' Feature Is Easily Missable

As silly as it sounds, there are some of us who love to be given hints... especially when we're panic-slashing without fully thinking out our moves. Code Vein makes players work for their hints, though, as they're hidden in the section of the menu where you'll be swapping out blood codes.

When you're select the option there, you'll be brought to a list of terms that may prove helpful... we're not promising anything, but the option is there.

9 Whispers Mean A Vestige Is Nearby

Obviously, Vestiges are a very important aspect to this game. They're responsible for unlocking a whole slew of things, including the chance to unlock special abilities that could otherwise be missed. Additionally, a Vestige is a gateway to side stories - if you can listen closely enough for them.

When a player happens upon a Vestige, which is usually around in the open somewhere, they'll likely be able to hear strange whispers. This is a solid clue that you're near one and something not many realize until midway, or even the end of, the game.

8 The Jukebox That Seems To Play Only One Song Actually Plays Many

Fun fact: The music in Code Vein is pretty flippin' good. It's for this reason that players should know that the jukebox seen in the beginning (including in the final portion of the demo where you can save or squeeze the free version for it for all it has) does offer more than just one song.

As players advance, music will continuously unlock and can be cycled through upon returning to home base. Check it out next time you need a rest or a weapon upgrade.

7 A Secret Cutscene Can Be Unlocked With A Simple NPC Interaction

NPC are pretty important in this game, as they not only walk into battle with you, but can be led to certain areas of the game.

This holds true for Successor (boss) battles, and doing so with the correct NPCs can even unlock cutscenes that couldn't be viewed without the right person on your team. For example, Yakumo and the Successor of the Claw boss, which will unlock a cutscene specific to the character and the boss.

Related: The 5 Best Things About Code Vein (& The 4 Worst)

6 The Wolf Boss Holds A Helpful Surprise

Who are we kidding? With multiple endings, there are plenty of surprises which can be found throughout this crazy game. The one we're referring to, though, is specifically in Karen's location, when a player eventually fights the wolf boss.

Players will receive a Pure Blood item, but alas! There's more. A player can return to this same spot and continuously obtain items, including - according to one player - the Demeter Blood Code. Worth it, we'd say.

5 Just Do The Opposite Of Whatever An NPC Says

In most games, NPCs are there to warn the player of danger, take the brunt of a fight, or simply do nothing at all (we're talking about you, Donald... RIP wasted Kingdom Hearts lives).

In Code Vein, the NPCs will go out of their way to let the player know that a certain boss can simply be passed by and not fought. The funny thing is that enemies that can be skated past are usually the ones holding items. Ignore your NPC and fight anyway.

4 Enemies Will Attack From Above... Prepare Accordingly

This game is becoming famous for catching players off-guard. Even the most seasoned of gamers can only predict so many overhead attacks, and the word on the streets is that it's best to have a 360-degree radius during this game, rather than just watching front and back.

Going into this game, many players don't realize that enemies are unpredictable. It's certainly not the gist you get from the demo, during which the enemies are a piece of cake and come at you fairly head-on (mostly). Also, beware... They re-spawn.

Related: Code Vein: 10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting

3 Boxes That Don't Look Breakable Actually Are

It is so, so easy to miss boxes throughout this game. most of us aren't thinking along the terms of Zelda, where players could go crazy and smash just about everything. In Code Vein, it's best to operate in much the same way. Smash Everything. Ichor is easy enough to come by this way (which could be a literal life-saver) amongst other collectible items that could be sold to various NPCs later on in the game. Even if it doesn't look smashable, it takes less than three seconds to double-check.

2 Play Backwards: Complete Vestiges Before Fighting Successors

Things can get a little confusing when it comes to Successor and Vestiges. There's plenty in this game to keep track of, but it's easy to miss things when a player is so preoccupied on fighting the boss and playing for the story.

The catch is that many times, cutscenes are dependent on the order in which things are done, as well as the completion of the Vestiges before making way to the Successors. If you complete these in reverse, you'll have less of a chance of missing things.

1 Lost Items Are Easy To Miss With An Incomplete Map

Upon first playing Code Vein, it's easy enough to have an unbridled hatred for the map that pops up. The thing is, there are two different maps: The mini-map and the full map. The mini-map is the one that players have access to all the time, while the full map only appears after completing all the required attributes for that dungeon. Fear not, fellow gamers!

You can use the mini-map to your advantage to find items, Mistle, etc., in order to illuminate the full map. The trick is to pay close attention and keep an eye on it because certain things (enemies, items, etc.) only appear when the player is right on top of them.

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