Jacob “Pimp” Winneche, a former CS:GO professional for six years and current broadcast talent has been banned for 35 days from play, and he is being vocal about his frustrations and what he considers an unjust and “beyond stupid” error on the part of the Overwatch system.

In a tweet, Pimp explained how he was handed the 35 day ban following a game in which he was playing against five cheaters. He went on to describe how he wanted to surrender rather than engage with the alleged cheaters but another player on his team wanted to play the game anyway. Pimp then refused and killed his teammate.

Via: gaimer.net

According to Pimp, the ban was due to griefing a teammate, as intentionally killing a teammate is against the game's rules. However, if Pimp is accurate in his description of what occurred, there likely wouldn't be a ban at all. Not only that, but 35 days is excessive for a griefing ban.

One explanation for the problem may lie in how the Overwatch system functions by design. Once a player is reported, an individual from Valve must watch a few rounds to determine if the complaint is valid or not, and from there establish a disciplinary action. This means that someone might have reviewed the rounds, seeing that Pimp did kill his teammate but not noticing that the entire opposing team was cheating.

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While Pimp should not have killed his teammate, it is easy to empathize with his position if the situation is as described. Now the only option that Pimp has is to wait and see if Valve overturns or reduces the total length of the ban with a thorough investigation. If not, Pimp must simply wait it out.

We hope Valve weighs in on this soon one way or the other, as the ban feels pretty harsh if the situation is as Pimp claims it to be.

Source: Twitter

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