The Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account has graced fans of the upcoming RPG with an inside look at some new district concept art. After already being introduced to parts of Night City, we can now get our first look at Westbrook via some beautifully illustrated artwork.

A few gamers have already been gifted with a couple of hours of gameplay within Night City during CD Projekt Red's demo's, but this time fans are rewarded with scenic views of some greenery as well as the metropolis. The first image shared by the devs shows an upward view of stacked buildings that are reminiscent of Total Recall featuring neon signs within a cramped building format. The second is quite the opposite, showcasing beautiful views of a casino & club that flaunts its abstract design overlooking a majestic pool with palm trees and rocky mountains for a backdrop. The third image couldn't get any more Blade Runner, emphasizing a busy inner city with thick smog in the air as road and highways interlace with each other.

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These images have only fueled fans thirst for this futuristic experience even moreso than before. The gaming community responded with some positive comments on the stylish architecture featured and the loans fans are willing to take out in order to go to Westbrook for one night and one night only. The game confirmed that if you have enough eddies then this will be the place for you, other than that, a loan can be arranged for you to live like a king for a day.

Considered as the best place to live in Night City, Westbrook is that idealistic paradise to grant full escapism from a dense city life. The image of the casino and club gives fans a whole different perspective on the Cyberpunk tone that shows another side to be explored other than the towering skyscrapers and seedy underworld. The neon concrete jungle is not the only place for gamers to play in and rub shoulders with the high rollers.

Westbrook houses Night City's Japantown that holds a majority of the Japanese community and its cultural influences. It's the resort for the elite who players will also get to mingle with in this setting if you're wealthy enough or aren't afraid to take out that loan. Cyberpunk 2077 continues to add layers to its design, maps and narrative where the promotional team are really good at keeping fans on their toes.

Source: CyberpunkGame/Twitter

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