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The debate rages on as to which is harder in Dark Souls: the bosses, or understanding how covenants actually work. It is understandable that, to this day, many people don't understand how some of the more cryptic (pun intended) covenants work in the original game. Of all the possible covenants to join, it is undoubtedly The Gravelord covenant that is shrouded in the most mystery.

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Thanks to the remastered version of the game bringing attention, and a healthy boost of players, back to the title, now's the time to finally crack this riddle and learn how to join The Gravelord covenant and how Gravelording works.

Updated April 25, 2022 by Henry Moore: We've updated this guide to ensure that it's as accurate as possible and included additional information. We've also made it more readable and added helpful warning boxes to ensure you don't miss out on becoming a Gravelord.

How To Become A Gravelord

Before you can become a Gravelord, you must make sure you have not killed the Gravelord himself. Unsurprisingly, murdering the leader of your covenant is not a great way to move up in Gravelord society.

Gravelord Nito can only be faced after claiming the Lord Vessel, so this will not be a problem unless you are already in the late game.

To begin this quest you will need to navigate the deadly Tomb of the Giants and The Catacombs and reach a room inhabited by a Titanite Demon.

In this crypt area full of coffins and a Titanite Demon, look for an open coffin just before you reach the Titanite Demon. You can interact with this coffin and actually hop inside it. Just like waiting for the giant crow to take you back to the Undead Asylum, you need to wait here for longer than you might expect before anything happens.

For this journey to be successful, you must have an Eye of Death in your inventory, a number can be found behind the Titanite Demon, but they are also dropped by the horrifying basilisk creatures in the Depths.

As long as you have an Eye of Death, after about 30 seconds or so, a short cutscene will play, and you will be brought to a new area with the Sarcophagus Gravelord. Once here, just pray to the Sarcophagus and you will be prompted to join the Gravelords.

How Gravelording Works

In short, this covenant lets you curse other players' worlds by using an Eye of Death item to spawn mobs of black phantoms into their world. But, and the reason most people never experience Gravelording or understand how it works, the targeted player must at least be doing a new game plus run for it to work.

Unlike other types of invasions or covenants, you do not have to be in human form to be the victim of a Gravelord either. The only way for the cursed player to rid themselves of these black phantoms is if the person who Gravelorded them dies or exits the game, or if they invade and kill that player.

To invade the Gravelord, the cursed player has to find a special black invasion sign on the ground. Whoever wins will also be granted an Eye of Death.

There are a number of benefits to joining this covenant, not least the interesting items you gain. These bonuses are listed below.

  • Gravelord Sword
  • Gravelord Sword Dance
  • Gravelord Soul Sigil
  • Gravelord Greatsword Dance

As you find more Eyes of Death throughout your journey, return to Nito in order to rise in the covenant's rankings. Ten Eyes will raise you up one level, while 30 will see you rise beyond that.

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