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The asymmetrical world of The Entity in Dead By Daylight allows you to play as a survivor or a killer. You need to coordinate with three other players as a survivor, but the result of the game is completely in your hands if you play killer. The Nurse is one of the original killers in the game, and every player gets her for free.

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The killer has been at the center of many debates because of how strong she can be, and the developers have constantly made changes to her base kit and add-ons to address that. Still, every player can destroy the other team as The Nurse with enough practice.

How Does The Nurse's Power Work

Dead By Daylight Nurse Standing In Eyrie Of Crows

The Nurse has a unique power that lets her teleport through any object on the map. Once you load into the trial, you can hold the Power button to start charging your blink. As soon as you release the button, the killer will blink in the direction you're looking at, and the length of your blink depends on the charging time.

After the first blink, you get a window of a couple of seconds where you can charge up your second blink to perform a follow-up teleport. Although, you enter a state of fatigue if you don't trigger your power before this window runs out. You will also get the fatigue state after performing both your blinks.

Since her ability is the strongest in the game, The Nurse is the only killer who moves slower than a survivor. Her base movement speed is 3.8m/s while that of a survivor is 4.0m/s. Moreover, the other killers in the game have movement speeds ranging from 4.4m/s to 4.6m/s.

Your fatigue is also dependent on the number of blinks performed. You will be fatigued for a longer time if you lunge after your blinks as well, even if the lunge doesn't hit a survivor. This is why it's important to not perform unnecessary blinks or lunges. When you're in the fatigue state, it's hard to see where the survivor is going.

Tips To Play The Nurse

Dead By Daylight Nurse Archive Cutscene

If you're playing The Nurse for the first time in Dead By Daylight, it can be quite daunting to use her power even if you have played the game for a long time. You require very precise teleportation if you want to catch survivors, and an experienced survivor can give you quite a hard time.

Here are a few tips that can make the process of learning The Nurse much easier:

  • Use the Plaid Flannel add-on to learn her blinking mechanic. This is a brown add-on that lets you see exactly where you're going to blink. This can help you memorize the general range of your blink based on the charging time, which is the most important aspect of learning this killer.
  • Use your first blink to place yourself better for the second blink. While this might give you extra fatigue for using two blinks, it's the best way to ensure that you can catch the survivor.
  • Try not to base your blinks on prediction. If a survivor cuts a corner and you lose sight of them, try to blink at the corner instead of guessing where they went. This is because an experienced survivor will lose line of sight and then double back on their movement.
  • You need to have the blinking mechanic in your muscle memory to get better, so don't be afraid to lose a few games when you're learning. If you have an experienced survivor in the game, you can keep chasing them to learn how to counter their movement.

Best Build For The Nurse

Dead By Daylight Nurse Build Screen

In the current meta, you can easily put four slowdown perks on any killer and win the game. Although, this might not feel satisfying because you'll be carried by the perks and not your skill. Since The Nurse is already a strong killer, here's the build that can synergize well with her mechanics:

Perk Name

Reason For Use

Scourge Hook: Gift Of Pain

When you have a Scourge Hook perk equipped, four random hooks in the trial are converted to these hooks, and their auras are shown in white. Placing a survivor on these hooks will give them Hemorrhage and Mangled effects.

It will also decrease their repair and healing speed if they fully heal after their first hook. This perk incentivizes the survivors to not heal, which can be deadly against a good Nurse.

Lethal Pursuer

This perk allows you to see every survivor for nine seconds at the start of the trial. With the aura, you can find the best target and get a quick down with The Nurse's power. It also increases all other aura readings by two seconds.

Barbeque And Chili

Whenever you hook a survivor on any hook, you'll be able to see the auras of all other survivors that aren't in a 40-meter radius. After hooking a survivor, you can use this perk to quickly start another chase and increase your overall pressure.

Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

If you hook a survivor on one of the Scourge Hooks, Pain Resonance will instantly take away 15 percent of progress from the most progressed generator. When this is triggered, you can use Barbeque to locate the generator and stop it from being completed.

This build is a perfect balance between game slowdown and information. You'll be able to see the locations of other survivors when you need to, and playing well will reward you with extra pressure from Pain Resonance and Gift Of Pain.

Perk Synergies With Stridor

Dead By Daylight Nurse Looking At Stridor Perk

Stridor increases the noise made by an injured survivor by 50 percent, and the breathing noises of healthy survivors are increased by 25 percent. This perk can help you locate survivors easily, especially if you're playing The Spirit or The Knight where you can't see them while using your power.

Here are a few perks that can synergize well with Stridor:

Sloppy Butcher

You need survivors to stay injured as long as possible if you want to hear the extra noises, and Sloppy Butcher can help you do that. The survivors with this effect will also drop extra blood.


Since Stridor is all about tracking survivors, Bloodhound can help you do that even better. The perk allows you to see the blood pools dropped by survivors much easier.

Perk Synergies With Thanatophobia

Dead By Daylight Nurse Looking At Thanatophobia

For each injured, hooked, or downed survivor, every survivor in the game gets a two percent penalty while repairing, sabotaging, and cleansing totems. Moreover, if all four survivors are injured, there's an additional 12 percent penalty applied.

This perk can synergize quite well with some other perks, but it makes the game boring for the other side:

Forced Penance

It's important to prevent survivors from healing so that you can stack the Thanatophobia effect. Forced Penance does so by applying the Broken status effect whenever someone takes a protection hit.

Hex: Pentimento

If you get two stacks of Pentimento, it decreases the healing speed by 30 percent for all survivors. While this synergizes well with Thanatophobia, the perk itself is situational.

Perk Synergies With A Nurse's Calling

Dead By Daylight Nurse Looking At A Nurse's Calling

A Nurse's Calling is an aura-reading perk that lets you see the aura of all the survivors that are healing within 28 meters of your radius. You can use this perk with:


Unlike other perks from The Nurse, you need to incentivize players to heal if you want value out of A Nurse's Calling. Hysteria makes every injured survivor Oblivious when a healthy survivor is injured.

Since the survivors can't hear your terror radius when they're Oblivious, they'll most likely heal for extra protection.

Blood Echo

Whenever a survivor is hooked, all the injured survivors gain the Hemorrhage and Exhausted effect. Exhaustion perks are one of the strongest perks for survivors, and this perk will counter them if they stay injured.

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