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Deadcraft emphasizes surviving a zombie apocalypse by learning to sustain yourself through crafting, cooking, and farming. Farming especially holds an important place in the Deadcraft experience for multiple reasons. First, farming provides food that boasts multiple status effects. Additionally, you can farm zombie minions to come to your aid in battle. Lastly, tasty recipes that you cook from your crops can help your status or get sold for a high price tag.

Related: DeadCraft: Beginner Tips

Is farming in Deadcraft challenging? Not at all! If you've played other life sims before, such as Animal Crossing, farming in Deadcraft will come quickly. Learning to farm in Deadcraft will also make character progression faster since you'll earn SP after harvesting crops. So, roll up those sleeves, and let's develop that rotting green zombie thumb with some farming pointers!

How To Plant And Grow Crops

This farming tutorial teaches you the ins and out of versatile veggies in Deadcraft.

Planting and growing crops are essential to survive in Deadcraft. Doing so equips Reid with consumables that he can eat to replenish his food, water, zombie, energy, and HP gauges. Furthermore, selling your crops plays plenty in Zol. Here are the step-by-step instructions to start farming.

What You'll Need

  • A Field: Fields are three by three squares where you can till soil and farm your crops. Luckily, your home base will have one field ready for you to use. However, if you need more room to farm, you can also craft additional fields by learning the Farming In The End Times skill. Here's the recipe:
    • Crafting Facility: Crafting Table
    • Materials Needed: 15 Soil, 10 Iron Ores, and 10 Flimsy Wood
    • Location In Crafting Menu: Section: Craft, Tab: Utilities
  • Seeds: The first three seeds you'll learn about in Deadcraft are pumpkin seeds, tomato seeds, and Average Frankie sprouts. You can buy pumpkin and tomato seeds at The Slum's goods shop. Average Frankie sprouts must get crafted.
  • Water: Sludge, Agua Cola, or Zivblood will suffice. Watering your crops with Agua Cola will make them grow faster. Zivblood makes hybrid vegetables and zombie crops.

Step By Step Instructions

  • Till Your Field: First, you need to till your field so the soil can foster the growth of your crops. To till a field, walk up to a field square and select Till​​​.
  • Plant Seeds: After a field square gets tilled, you can click on the square again to plant seeds. Doing so will open a menu where you can choose which seed you wish to equip in your item slot. Then, you can click on the field square one more time to plant the desired seed. You can plant the same seed when moving to another square with one click.
  • Water Your Crops: Once you plant your seeds, you need to water them. Watering crops works similarly to planting seeds. First, pick a field square and choose your preferred water. Then, water the square. You'll have to water your crops every few hours for a couple of days before they'll be ready to harvest.
  • Harvest Your Crops: You can harvest your crops with a single click on your grown produce. Sometimes, your crops will even yield additional seeds. Make sure to have room in your inventory to collect everything you harvest. Otherwise, you won't be able to pick them up.

Normal Crops Vs. Zombie Crops

An Average Frankie stands beside an abundant crop of pumpkins and tomatoes in Deadcraft.

In Deadcraft, you can grow typical human produce, like tomatoes, pumpkins, and turnips. However, you can also farm hordes of zombie minions and zombie veggies. Here's what you need to know:

Normal Veggies Vs. Hybrid Veggies

A side by side display of normal pumpkins and tomatoes vs. hybrid pumpkins and tomatoes in Deadcraft.

You can harvest two types of vegetation: standard veggies and hybrid vegetables. Hybrid vegetables have unique qualities that affect your zombie gauge when consumed. Therefore, growing them is essential for keeping your zombie scale in check.

But what makes hybrid vegetables the way they are? The answer is the water. Watering your crops with normal water sources, like sludge and agua cola, will yield typical crops. However, watering them with zivblood produces hybrid vegetables.

Growing Zombie Minions

The Grown An Undead Friend tutorial teaches players how to farm Frankies in Deadcraft.

Another distinctive crop in Deadcraft is the zombie soldiers you can grow that will fight alongside you against enemies. These minions are known as Frankies. The first Frankie you'll learn to farm is the Average Frankie, a zombie grunt in your undead army. You'll learn the ins and outs of farming Average Frankies in the Silent but Not Deadly mission with Zombie Gramps. Still, for reference, here are the instructions to make one:

  • Skills Required: Zombie Farmer
  • Crafting Facility: Field
  • Materials: Average Frankie Sprout, Zivblood
    • Average Frankie Sprout Materials: 1 Corpse, 2 Z-Hearts
    • Average Frankie Sprout Crafting Facility: Crafting Table [View the Consumables tab in the ZombieCraft section]

Growing Average Frankies is similar to growing other crops. All you need to do is craft your Average Frankie sprout, plant it in your field, and water it with zivblood. And voila! You got a certified undead ally!

Frankies will wield the same weapons as the sprout corpse used when it was alive. Therefore, you should track what weapons and abilities an enemy offers before harvesting their slaughtered corpse.

Related: DeadCraft: Complete Crafting Guide

Cooking Your Produce

Reid cooks over an open fire at his home base in Deadcraft.

On their own, the produce you generate through farming has considerable benefits when eaten raw. However, those benefits, like status effects and market value, become more significant when you cook your produce. One of your first missions in Deadcraft will teach you the Novice Cook skill so you can build a fire pit. You can select whatever is available in the fire pit's crafting menu to cook. Here are some essential recipes:

Roasted Pumpkin

Roasted Pumpkin, fresh from Reid's fire pit in Deadcraft.
  • Category: Craft
  • Description: "A fire-roasted pumpkin. Not the easiest to crack open and eat, but man, that sweet flavor is worth the effort."
  • Materials: 2 Pumpkins
  • Status Effects: -10 Zombie Gauge, +20 Energy, +50 Food
  • Market Value: 590 Zol

Roasted Tomato

Roasted Tomato, fresh from Reid's fire pit in Deadcraft.
  • Category: Craft
  • Descriptions: "A fire-roasted tomato. The texture is different from normal, but it's just as delicious."
  • Materials: 2 Tomatoes
  • Status Effects: -10 Zombie Gauge, +50 Food, +20 Water
  • Market Value: 630 Zol


ZomBBQ, fresh from Reid's fire pit in Deadcraft.
  • Category: Zombiecraft
  • Description: "Flame-broiled z-meat and hybrid veggies. Looks delicious, but the amount of total ZiV in each ingredient means only a half-zombie should attempt to eat it."
  • Materials: 2 Hybrid Tomatoes, 2 Hybrid Pumpkins, 1 Z-Meat
  • Status Effects: +10 Zombie Gauge, +30 HP, +20 Energy, +20 Food
  • Market Value: 1,030 Zol

How Can I Improve My Farming Skills?

A look at the Tilling Expert ability in Deadcraft's Skills menu.

After growing your first few crops, you may become frustrated with the duration it takes to tend to your field one unit at a time. After all, this repetitive action becomes energy and time-consuming. Are there any ways to speed up the process? Luckily, there is!

If you visit the Abilities tree in the Skills menu, you can learn to farm faster with less energy. For instance, the first two farming abilities you can retain are Tilling Expert and Watering Expert. Each skill allows you to till or water three field units at a time for a lower energy cost. You'll still use three water items when watering three crops simultaneously, but you'll spend less energy than you would by watering one crop at a time. These two skills alone speed up the farming process significantly.

As you progress through your skill tree, you can upgrade the skills above to Tilling Pro and Watering Pro, respectively. Plus, you'll come across skills that enhance your cooking, like Second Helping, which boosts the status effects of your recipes.

Next: DeadCraft: Building Your Character