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Destiny 2's Witch Queen expansion brought a whole new economy for weapon crafting. Players looking to create the perfect god roll will need to extract resources from Resonance weapons, level their crafted gear, and obtain some rare materials—notably Ascendant Alloys.

Related: Destiny 2: How To Farm Legendary Shards

Ascendant Alloys are the weapon counterpart to Ascendant Shards, Exotic materials required to craft enhanced traits on your favorite gear. This short guide will go over every source of Ascendant Alloys and the best farm for earning them. There aren't many ways to acquire this resource, but you only need a couple to maximize a crafted weapon's potential.

Updated July 31, 2023, by Charles Burgar: Ascendant Alloys are receiving an inventory capacity increase in Season 22, so now is the perfect time to familiarize yourself with all Ascendant Alloy drop sources. We've updated this guide to include all up-to-date drop locations for Ascendant Alloys, and we've updated our farming section to include the Lightfall campaign playlist as well.

How To Obtain Ascendant Alloys

Destiny 2 Exotic Glaives

There are a few ways of earning Ascendant Alloys in Destiny 2, although most of these sources have limits. If you're looking to farm this resource, you'll need to farm Master-tier campaign missions.



Core Amount

Master Rahool



H.E.L.M. Vendor Reward Track



Banshee-44 Reward Track



Weekly Campaign Mission



Season Pass

Reward Source


Master Rahool

Destiny 2 Rahool

Master Rahool sells one Ascendant Alloy each week for 400 Legendary Shards. This limit is account bound and resets with each weekly reset. Should you have a full stack of Ascendant Alloys in your inventory, you'll be unable to purchase additional Ascendant Alloys from Rahool.

H.E.L.M. Vendors

Destiny 2 Season of the Deep HELM Wing

Some of the seasonal vendors in the H.E.L.M. offer Ascendant Alloys as you increase your reputation for that given season. Currently, the only vendor with Ascendant Alloys in their reward track is the Sonar Station from Season of the Deep, granting one Ascendant Alloy at rank ten. You can increase your rank with the Sonar Station by completing Salvage and Deep Dive activities.


Destiny 2 Banshee-44 Gunsmith Rewards

Banshee-44's reward track includes one Ascendant Alloy towards the end of their reward track. You can increase your reputation with the Gunsmith by completing Banshee's daily bounties and dismantling unwanted items. As with most vendors, this reward track resets every season, so be sure to claim your rewards before a new season begins.

Weekly Campaign Mission

Destiny 2 Witch Queen Campaign Master Difficulty Modifiers

After completing enough Investigations at The Enclave, you'll be able to play the Witch Queen weekly playlist, allowing you to farm one Witch Queen campaign mission for rewards. Lightfall's campaign features a similar playlist. Both playlists offer Ascendant Alloys as a potential reward, its drop chance being determined by the difficulty you select. Master difficult has the highest drop chance, but note that it isn't guaranteed. The Legendary campaign does not drop Ascendant Alloys. The last two difficulty tiers of this playlist don't have matchmaking, so bring a fireteam if you plan to farm this.

Season Pass

Destiny 2 Season of Defiance Season Pass Rewards

As with most Masterwork materials in Destiny 2, you can earn a couple of Ascendant Alloys from the current Season Pass. There are two up for grabs each season, available at the following ranks:

  • Rank 89: x1 Ascendant Alloy
  • Rank 95: x1 Ascendant Alloy

The Best Ascendant Alloy Farm

Destiny 2 The Arrival Featured

Beyond purchasing Rahool's weekly supply, the best Ascendant Alloy farm is the weekly campaign mission. Both the Witch Queen and Lightfall playlists have the highest drop chance for this material out of all available sources, and neither requires six people. It's possible to solo a Master campaign mission, but don't expect it to be easy. Get a fireteam together, coordinate loadouts, and get familiar with the mission.

As for which missions are best to farm:

  • The Arrival (Witch Queen): Besides the fight against the Lucent Lightbearer, this mission is quite easy. Stick to long-range weapons, don't play too aggressively, and have counters to all shield and Champion types.
  • The Last Chance (Witch Queen): Simple mission that doesn't take too long to clear. Similar to Arrival, play cautiously if solo.
  • First Contact (Lightfall): This is a fairly short mission with easy encounters. Bring some form of Suppression or Blind to trivialize the Tormentor fight.

Next: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Weapon Crafting