Titans are the last defense between the enemies of the Darkness and humanity in the Destiny universe. In Destiny 2, Titans are particularly adept at supporting fireteams with damage buffs and punching things to death, sometimes doing both simultaneously.

Related: The Best Exotics For Titans In Destiny 2, Ranked

With four subclass elements to choose from, Titans have plenty of choices on how they wish to defeat the multitude of enemies in Destiny 2, be it in PvE or PvP. Nearly every subclass for Titans is well-balanced and has a place, even if some subclasses offer more benefits than others. From throwing shields at enemies to turning into a missile, here is every Titan subclass ranked from worst to best in Destiny 2.

Updated October 16th, 2022, by Charles Burgar: Bungie reworked every Light subclass throughout Year 5, some of which include Titan's subclasses. The Striker, Sunbreaker, and Sentinel have never been stronger. We've updated this list to include the 3.0 conversions, showcasing playstyles and the value of each subclass Aspect.

4 Behemoth (Stasis)

Destiny 2 Behemoth Titan



  • Great Add Clear
  • Excellent Survivability
  • Highly Build Dependent
  • Good Movement Options
  • Easily Create Cover
  • Terrible Super

Behemoth Titans are walking whirlwinds of destruction, shattering anything that stands in their way. Their default subclass seems highly underwhelming at first glance, yet it's when you start synergizing Aspects, Fragments, and mods that the class truly comes online.

Related: Destiny 2: The Best Warlock Builds For PvP And PvE

A good Behemoth build has permanent 40% damage resistance in PvE, multiple ways of spawning crystals, even more methods of shattering foes, and a constant 25% damage buff. Behemoths can also be great in PvP with their powerful Aspects and synergy with other Stasis users. They require specific gear to feel good, but a skilled Behemoth player is a major asset to any fireteam.

Behemoth Aspects

Destiny 2 Behemoth Diamond Lance Aspect

Diamond Lance received many buffs during Year 4, turning it into a powerhouse of an Aspect. Shattering targets will create a Stasis spear you can throw, freezing anything it touches. Create a Stasis wall, shatter nearby foes, then use the spear they generate to deal even more damage. Paired with the three Fragment slots, Diamond Lance is S-tier in PvE and a solid PvP Fragment.

Cryoclasm is the ultimate movement Aspect for Behemoths, greatly extending your slide upon sprinting for a short duration. This slide throws enemies off target and allows you to shatter Stasis objects you touch. Throw a Glacier Grenade, slide into the wall, then finish the target with a close-range weapon. It's a fun Aspect in PvE and absurdly strong in the Crucible.

Tectonic Harvest spawns Stasis Shards whenever you break Stasis crystals. Since the Behemoth can easily spawn crystals with their Glacier Grenade or Hoarfrost-Z Exotic, it's incredibly easy to generate these crystals. Use Whisper of Rime alongside this Aspect to become virtually unkillable in PvE, and you can use this alongside other Behemoth Titans to create a "Behemoth Engine," giving your team infinite melee energy and overshields. Its niche setup does limit its applicability in PvP, but this Aspect is a powerhouse in PvE when used correctly.

Howl of the Storm can instantly freeze enemies in their tracks. Slide and perform your melee to create a series of Stasis crystals, freezing anyone in the path. It's a powerful ability in PvP but difficult to recommend in PvE over your other Aspects.

3 Sentinel (Void)

Destiny 2 Void 3.0 Titan Shield



  • Great Survivability
  • Fast Cooldowns
  • Limited Build Options
  • Constant Overshields
  • Great Supers
  • Limited Build Options

Sentinel Titans have great survivability with their Void Overshield mechanic, have access to low ability cooldowns, and they can inflict Volatile on just about everything. They're a powerful subclass for the Crucible, capable of extending a duel in their favor through overshields. For PvE, Sentinels can throw constant grenades and use high-damage melee abilities.

All of this comes at the cost of build diversity, as most Sentinel builds focus on using the Bastion and Offensive Bulwark Aspects. Controlled Demolition is difficult to use since Bastion and Offensive Bulwark both complement each other, forcing Sentinels to either abandon that style of build or chase a Void weapon with Repulsor Brace. Even with this slight drawback, it's clear that a Sentinel Titan is a powerhouse in both PvE and PvP.

Sentinel Aspects

Destiny 2 Sentinel Bastion Aspect

Bastion is the beating heart of nearly every Sentinel build. Your Barricade grants Void Overshields to anyone standing behind it, allowing you to take full advantage of the Offensive Bulwark Aspect and increased EHP inside of all content. It makes Titans a nightmare to kill in PvP, and it enables some powerful builds in PvE. The only drawback to Bastion is its one Fragment slot.

Offensive Bulwark gives a plethora of buffs while you're affected by a Void Overshield. Your grenades recharge faster, your melee deals more damage, and your melee lunge range is increased. Paired with the two Fragment slots, it's easy to see why most Sentinel builds use this Aspect alongside Bastion.

Controlled Demolition inflicts Volatile when you damage someone with a Void ability. That power is lessened by its lack of neutral game buffs or the ability to generate Void Overshields. Many builds opt to avoid Controlled Demolition because of this, forcing you to either use Repulsor Brace on a Void weapon or abandon the Aspect entirely. With that said, this Aspect is absurdly powerful in PvP, allowing your abilities to inflict even more damage, heal everyone nearby, and inflict additional pressure on your foes. It's the Sentinel's most niche Aspect but far from bad.

2 Striker (Arc)

Destiny 2 Arc Titan



  • Storm Grenades Are Absurd
  • Short Ability Cooldowns
  • Limited Exotic Options
  • Storm Grenades Are Absurd
  • Fast Movement
  • Grounded Playstyle

Striker Titans cause terror with their array of grenades, melee abilities, and powerful Thruster class ability. Arc 3.0 was kind to all Titan mains, granting them arguably the strongest grenade since pre-nerf Glacier Grenades. Storm Grenades with the Touch of Thunder Aspect are S-tier in PvE and PvP, compounded by the strength of Heart of Inmost Light.

Related: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Arc 3.0

The rest of the Striker's kit supports this playstyle with hard-hitting melee attacks and a class ability that gives your Titan a dodge. With Heart of Inmost Light, this subclass becomes the ultimate ability spam platform for both PvE and PvP. You deal absurd damage, have a counter for just about everything, and have access to a few movement abilities. The only thing holding the Striker back is their survivability; limited healing options punish reckless play without the use of Well of Life or numerous DR effects.

Striker Aspects

Destiny 2 Striker Touch of Thunder Aspect

Touch of Thunder is the best grenade Aspect in the game, not just for Striker Titans. Storm Grenades roam the battlefield when created, striking targets caught under the storm. You can use this grenade to clear waves of enemies in PvE, deal major damage to Champions, or even flush Guardians out of cover in PvP. It's the best grenade in the game, hands-down.

Knockout gives the Striker a much-needed method of healing, infusing your charged and uncharged melees with Arc energy when you bring an enemy to critical health. Punches lunge further, deal more damage, and are capable of triggering charged melee effects like Melee Wellmaker. It's a great Aspect for all Striker builds.

Juggernaut is a great PvP Aspect for aggressive players. Sprinting with full class ability energy will project a shield in front of your character, absorbing all incoming damage. Excess damage is blocked, allowing you to tank a Golden Gun shot or any Heavy weapon. That alone is quite powerful and makes it worth using over Knockout for aggressive playstyles. For most players, Knockout's extra Fragment slot will serve their build far better, especially in PvE.

1 Sunbreaker (Solar)

Destiny 2 Nightmare Containment Titan With Scythe



  • Virtually Unkillable
  • Devastating Ignites
  • Requires A Good Build
  • Great Survivability
  • Solid Neutral Game
  • Limited Exotic Options

Arguably the best subclass for Titans is Sunbreaker, a Solar spec that's focused on spawning Sunspots and constant healing. Sol Invictus allows a Sunbreaker to light the battlefield aflame, granting ability energy and healing to themselves. Pair this with high-damage grenades or the powerful Consecration melee for the ultimate PvE and PvP class.

Nearly every part of the Sunbreaker Titan is great. They can give nearby allies Radiant with Ember of Torches, buff allies with Sol Invictus through Phoenix Cradle, deal meteoric damage with Consecration with Synthoceps, and spam their abilities through smart Fragment configurations. Sunbreakers are fantastic in all content and have plenty of build options.

Sunbreaker Aspects

Destiny 2 Sunbreaker Sol Invictus Aspect Fixed

Sol Invictus is the centerpiece of most Sunbreaker builds. Defeating targets with Solar abilities will spawn a Sunspot, a stationary fire tornado that grants buffs when you stand in one. You gain Restoration and faster ability cooldowns for a short time upon walking through a Sunspot, making it far easier to spam your abilities.

Consecration is a wide slam attack that can be triggered while sliding. The uppercut attack releases a wave of fire in a wide arc, Scorching them and triggering on-hit melee effects. Melee again to slam down, forcing an Ignite and dealing massive damage. You can scale Consecration with Sythnoceps or Wormgod Caress to one-shot Champions in Master content, or you can focus on using the uppercut in PvP for easy Ember of Torches procs.

Roaring Flames is a fantastic Aspect that doesn't see much use. Each Solar ability kill grants bonus damage to all abilities, stacking up to three times. Pair this with Ashen Wake to one-tap Guardians with Fusion Grenades. It's a fun Aspect that lacks the utility of your other choices, hence its low usage rate.

Next: Destiny 2: The Best Titan Builds For PvP And PvE