Seasonal Challenges are a new means of earning rewards in Destiny 2. Introduced in Season of the Chosen, Seasonal Challenges task Guardians with completing short tasks related to seasonal, core, or patrol activities. Bungie will add ten new challenges each week for ten weeks, meaning there will be 100 challenges in total.

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The second week of Season of the Chosen has brought a new batch of challenges, most of which are fairly easy to complete. Showdown, Cabal eliminations, and Cosmodrome kills are just a few things you can expect this week. Here is a guide on how to complete all ten of them.

What Are Seasonal Challenges?

Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen Week 2 Challenges

Seasonal Challenges are unique Triumphs that have replaced weekly bounties. Each week, a set of Seasonal Challenges will be added for you to complete. Completing these challenges will grant XP, Bright Dust, and/or seasonal reputation. Unless tied to a seasonal activity, you don't need to own the current season to complete these challenges.

Where Can I View Seasonal Challenges?

In the Season 13 tab of your Director, click on the "Seasonal Challenges" banner on the bottom left of the screen. Alternatively, it can be found on the top of the Quests tab. This is where you can view and claim Seasonal Challenge rewards.

What's A Retroactive Challenge?

Some challenges will track your progress despite not being available at the time. For example, week 2's Golden Reaper challenge requires 200 Cabal Gold. If you obtained 200 Cabal Gold during week one, even when the challenge wasn't available yet, that progress will carry over to Golden Reaper's requirement. Challenges that behave this way have been noted in this guide.

Contender's Ascent II

Destiny 2 HELM War Table

Contender's Ascent II: Report to the War Table in the H.E.L.M. and complete the "Challenger's Proving II" quest.


  • XP
  • Empress – Lore
  • War Table Reputation (Medium)

Nothing deceptive here. Head to the H.E.L.M. and continue the Challenger's Proving quest. When it's complete, you'll be able to claim this challenge.

Golden Reaper

Destiny 2 Strike Boss

Golden Reaper: Acquire Cabal Gold by playing strikes, Gambit, Crucible, Public Events, and more.


  • XP
  • War Table Reputation (Medium)

This challenge's objective is retroactive.

Golden Reaper requires 200 Cabal Gold to complete. These can be obtained from just about every Destiny 2 activity. Strikes and Crucible are the quickest ways of earning large amounts of Cabal Gold, but feel free to play whichever activity is most enjoyable to you.

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Remember: you can't earn Cabal Gold while your Cabal Gold reserves are full! Be sure to play a few Battleground games to use up your Cabal Gold.

Crash And Converge

Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen Battleground

Crash and Converge: Smash Tribute Chests and focus Season of the Chosen Engrams using Charges from the Hammer of Proving.


  • XP
  • War Table Reputation (Medium)

This challenge's objective is retroactive.

Crash and Converge requires you to smash ten Tribute Chests and focus ten Umbral Engrams. Tribute Chests can be smashed at the end of a Battlegrounds game, provided your Hammer of Proving has a Challenger Medallion slotted.

Focusing Umbral Engrams requires Hammer Charges, which can be earned by smashing Tribute Chests. You must focus an Umbral Engram with at least one Hammer Charge to make progress.

The Bigger They Are...

Destiny 2 Arms Dealer Strike

The Bigger They Are... Defeat Elite or Boss Cabal anywhere in the system.


  • XP

You must defeat 60 Elite or Boss Cabal to complete this challenge. Elite and Boss Cabal are referring to any yellow-bar enemies you come across. Battlegrounds is a good way to farm Cabal kills. Alternatively, The Arms Dealer strike on the EDZ has a few Elite and Boss Cabal you can kill.

Trials Of The Tinker

Destiny 2 Bell of Conquest Seasonal Artifact

Trials of the Tinker: Unlock artifact mods.


  • Double XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

This challenge's objective is retroactive.

All 12 artifact mods must be unlocked to complete this challenge. Earn XP from activities, bounties, and Seasonal Challenges to unlock Seasonal Artifact mods quickly.

Chosen Cosmonaut

Destiny 2 Shaw Hawn

Chosen Cosmonaut: In the Cosmodrome, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.


  • XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

This is exactly the same as last week's Icebound challenge. Lost Sectors grant 20% progress, so farming Veles Labyrinth or Exodus Garden 2A is a good idea. Shaw Han's bounties are also trivial to complete.

Expose To The Elements

Destiny 2 Exodus Garden 2a Entrance

Expose to the Elements: Calibrate elemental weapons in the Cosmodrome.


  • XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

Energy and Heavy weapons both contribute to this challenge. Kills contribute 0.5%, meaning you'll need 200 elemental weapon kills to complete this. The Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector is a good kill farm if you want to get this done quickly.

Drifter's Chosen

Destiny 2 The Drifter

Drifter's Chosen: Earn points by banking Motes, defeating Blockers, and defeating Invaders in Gambit.


  • XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

Drifter's Chosen requires you to obtain 250 points while playing Gambit. You can earn points by banking Motes, killing Blockers, and defeating Invaders. The more damage you deal to Blockers and Invaders, the more points you receive. If you single-handedly defeat an opponent, you get the following points:

  • Motes = 1 point each (no bonus for bulk deposits)
  • Blockers = 10-30 points (based on damage and Blocker type)
  • Invaders = 30 points

RELATED: Destiny 2: Every Weapon In Season Of The Chosen

Damaging but not killing an enemy doesn't seem to give points. As long as you frequently kill Blockers, this challenge should only take a few games of Gambit to complete.

Entertain Lord Shaxx

Destiny 2 PvP

Entertain Lord Shaxx: Complete matches in the Showdown Crucible playlist. Earn bonus points for wins.


  • XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

Similar to last week's Gambit challenge, winning Showdown games will grant 20% progress. Losing games will give 13% instead. Focus on completing this one whenever the Showdown playlist is live, as it's a weekly rotating playlist that isn't always available.

Dominance Operandi: Cabal

Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen Caiatl

Dominance Operandi: Cabal: Defeat Cabal bosses in strikes.


  • XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

Dominance Operandi: Cabal requires five Cabal boss eliminations in strikes. The following strikes have Cabal final bosses:

  • The Arms Dealer (EDZ)
  • The Insight Terminus (Nessus)

It is highly recommended that you farm The Arms Dealer strike, as this strike grants the quest needed to earn Season of the Chosen's mystery Tex Mechanica Exotic.

Next: Destiny 2: Beyond Light Complete Guide And Walkthrough