Green is a powerful archetype in the Digimon Card Game. Utilizing powerful keywords like Digisorption, decks like GrandisKuwagamon, and other Insectoid decks that build big stacks of Digimon can quickly climb up the Digivolution chain without paying a lot of memory.

Related: Digimon Card Game: Best Cards From BT10 Xros Encounter

BT-10 Xros Encounter showcases new strategies to the green formula, adds new cards that support old archetypes, and even introduces new green cards that support multicolored decks in the new threat to the meta, Xros Heart, and the Digimon: Ghost Game fan-favorite, Gammamon. From memory gain to board-wiping piercing effects, green decks are bound to see a resurgence in BT-10 with all of their brand-new additions.

10 WezenGammamon

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Digimon: Ghost Game's best boy is finally here. With WezenGammamon, the Gammamon tribal deck gets another option for their toolbox-style deck in the form of the Piercing keyword. The Gammamon is an interesting take on multicolored decks since they can all Digivolve on top of Gammamon, ignoring color requirements.

The gimmick of the Gammamon deck is that Canoweissmon "inherits" all the effects of Digimon in its Digivolution cards, as long as they include Gammamon in their names, without the effects being actual inheritable effects.

9 Ballistamon

ballistamon image with blurred background digimon card game

Ballistamon is an absolute unit. In a deck where all the Digimon are supposed to combine in a giant super robot à la Voltron, Ballistamon takes the cake on looking like an actual robot.

Jokes aside, the card is incredible. A four-cost blocker that has Piercing as an inheritable just screams value. Combined with the Save mechanic and being able to be played out when saved underneath a Tamer through Zenjiro Tsurugi's effect, it is the shield that the might Xros Heart sword needs.

8 Zenjiro Tsurugi

zenjiro tsurugi image with blurred background digimon card game

Xros Heart is a new deck that involves a lot of different color Tamer cards whose effects play out Digimon, which can combine using the DigiXros mechanic, into the poster child Shoutmon X5 and the faster and arguably better, Shoutmon X4.

Related: Digimon TCG: Best Staples

Zenjiro is the green tamer that set up a blocker if needed to go into defensive mode, but the best part about him is that when you play out a Digimon with Xros Heart in its traits, you can gain one memory. This effect can proc when playing Ballistamon or even when playing out Shoutmon X4, effectively making X4 free to play.

7 Kokuwamon

kokuwamon image with blurred background digimon card game

GrandisKuwagamon was a very slow deck when it debuted in BT-09. The deck likes to take its time setting up big explosive plays to end the game in one turn. The only problem was that other decks with similar game plans were a bit speedier than Grandis.

With the addition of Kokuwamon, the deck can be a bit more aggressive and play a more control-oriented game. By constantly suspending the opponent's Digimon and piercing over them with GrandisKuwagamon, Kokuwamon's memory gain will set you up with extra memory to continue your plays and push your advantage while keeping a big threat in the Battle Area.

6 RedVegiemon

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Rookies are the essence of the Digimon Card Game. Most decks cannot operate without them. Even the ones that use a low count of Rookie Digimon, use them as searchers to dig through the deck for combo pieces or sometimes even hard removal cards to deal with pesky Digimon on the opponents Battle Area.

RedVegiemon feels like a pseudo-rookie in a way. The card only costs three memory to play, granting you a way to cheat the Digivolution system by skipping over a Rookie and playing a Champion straight from the hand. This allows you to quickly reach the Mega level Digimon and establish a strong board.

5 Palmon

palmon bt10 image with blurred background digimon card game

Every deck needs a basic searcher. Memory boosts are generic enough, but most Rookie level Digimon come with an archetype search effect. Palmon is the searcher card for the Bloomlordmon deck.

Searchers usually fetch a card needed to climb up the Digivolution chain, but Palmon can grab up to two. Palmon searches for a Digimon with Vegetation or Plant in its traits and a Digimon with Fairy in its traits. Not only does the Bloomlordmon deck include mostly Digimon with Vegetation in their traits, but the plant lord himself is a Fairy trait card. Plus, searching by traits is generic enough that the card will stay relevant for as long as Bandai makes Vegetation or Plant cards.

4 Ajatarmon

ajatarmon image with blurred background digimon card game

By using green's main gimmick in suspending Digimon to gain the advantage, Ajatarmon becomes the main engine of Bloomlordmon. Once on the Battle Area, Ajatarmon can suspend one of your Digimon, including itself, to play a Digimon under 3,000 DP, further feeding your Bloomlordmon plays for huge Security Attacks.

Related: Digimon Survive: Every Digimon Partner, Ranked

This card combined with the new Cherrymon, which can redirect attacks in the same form as Magnamon (X Antibody) does, makes Ajatarmon a powerful card that continues its increase its value the longer that it remains in the Battle Area.

3 Cherrymon

cherrymon image with blurred background digimon card game

Digisorption is one of the most powerful effects that is also unique to green. Reducing memory costs for Digivolution is its main powerhouse, but in the Bloomlordmon deck, the fact that you have to suspend your own Digimon almost feels like the primary effect.

Digivolving into an Ultimate Digimon for what comes out to a cost of one memory, suspending your own Digimon and triggering other suspending effects, and a pseudo-blocker? Paired that with the most adorable art of a tiny Palmon giving some cherries to old man Cherrymon, and you've got what makes this card so incredibly powerful.

2 Sunflowmon

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Although not as good as Ajatarmon, Sunflowmon is still an integral part of the Bloomlordmon deck. Sunflowmon will still play a Vegetation or Plant for free as long as they are 3,000 DP or less; however, this only occurs when Digivolving, making the effect a bit more restrictive than Ajatarmon, but it is another avenue in which you can swarm the Battle Area with more Plant cards.

Unlike a lot of Plant cards that are normally paired with Bloomlordmon, Sunflowmon has an inheritable that nets you a card draw when you suspend a Digimon by a card effect. This is particularly helpful due to green's lack of card draw outside very specific effects.

1 Bloomlordmon

bloomlordmon card from digimon card game with blur background

Bloomlordmon is introduced in Xros Encounter as an absolute powerhouse of a card. With a fun game plan to swarm the Battle Area with a ton of smaller Digimon and use them as resources to deal huge blows to your opponent, Bloomlordmon becomes a huge meta contender.

Other swarm-like decks like Eosmon, Diaboromon, and, to an extent, D-Brigade, haven't seen as much success in the past, but with the introduction of Bloomlordmon and the release of EX-03, the green archetype suddenly becomes quite frightening

Next: Digimon: Who Are The Seven Great Demon Lords?