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Dislyte is a mobile gacha-style game where you build five-person squads and send your fighters out to do battle with futuristic creatures in turn-based combat. You collect common, uncommon, and rare heroes (called Espers), equip them with powerful relics, and level them up to try and overcome the game’s many challenges.

Related: Dislyte: The Best DPS Espers

As you work through the Dislyte tutorials, you will soon get your first Legendary five-star Esper. As this part of the game is largely curated, we know that you’ll either get Tang Xuan or Li Ling. Both are strong characters, but Li Ling is particularly loved. If you’re lucky enough to get him, read on for some tips on how to make the best Li Ling to meet your squad’s needs.

Li Ling’s Abilities And Strengths

Dislyte li ling collage

Li Ling falls comfortably into the DPS category of Espers. All three of his skills are largely geared to dealing large amounts of damage, while his Captain Ability gives 30 percent ATK Up for all squad members in any type of battle.

  • Altar (cooldown: four turns): Attacks all enemies three times, with damage based on his ATK value and the HP of the opponent. Also steals a small percentage of AP.
  • Tai Chi (cooldown: three to four turns*): A single target attack that strikes five times. The damage is based on his ATK value, as well as the HP of the opponent (the more HP they have, the more damage he does). Also heals a small amount of HP for Li Ling.
  • Lanceburner (basic ability): Deals 125 percent of ATK in damage, while stealing 15 percent of the target’s AP.

* Tai Chi’s cooldown timer is reduced by reaching level five in that skill, using Legendary Abilimons.

His combination of single target and group damage makes him strong in the majority of battle situations. Altar does big damage to all enemies, and once you’re down to a single target his Tai Chi can be devastating. He is particularly effective versus boss mobs, as a part of his damage on both his special abilities is True Damage. This equals a percentage of the enemy’s total HP, meaning it scales up for stronger opponents. Your damage ceiling here is related to your STR stat.

Resonance: Which Statistics Should I Increase?

It is hard to increase Resonance for Li Ling, as to do so you need multiple copies of the same Esper – and Li Ling is very rare. However, if you are lucky enough to be able to increase his skills through Resonance, the obvious route to take is to increase ATK. He is all about dealing damage, and all his damage potential is based on his ATK strength. Rely on others to keep him upright and let him do what he does best.

Which Relic Sets Are Best For Li Ling?

Dislyte animation artwork

The only real cap on how much damage output Li Ling can do is his ATK rating, so boosting this should be a priority. It follows that his crits are even better, so increasing both his chance of landing them and their power are also strong tactical choices.

Alternatively, you can look to his innate AP stealing abilities and work on increasing his SPD. This will give him more attacks, meaning those special abilities will cycle around more often. And it’s those specials that deal the real damage. Remember the bonuses here are only applied if you have a complete set (four Una or two Mui) of that Relic type equipped:

  • War Machine (Una): ATK +30 percent. Increases your STR stat, and so damage.
  • Wind Walker (Una): SPD +25 percent. Can give you more turns in combat.
  • Hammer of Thor (Una): C. DMG +40 percent. Increase crit damage.
  • Fiery Incandescence (Mui): C. RATE +20 percent. Increases your chance to land crits.

An interesting alternative is Hades (Una) and Sword Avatara (Mui). This is worth a try if you want to avoid healers in your squad. Hades gives Lifesteal, healing you for 35 percent of the damage you deal. While Sword Avatara gives a flat bonus to HP, keeping you in the battle for longer.

Relic Sub Stats

Once enhanced, each Relic can also give you five stats increases, either flat stats or a percentage of your current total. As a rule of thumb, the higher your base stat and the higher quality the Relic, the more chance there is that a percentage bonus will outstrip a flat bonus. But you can swap them in and out to gauge edge cases.

For Li Ling, C. RATE (close to 100) and ATK Percentage should be your priority once you have his ATK up in the 1,000+ base range. Just behind these, both C. DMG and SPD are very useful.

How To Play Li Ling

Dislyte opening animation

Li Ling is a genuine jack-of-all-trades Esper that is a great choice in any battle in the game. Once strong enough, he can even take out any story level on his own pretty quickly – meaning you can fill the other four spots in the squad with the Starimons you need to level up to help upgrade your other Espers.

When playing him in tough battles, remember those stronger abilities have long timers. If you’ve built up his STR, even his basic attack is strong – so don’t be scared of holding back those big guns, rather than firing them off just before a new wave is about to appear.

Next: Dislyte: Beginner Tips