There are still various components of EA and Respawn's Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order shrouded in mystery, but a recent interview with Kasumi Shishido (the game's producer) by German website PCGames has shed some light on a few mechanics. Surprisingly, Respawn took inspiration from one of the attractions in Disneyland's Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. The attraction, called "Savi's workshop," is a spot where patrons can create their own lightsabers.

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As per a translation provided by WCCFTech, Shishido stated that ability unlocks depend "on how far the story has progressed." However, she added that "there are options for players to choose whether they want to improve their lightsaber or health bar first."

Shishido emphasized that lightsaber parts are often found in "distributed boxes" throughout the game. She added that "players should be motivated to a return trip," as the boxes are linked to the plot of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Via Den of Geek

"We were actually inspired by the new lightsaber workshop at Disneyland," Shishido stated.

As well as lightsabers, Shishido detailed in the interview that BD-1 -player character Cal's droid companion- plays a very significant role both narratively and in terms of gameplay. While BD-1's relationship with Cal is important in that it makes Cal "a warm-hearted person," BD-1 can heal the player and later participate in combat to assist the player.

These are very interesting details revealed by Shishido. It's still unclear how Savi's workshop influenced lightsaber customization but perhaps the very concept had been inspired by the Disneyland attraction. It's also possible that the customization offered at Savi's workshop influenced the designs of options in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Regardless, it's somewhat comical, yet endearing, that Respawn had an attraction from Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge in mind when designing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

The game will be hitting PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on November 15th. Those getting the game should make some room on their hard drive, as its install size could easily fill up the Millennium Falcon and more.

Source: PCGames

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