DOOM Eternal has been ripping and tearing its way through the sales charts ever since it drop-kicked gamers in the throat last month. Its combination of blazing-fast violent and chaotic gameplay has scored high marks for those who loved what id Software did with DOOM 2016, but it isn't perfect.

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In fact, there are a few things DOOM 2016 did better, which is why we're comparing the two. Let's take a look at 5 things DOOM Eternal gets a win on, and 5 things it doesn't.


It's not hard to see the advantages a sequel has over an original title. DOOM Eternal is all about throwing more demons your way, and many of them are brand new, rather than simple upgrades to the ones we saw in DOOM 2016. Arachnotrons, Arch-Viles and Pain Elementals make a triumphant return from classic DOOM, while new enemies such as Prowlers, Marauders and Carcasses pay homage to the game's lineage as worthy additions.

Many classic Demons have been given a new paint job as well, with most sporting looks similar to their classic DOOM incarnations. If nothing else, there's plenty of choice when it comes to which demon you want to sink shells into first.


DOOM Eternal is far more about a planet-wide battle against the forces of Hell, rather than a claustrophobic romp in the darkness. It's all about strategy, combat, and puzzle-solving, instead of all-out horror.

DOOM 2016 handled the horror aspect much better than DOOM Eternal. The cold isolation of the Mars base meant that you were alone among the demons, and nobody was coming to save you. Granted, the entire concept of DOOM revolves around the Slayer, who neither needs nor wants to be rescued, but gamers felt far more threatened by what lurked around the next corner than they did in DOOM Eternal.


DOOM 2016's story was slightly mysterious, on purpose. It centered around the classic plot of the UAC fiddling around with science and unleashing the Hell dimension on Mars. DOOM Eternal takes the DOOM II route, by bringing Hell to Earth, and with that comes a larger and more involving story.

For the first time, the Slayer's role in events is opened up, and we get to see more character interactions between humans and demons, alike. The inclusion of the three Hell Priests gives gamers a glimpse into the frazzled minds of the demon horde as the Slayer makes his return, offering up a chance for some black comedy on top of the violence.


It may not seem fair to give the combat win to DOOM 2016, given how much DOOM Eternal puts emphasis on the action, but there are reasons. First, DOOM Eternal switches up the combat mechanics in ways that don't always work.

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The biggest problem is the relative lack of ammo in the game. Even with several upgrades, you'll find yourself running dry in the middle of almost every firefight. This can really throw a monkey wrench into the fluid, on-the-move ballet-style combat of DOOM 2016. DOOM Eternal forces you to rely heavily on the chainsaw to replenish your ammo by shredding lesser demons, but even when you get into the rhythm, it feels odd.


On the surface, both DOOM 2016 and Eternal play identically, but the latter has added in a lot more in terms of game mechanics. The Slayer can now climb walls, swing off poles and perform ground/mid-air dashes to close the distance and complete large jumps.

While a few of these mechanics have been slightly abused by id Software (especially in platforming sequences), they're still invaluable for giving players a chance to explore the environments and find new secrets. This makes the game feel less linear than it actually is.


This one is close to call, but DOOM 2016 gets the win when it comes to overall gameplay. The original was renowned for taking the classic DOOM formula and spinning it up for modern FPS audiences. It looked right, and it felt right.

DOOM Eternal may have soldered a few more pieces onto the chassis, but it also threw in some annoying platforming elements that detract away from the rhythm of the game. Jumping sequences can be downright irritating sometimes, even if they do get easier with practice. DOOM 2016 felt more focused and cohesive when it came to gameplay, giving it a slight edge.

4 DOOM Eternal: BOSSES

While DOOM 2016 did have its fair share of eye-popping uber-Boss encounters, DOOM Eternal takes it a step further by varying up the enemy types, while making them more challenging. As cool as it was to square off against the Cyberdemon and the Spider Mastermind in DOOM 2016, players already saw them both coming from miles away.

DOOM Eternal throws quite a few surprises your way, from giant tentacles to the Whiplash, the Doom Hunter, and of course, the vicious Marauder. Rather than run and gun, these new enemies force you to adopt new tactics if you want to stand a chance of survival. The variety and uniqueness of each Boss encounter give Eternal an edge over DOOM 2016.


There's something about the cold bitterness of the harsh Mars landscape that makes it a perfect setting for a horror game. While seeing a Hell-ravaged Earth on today's modern gaming hardware is a sight to behold, DOOM did fare better when it took place in a sealed environment, such as the UAC Mars base.

With nowhere to go, you're essentially stuck in a proverbial closet of twisting corridors, empty offices, and demon-infested train tubes. Think LV-426 with the devil's henchmen instead of xenomorphs, and you'll have a good frame of reference.


One of the best new features of DOOM Eternal is the shoulder cannon, which adds a fresh tactical element to combat. The recharging grenade launcher is great for decimating a horde of foes while buying enough time to restructure your attack vector.

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Similarly, the flamethrower upgrade causes immolated demons to drop shards of armor, which is a vital habit to pick up if you want to survive harder game modes. Adding the shoulder cannon into your overall battle rhythm really changes things up for the better.

1 DOOM 2016: MUSIC

Mick Gordon's Hellified heavy metal DOOM tracks are the stuff of legend. Even those who loathe heavy metal must admit (on pain of death) that they fit the atmosphere of the game perfectly.

While Gordon's follow-up soundtrack for DOOM Eternal is every bit as vicious as the original, we have to give the win to DOOM 2016 when the dust settles. Perhaps it was the sheer novelty of hearing such an insanely good soundtrack for the first time, but it's also because the tunes were more iconic. While tracks like "Slayer Gates" and "Super Gore Nest" retain the signature sound and feel of the original 2016 soundtrack, they're simply no match for iconic heavy-hitters like "Rip & Tear" and (of course) "BFG Division."

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