Dota 2 is easy to learn but tricky to master; however, some heroes are considered to be stronger than others from patch to patch. Despite Valve's constant efforts to balance out the roster, players are constantly discovering new heroes who are particularly strong in the most recent patch.

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Valve recently released patch 7.29c, which made significant changes to the game. While players are still figuring out the patch, it appears that the majority of professional players have deciphered the changes, as new picks and item builds are appearing from them. After analyzing games, we determined that these heroes are the most powerful.

10 Pudge

Dota 2 Pudge
Dota 2 Pudge

Pudge attack range increased by 25, and now he can help in the laning phase with last hits and denies. Additionally, this Patch increased Pudge's armor by one point, which may not seem like much, but it allows for more efficient trading.

Pudge's Aghanim's Shard enables Pudge to use Dismember on one of his allies from the 400 range. Moreover, it reduces the Dismember's cooldown, making it even better. Furthermore, this ability heals your ally for 6% of their maximum HP. When your teammate is in danger, hook him to safety, eat him with Dismember, and he can get back to fight after a few seconds.

9 Riki

Dota 2 Riki
Dota 2 Riki

When the Tricks Of The Trade ability is upgraded to level 4, it deals 100% of your Agility as damage. Unlike in the past, when players attempted to rush Battlefury and Aghanim's Scepter, it is now preferable to purchase items that grant Agility to increase the damage output of Tricks Of The Trade.

You can use Tricks Of The Trade to avoid projectiles or attacks, potentially saving your life. Diffusal Blade, Riki's main item, was also buffed in Patch 7.29 and now grants more Agility and Intelligence, as well as 100% of the mana you burned as damage, making Riki a terrifying hunter.

8 Grimstroke

Dota 2 Grimstroke
Dota 2 Grimstroke

Aghanim's Shard's effect on Ink Swell is one of the reasons why Grimstroke is so strong in Patch 7.29c. At the end of Ink Swell's duration, it applies a strong dispel to the target you used this ability. Additionally, it heals your ally for the amount of damage dealt by Ink Swell; in other words, it's like Roshan's Cheese.

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If you're playing Grimstroke as a Core, Ethereal Blade is a must-have item for this hero due to the damage boost. Additionally, you can use Ethereal Blade in conjunction with Phantom's Embrace to prevent the enemy from killing the Phantom, resulting in a large amount of damage being dealt.

7 Lina

Dota 2 Lina
Dota 2 Lina

Lina's agility gain increased, which means she is now better at dealing damage with physical attacks, and that is what a ranged Position 4 hero requires. Another change is that her Light Strike Array radius has been increased, which reduces the likelihood that enemy heroes will dodge.

The mana cost of the Light Strike Array has been reduced, allowing you to use it more frequently in the early game to harass the enemy Core. The duration of her Fiery Soul buff has been increased by 2 seconds. She also has a -2.5 second on Dragon Slave, implying that she will deal more damage with her spells.

6 Warlock

Dota 2 Warlock
Dota 2 Warlock

This hero is paving the way to the meta due to his mind-boggling abilities. He can heal his Core while fighting another hero in the lane. Additionally, the combination of Fatal Bonds and Shadow Word enables him to inflict significant damage. 

Unlike most abilities, Fatal Bond is useful late in the game; if you want to see this hero's true potential, watch some professional matches. Although his Aghanim's Shard is not the best, this AOE HP regen for allies (which also increases their movement speed by 10%) is a massive help in team fights.

5 Ancient Apparition

Dota 2 Ancient Apparition
Dota 2 Ancient Apparition

As you may know, this hero did not receive a significant buff, but he was included on this list because the majority of HP regen items, such as Satanic and Armlet, received buffs and were picked up by more players. Thus, what role does Ancient Apparition play on the team? His ultimate is a counter to the HP regeneration.

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At the moment, heroes like Huskar, Abbadon, Lifestealer, and Wraith King are particularly strong in this Patch and are picked more frequently. As a result, Ancient Apparition is a viable option against these heroes.

4 Ursa

Dota 2 Ursa
Dota 2 Ursa

Ursa has been in the meta for a few years now because he is powerful at all stages of the game. However, in recent patches, his Aghanim's Shard has changed, and he has become more powerful than before. When Ursa uses Earthshock while wearing Aghanim's Shard, he gains the Enrage buff for 1.5 seconds.

To get the most out of it, players should use Earthshock first, followed by the Enrage ultimate. When the Enrage ends, the Earthshock is almost ready to use again, allowing you to maximize Enrage duration. This ultimate is a powerful ability because it provides Status Resistance and reduces incoming damages.

3 Abaddon

Dota 2 Abaddon
Dota 2 Abaddon

He is one of the best options when the opposing team has an excessive number of disables. He can use Mist Coil to heal teammates or inflict damage on an enemy. When you use this ability, it deals damage to Abaddon. They changed the self-damage in a recent patch, reducing it to 50% self-damage.

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Abaddon's Aphotic Shield has the ability to negate certain negative buffs and stuns, which is highly advantageous for your allies. His Shard has received buffs too. It allows the Mist Coil and Aphotic Shield to inflict a stack of Curse of Avernus on any enemy. As a result, you are not required to attack the enemy to stack Curse of Avernus. Additionally, Aghanim's Shard reduces these two abilities' cooldown by one second.

2 Beastmaster

Dota 2 Beastmaster
Dota 2 Beastmaster

While it is true that removing Necromonican from Dota 2 affected this hero's gameplay, it also encouraged players to experiment with new ways to utilize him. On the other hand, this new version of Beastmaster is completely broken. All that is required is to purchase Aghanim's Scepter. This item increases the damage dealt by each Wilde Axes and removes the ability's cooldown.

Aghanim's Scepter also decreased Wilde Axes' mana cost, allowing you to spam the Axes on enemies. Due to Beastmaster's strong early-game stats, he can ignore early basic stat items in favor of Aghanim's Scepter as the first big item.

1 Huskar

Dota 2 Huskar
Dota 2 Huskar

Huskar has been overly buffed. The cost of your Burning Spear has been reduced from 4% to 3% of your current health, resulting in more burning damage with less health loss. Another notable change is his Aghanim's Shard, which reduces the cooldown of Inner Fire while also decreasing the enemy's health restoration. Aghanim's Shard allows you to cast Inner Fire while disabled, which is advantageous when chain stunned by enemies.

The next reason this hero is insanely good right now is that his items have been buffed. On Huskar, Armlet Of Mordiggian is so insane that everyone rushes to get it as the first item. Huskar can kill Roshan by himself thanks to the strength of his Armlet. Satanic has also been improved, as it now applies a dispel to you while you cast it, allowing you to dispel abilities like silence.

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