Dawnbreaker was recently added to Dota 2 alongside a slew of other changes in Patch 7.29. This guide is for players who are having trouble gaining MMR with the new hero.

Dawnbreaker is the new Carry and durable melee hero in Dota 2. Due to the simplicity of her abilities, she is an excellent choice for new players. However, having low-complexity abilities does not guarantee success. Only when you grasp a hero's mechanics are you able to perform admirably. Today, we'll share our knowledge of Dawnbreaker to help you perform at your best during games.



Dawnbreaker's first ability serves as her primary damage dealer spell. Her hammer spins three times, inflicting additional damage on enemies. She slams her hammer down on the final strike, stunning and damaging her opponents. Because this ability is of the Target Area type, you must choose a specific area to cast the spell in.

Because you lose 100% of your movement speed when the ability is cast, it is critical to have a high movement speed prior to casting the ability in order to get on top of the enemy. At max level, When she smashes the hammer to the ground, she stuns nearby enemies for 1.4 seconds and also stuns herself for 0.2 seconds. At max level, this spell deals 115 Bonus Smash Attack Damage.

Dawnbreaker using Starbreaker
Dawnbreaker using Starbreaker

The downside to Starbreaker is that it is subject to cancellation and cannot be used while the Celestial Hammer is being thrown at an enemy.

Starbreaker is working with Maelstrom, which means it can activate all attack modifiers and on-hit effects except Cleave. When Starbreaker is successfully cast, it provides three Luminosity charges.

Celestial Hammer

Dawnbreaker throws her weapon at a target, inflicting damage on any enemies struck in the process. When the hammer reaches its destination, it stays there for two seconds before returning to Dawnbreaker — while returning, it leaves a trail of fire behind that slows enemies.

Dawnbreaker is always capable of summoning the hammer. When summoned, she leaps halfway across the range of the Celestial Hammer ability's cast range to catch it.

Dawnbreaker using Celestial Hammer
Dawnbreaker using Celestial Hammer

At the first level, this ability has a cast range of 1000; at max level, it increases to 1300; with the Talent Tree, the range increases to 2400, which is insane. Celestial Hammer significantly slows the enemy's movement, making it an excellent spell for closing the gap between you and the enemy to use Starbreaker.

Tip: If an enemy is attempting to kill you, use this ability to run away.


When Celestial Hammer is cast, the ability transforms into Converge, summoning her hammer and bringing them together in the center.


After four successful attacks, this ability deals 120% critical damage at the lowest level and 180% critical damage at the highest level. It also provides you with 30% to 60% Lifesteal, respectively. Additionally, it gives a reasonable heal to allies.

Dawnbreaker gaining luminosity with each attack
Dawnbreaker gaining luminosity with each attack

Tip: The Starbreaker's damage output scales with your damage. To effectively use Luminosity, attack once to obtain a charge and then use the Starbreaker on opponents. Luminosity's critical attack damage will significantly increase the final attack damage dealt by Starbreaker.

Solar Guardian

Dawnbreaker can join her teammates regardless of their location, as Solar Guardian is a global ability. When cast on an ally, it generates a pulsing effect within 500 units (700 units with Talent Tree) of that hero, dealing damage to enemies and healing allies with each pulse. It deals 190 landing damage and has a stun duration of two seconds at max level.

The disadvantage of this spell is that it cannot be used after using Celestial Hammer. Furthermore, Solar Guardian does not follow the ally, and you land on the chosen target. This ability is capable of healing allies for up to 570 health and deals 610 damage to enemies.

Dawnbreaker using her ultimate
Dawnbreaker using her ultimate

Skill Builds For Dawnbreaker

Currently, players are still experimenting with Dawnbreaker and the most popular Skill build is displayed below.

Dawnbreaker ability build
Dawnbreaker ability build

Talent Tree

At level 10, we recommend going for +20 Movement Speed, +20 Damage at level 15, +40% Luminosity Crit, and +1100 Celestial Hammer Cast range.

Dawnbreaker talent tree
Dawnbreaker talent tree

Difficult Matchups For Starbreaker

Lion: This hero can prevent Dawnbreaker from casting her spells, such as Starbreaker and Solar Guardian.

Disruptor: This matchup depends on the player's skills. If Dawnbreaker joins the fight with her ultimate, this hero can Glimpse her to send her back to where she was. On the other hand, Dawnbreaker is able to escape Disruptor's Kinetic Field using Celestial Hammer and Starbreaker unless Disruptor casts his ultimate.

Easy Matchups For Starbreaker

Nature Prophet: Dawnbreaker can clear Nature Prophet summons. She is effective against any hero who possesses the ability to summon a creep. She can also run from the Sprout of Nature Prophet.

Disruptor: As we mentioned before, this matchup depends on the player.

Related: Dota 2: How To Play The Carry Role

Dawnbreaker is currently played in all three Core roles, and her abilities don't seem to be suitable for the Support role.

To begin, let us discuss the gameplay of Safelane.

Easy Matchup


  1. Consider starting the lane with Quelling Blade, Orb of Venom, one set of Tango, and two Branches if you're up against an easy matchup.
  2. Attempt to last hit as many creeps as possible during the first two minutes and attempt to harass enemy heroes alongside your Support.
  3. If you can bully them out of lane, do so, but avoid missing too many creeps because of that.

Orb of Venom can significantly slow down an attacked enemy's movement speed, allowing you to harass them easily. If the lane is pushing, ask your Support to pull the next creep wave to the side camp to avoid them from going under the enemy tower. If the creeps go closer to the opponent's tower, they can farm in peace despite your advantage. If your opponent's lineup contains a large number of spells, purchase Magic Stick as your next item, and don't forget to purchase Regen if necessary.


When you have lane advantage, your opponent's Support will attempt to pull their own creeps to the side camp; keep an eye on this and prevent them from pulling.

For the next item, you should consider whether they are harassing you in return or simply running away. If the enemies are harassing and trading, you should purchase Bracer; if not, you should buy Boots of Speed to close the gap.

We recommend putting most of your skill points to the Starbreaker and Celestial Hammer abilities in a favorable lane, as they cannot effectively trade with you.

Midlane: Due to the increased number of runes in Patch 7.29, the majority of midlane matches become equal for both heroes after purchasing Bottle. If your opponent is a melee hero, Dawnbreaker will have no trouble defeating him. Dawnbreaker's powerful abilities make her challenging to trade in a one-on-one fight. All you have to do is cast spells more frequently and stop your enemy from farming.

Dawnbreaker midlane

Offlane: If you're up against an easy matchup, act as if you're in the safelane, but itemize differently. We will address each item in their respective section.

Hard matchup

Safelane: Since Dawnbreaker can survive these types of situations, the outcome of a problematic matchup is highly dependent on your Dota 2 skill, whether Midlane, Safelane, or Offlane. As you begin the laning phase, ensure that you have sufficient Regen and a Quelling Blade to help you secure the last hit.

Concentrate on the last hits during the game's first and second creep waves, and then purchase the appropriate items based on the level of harassment. If you find that you are unable to fight effectively in the next few minutes, purchase Regen items and a Magic Stick.

If you realize that you need to spend an excessive amount of gold on Regen items, avoid fighting and just aggroing the creeps to create a distance between you and the enemy, making killing the creeps easier. The next plan is to save gold to purchase Helm of Iron Will. This item provides +5 HP Regen and 6 Armor, which is necessary to survive the laning phase.

If the lane is even, buy Orb of Corrosion and Bracer after Magic Stick. Put most of your skill points into Starbreaker and Luminosity, but only one into Celestial Hammer for abilities. With the combination of Starbreaker and Luminosity, you will be able to deal a lot of damage to the enemy while also healing yourself for a significant amount, resulting in trade wins.

Phase Boots should be your next purchase, regardless of whether you're against easy or hard lineup. To effectively use the Starbreaker ability, this hero requires movement speed, which phase boots provide. Keep an eye on the other lanes once you reach level 6. Utilize the Global feature of your ultimate to your advantage and join fights.

Tip: When you are in trouble, you can use Celestial Hammer to escape.

Midlane: There are currently too many runes available in the early game for Midlanders; thus, purchase Bottle as your first item. The following strategy is to avoid death while obtaining as many last hits as possible.

Dawnbreaker refilling bottle
Dawnbreaker refilling bottle

Offlane: For offlaners, the majority of offlane matchups are difficult. You should be an opportunist if you want to win this lane with Dawnbreaker. Harass the enemy whenever it's possible and uses their mistakes to your advantage in order to get last hits or kill them.

Mid Game

Safelane: In the mid game, your primary objective should always be to fight the enemy, particularly by invading their safelane and preventing them from farming. Dawnbreaker is a formidable hero, and with only a few items at her disposal, she can wreak havoc.

Utilize her strength to the fullest extent possible and avoid AFK farming. Armlet Of Mordiggian received a buff in 7.29, and it pairs well with Starbreaker and Luminosity. When Armlet is activated, you gain a large amount of bonus Damage, and both of those abilities rely on hero damage.

Midlane: Make use of Dawnbreaker's ultimate ability to engage in combat. Purchase items that increase your mobility to gank sidelanes.

Offlane: As with Midlane, team up with a Support and run around the map, using Smoke of Deceit to apply pressure to your opponent. Don't forget to prioritize objectives such as Towers.

Late Game

Dawnbreaker's mid and late gameplay is similar to Safelane's and Midlaner's. All you have to do is keep an eye on your teammates and join fights using Teleport or Ultimate.

If you're running around the map with your team, the strategy is to start the fight, then Teleport to base when you're low on HP and mana. While the enemy thinks you've backed off, ask your team to engage again, then join them with ultimate to surprise the enemy.

Offlane: Your job is to make plays and direct team movement to take the late game's remaining objectives. Utilize your opponent's mistakes to win fights.


Since Dawnbreaker is a brand-new hero in Dota 2, players are currently experimenting with various item builds; thus, there is no specific item build for this hero. Players are focusing on high-damage item builds due to the fact that having high damage increases your damage dealt and heal output drastically.

Starting items

Safelane: purchase Orb of Venom with Quelling Blade and some Regen items in an advantageous lineup.

If the opposing team has a strong lineup, such as Viper, purchase additional Regen and Stats items.

Midlane: Purchase the Stats item, Quelling blade, and then either send out Regen or save gold for the Bottle.

Offlane: Offlaner's items include a Quelling Blade for getting last hits, some Regen items for sustaining through harass, and some Stat items. Later in the game, send out Magic Stick or more Regen.

Mid game to late game Item builds

Safelane and Midlane: Given damage's beneficial effect on Dawnbreaker's abilities, players purchase Orb of Corrosion, Desolator, and Assault Cuirass for max minus armor. Even though these items are considered greedy, it appears to be a reasonably solid build.

Dawnbreaker Item Build
Dawnbreaker Item Build

However, we recommend purchasing Sange and Yasha, as Dawnbreaker requires a high level of movement speed to reach out and Starbreaker on enemies. Additionally, this item increases your survivability and amplifies the healing effects of Luminosity.

Dota 2 Sang And Yasha
Dota 2 Sang And Yasha

Offlane: Solar Crest has been buffed in 7.29, and it now offers excellent stats at a lower gold cost. Additionally, Heaven's Halberd is recommended.

Next: Dota 2: How To Play Lion As The Best POS 4 Support