The Lands Between have birthed a pantheon of glorious champions and heroes, as well as some truly dastardly villains. They're all unique in their own complex and horrifying ways, but there's no doubting the absolute strength of some of Elden Ring's characters.

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How would they fair in Lordran, though? Or Drangleic, or Lothric? How many of our Tarnished and godly acquaintances would have the gumption to take on the Lords of Cinder and link the fire? Let's mash our favorite toys together in the ring of make-believe, and imagine these characters where they definitely don't belong.

10 Blaidd The Half-Wolf

Blaidd waiting in a forest in Elden Ring the video game

Blaidd is a loyal and trustworthy friend, just as much as he is a devastating, and relentless opponent. Fighting him is a genuine challenge, but someone needs to free him from his attachment issues. If it weren't for his undying dedication to Ranni, Blaidd could've gone far in his own game.

In Dark Souls, however, he would be free from all his earthly restraints, and he could begin liberally dislocating limbs from the locals. Part of why this feels so obvious is because Blaidd is already inspired by another Lord of Cinder, the Wolf Legion of Farron. Wolves in Dark Souls are known for their boundless dedication to a cause, and Blaidd would fit this description perfectly.

9 Miquella The Unalloyed

Miquella being carried in one arm in Elden Ring the video game

Miquella might be a surprising option. That's just because Miquella is a constantly sick and ailing child, but hear this out; if Ludleth can link the fire, Miquella would be a shoe-in. It's about the politics - Miquella has a massive following, and their healing capabilities would keep his army well healed as they march towards the Kiln of the First Flame.

This wouldn't be the first time a Lord was anointed to the position rather than claiming it themselves. As stated, Ludleth came to be Lord despite being sincerely decrepit, and Aldrich was driven to link the flame by its followers, somehow. Miquella and his armies would have no problem elevating him to the station of Lord.

8 Rennala Of The Full Moon

Queen Rennala holding aloft a staff before a full moon in Elden Ring the video game

Rennala is another character whose adept at raising a following, while also being quite the powerhouse themselves. Rennala forged a school of sorcerers who follow her every action, and she raised a knighthood to defend her kingdom. Before both of those things came crashing down, she was a force to be reckoned with.

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Rennala could march her way to the First Flame with her armies, but it's arguable she could do it alone. She was powerful enough in her day to maintain a kingdom separate from the Golden Order, and she was only brought down when Marika turned herself into a man to seduce and then divorce Rennala. A cunning strategy, to be sure.

7 Ranni The Witch

Ranni in a very large hat, looking over her shoulder in Elden Ring the video game

Ranni, Rennala's daughter, is another highly skilled witch. She's strong enough that the second half of Rennala's boss fight is actually Ranni creating a clone of her full-powered mother. If Ranni is strong enough to conjure an illusion that mimics another gods power, then she'll have no problems in Lordran.

Renowned Sorcerers in Dark Souls are often the foundation for different schools of magic, like Big Hat Logan was. With this precedent, it's not hard to imagine Ranni founding her own coven. Magic is also kind of overpowered in Dark Souls, so Ranni could spam spells at any boss from a distance and walk home the victory.

6 Morgott The Omen King

Morgott defending the throne in Elden Ring the video game

Morgott more than any might be primed to survive the worlds of Dark Souls. While many others would conquer the First Flame as fast as possible with pure might, Morgott would be able to resist the harshest of environments, and actually dominate his surroundings.

Morgott spent his entire life surviving off what little he could in a sewer for abandoned Omen. When his captors finally fled their post, he immediately took the throne from the shadows, defeating countless Tarnished who'd seek to be Elden Lord. Needless to say, a malnourish sewer escapee shouldn't be able to do all that, unless they were Morgott, the True King of Lyndell.

5 Dragonlord Placidusax

Placidusax the dragon breathing fire in Elden Ring the video game

Placidusax is a fossil by the end of his own age. He's survived the weathering of time and the destruction of empires, and if there's one thing that claims everything in Dark Souls, it's time.

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Being immovable by time already elevates Placidusax as being able to survive Dark Souls' strongest force. The last person we ever knew who could outlast time was the Slave Knight Gael, who served as the final boss of the entire franchise. If Placidusax is on that level, it's hard to see why he couldn't link the fire.

4 Marika/Radagon

A large stone statue of Marika in Elden Ring the video game

Marika and Radagon are already parallels to Gwyn, the First Lord of Cinder, so it would be easy to say "they're basically Lords anyway," and move on. That would underplay just how powerful Markia is, however, and she deserves every ounce of power put on display.

Marika had the power and knowledge to orchestrate a global conspiracy that resulted in the death of her son, and thus the Shattering. She created an alter ego to undermine the Greater Will's authority and destabilize Rennala's kingdom. She sent for a Tarnished to undo all civilization from within the Erdtree, and she's the centerpiece for several schools of magic. Marika has the power, the resources, and the genius to mastermind all of Elden Ring. She could build an empire on top of the First Flame.

3 Godfrey/Hoarah Loux

Godfrey and his spectral lion companion Serosh look towards battle in Elden Ring the video game

Godfrey needs no introduction. Every step you take in Elden Ring is taken in his shadow, as he is our predecessor as Lord and Tarnished. Godfrey survived generations exiled in unknown lands; battling until death took him. That tenacity and sheer force of will would send him far in Dark Souls.

It's not hard to imagine the hulking Hoarah Loux trouncing through the hells of Blight Town, or slaying his way through the Dragon's Aerie. In his own world, he bested the Dragons and Giants, which is a task divided between two worthy Lords in the Dark Souls universe, Gwyn and Vendrick.

2 Malenia, Blade Of Miquella

Malenia striding towards battle in Elden Ring the video game

Had Malenia, Blade of Miquella not been a boss, her plot armor would have never broke. This girl is unkillable. She's one of two characters known for being unbeatable in battle, and when those two finally did clash, it ruined an entire fourth of a continent. She has the power to shape entire land masses (mostly for the worse), and that's not even something the Gods in Dark Souls can typically do.

She's also eternally poisoned, which gives her immunity in a messed up kind of way, and everyone knows poison immunity would serve you well in the lands of Dark Souls. She also has life steal, which would keep her health topped off at all times. She could thrive in the harshest environments, and linking the flame would be more a question of her motivation than her capabilities.

1 Starscourge Radahn

Radahn sits slumped over on his steed in Elden Ring the video game

It may come as no surprise that Starscourge Radahn would be able to collect the Lord Souls, link the First Flame, survive it with hardly a scratch, and be home in time for supper. Radahn was the other in Malenia's legendary final battle, and it's one Radahn only lost because Malenia cheated - and that still didn't kill him.

His legacy alone demonstrates why he could link the fire, but it's also worth mentioning his powers over gravity and the stars. The Gods of Dark Souls just don't typically show this level of power, and with the power to move the stars, and crash them into the earth, Radahn's power output would put him leagues above his closest competition in Dark Souls.

Next: Elden Ring: Why Do Your Eyes Change Color