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Godfrey, First Elden Lord, is a boss in Elden Ring, found inside Leyndell, Royal Capital. The boss is the shade form of the actual Godfrey and fighting him is mandatory in order to progress in the story. You will need all the help you can get in order to divert his attention and whittle down his health bar.

Related: Elden Ring: Where To Find The Uchigatana

The fight is not as complicated as finding where the boss is situated. There is no fog gate behind the boss arena, and because of this, be ready for a jumpscare. Here is all you need to know about Godfrey, First Elden Lord.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord Overview

The player approaching the boss.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord Overview


Leyndell, Royal Capital




Players and Spirit Ashes


  • 80,000 Runes
  • Talisman Pouch

Weak To


The map showing the location of Erdtree Sanctuary.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord, is located in Leyndell, Royal Capital. Make your way up the massive branches to reach the main building where the boss resides.

The boss fight is not optional, and you will have to face him to achieve any of the multiple endings. You can summon any Spirit Ashes or an online player to aid you in the fight.

Defeating the boss will get you 80,000 Runes and a Talisman Pouch, increasing the number of Talismans you can equip.

Getting the rewards after defeating the boss.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord Attacks

The boss performing an attack.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord, has a few different attacks. Most of these attacks are easy to dodge and can be countered for serious damage.

Related: Elden Ring: All Remembrance Spells


The player performing a critical attack on the boss.

As the fight starts, the boss can dash toward you or jump up to throw his axe. Do not try to summon a Spirit Ash as you enter the boss arena so that you can react to such attacks if the boss performs them. You can try to run toward the left side of the boss arena if you want to summon a Spirit Ash or buff yourself.

The boss has an aggressive playstyle where he will attack you constantly. However, most of his attacks are slow and easy to dodge. If you can avoid his attacks, you will have time to land a hit or two.

The Shade is resistant to Holy Damage, so try not to use any weapon that deals that form of damage. The boss is weak to Lightning Damage, and using Lightning Incantations against him will make the fight easier.

If you play as a ranged caster, you can use high-damaging spells or Cerulean Hidden Tear to eliminate FP consumption and cast Comet Azur to decimate the boss's health bar. Having a tanky summon while you cast the spells is necessary so that they can take aggro for you while you cast your entire Comet Azur.

Next: Elden Ring: Complete Guide And Walkthrough