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FromSoftware’s latest challenging RPG, Elden Ring, has a huge variety of characters, creatures, and beasts to fight and meet. Many of these NPCs have vast, game-spanning questlines that take you to the furthest corners of the game’s map, pitting you against some of the most challenging bosses that Elden Ring has to offer.

RELATED: Elden Ring: How To Complete Ranni The Witch's Questline

Other NPCs, however, offer smaller-scale stories that can be wrapped up relatively quickly but earn you rewards that are well worth your time. One of these shorter questlines is that of Kenneth Haight, a haughty nobleman that you will find stuck upon a piece of fallen debris in Limgrave.

Updated March 20, 2022 by Henry Moore: With the recent update that fixed some NPC quest lines that initially went nowhere, we've added the details of Kenneth Haight's completed side quest.

Meeting Kenneth Haight

Kenneth Haight is located in Limgrave

To begin Kenneth Haight’s questline, you will want to be in the game’s earliest area, Limgrave. Travel to the north of the Mistwood Outskirts, in the location pictured above, and you will hear an aristocratic voice calling for help. Upon a large piece of fallen debris, you will find Kenneth.

Be careful if you are a low level in this area, as the demi-human enemies can cause you trouble at the start of the game.

Having spoken with Kenneth, make sure to exhaust all of his dialogue options. He will request that you take back his fort, the one located south of the Mistwood. This will be the main goal of Kenneth’s questline. During your conversation, Kenneth will also hint at some unsavory opinions he holds about the Tarnished and present some lore about one of the game's first demigods, Godrick the grafted.

How To Find Fort Haight And The Commander

Fort Haight is south of the Mistwood

Fort Haight will be located around the same place that Kenneth said it would be. Head directly to the south of the Mistwood, and on the coast, in the location pictured above, you will see a castle-like fort.

Approaching the fort, there will be a Site of Grace nearby, so you do not have to worry if you die while trying to clear the area, you can respawn at its entrance. Fort Haight contains a relatively large amount of enemies for its size, and it can be easy to become overwhelmed. Firstly, make sure to avoid the arrows shot from above when approaching the fort; they hit hard and can cause a great deal of damage.

Due to the high density of enemies here, a good plan would be to utilize Spirit Ashes, such as the wolves you can get from Ranni, the Witch at the Church of Elleh, or ranged combat such as sorceries, incantations, or arrows. In the entrance, there are a number of weaker enemies but also one extremely tough foe.

From the fort’s entrance, a mad pumpkin head enemy will appear. For combat tips on how to defeat him, check out our guide on How To Defeat Mad Pumpkin Head.

Once inside the fort, make sure to avoid the exploding barrels; there is an enemy throwing fire pots your way and the resulting explosion can easily kill you in one hit if you're under level.

Having made your way through the fort, on the building's upper floor, you will come face-to-face with the commander, the invader Kenneth sent you to overcome. While not a boss, this can be a tough enemy, and losing to him will send you back to the start of the area. Once again, if your Spirit Ashes have survived this long, utilize them. If not, the commander is extremely vulnerable to backstabs; lock onto him and strafe behind to deal a huge amount of damage. Most importantly, avoid his blood attacks: they will make light work of you in the early game. To do this, when you see him winding one up, create as much distance between the two of you as possible.

For defeating this enemy you will earn the Ash of War named Bloody Slash, which is metal as hell.

Key Items In Fort Haight

Elden Ring Stormhill Golden Seed Tree

There are two very important items in Fort Haight. Firstly, in the entrance you will see a bright golden tree; here will be a Golden Seed. This item will allow you to upgrade your healing flask at the nearest site of grace.

Next, at the top of the fort, you can find one half of the Dectus Medallion that you need to operate the Grand Lift of Dectus in Liurnia and head to the game's later areas.

Return To Kenneth Haight

Elden Ring

Upon defeating the commander, collecting your items, and clearing out the fort, you should return to Kenneth at the location in which you first found him. He will thank you and present you with the Erdsteel Dagger, a powerful dexterity weapon. He will also offer you the chance to join his service as a knight.

Should you accept this offer, you can return to the fort to find Kenneth. Speak with him, and he will reveal that he has begun a search for the true lord of Limgrave, as he is no longer worthy of the title.

Completing Kenneth's Questline

Kenneth can be found in Godrick's throne room

To complete the final steps of Kenneth’s questline you must also have completed the storyline of Nepheli Loux, an NPC you can first meet in Stormveil Castle. Nepheli’s questline is one with multiple endings and for Kenneth’s story to end on a positive note, there are a few important things to remember.

Firstly, at one point in Nepheli’s questline, you will be told to give her a mysterious potion. Do not give her this potion. If you do give her this unknown liquid, she will meet an untimely end.

Secondly, towards the end of Nepheli’s story, she will become crestfallen, believing she has let her father down. She begins to lose sight of what made her such a powerful warrior to begin with.

To help her overcome this crippling sadness you will need to find an item named The Stormhawk King. This important item can be found at the Chapel of Anticipation, an area accessed by using the Four Belfries in Liurnia of the Lakes.

Once you have given Nepheli this item at the Roundtable Hold, and if you have completed all the previous steps in Kenneth’s questline, the two characters will move to the throne room in Stormveil Castle. Here Kenneth will inform you that he has, at last, found a true ruler for Limgrave. Nepheli will now take the throne once held by Godrick.

With that, Kenneth Haight’s quest line is completed, seeing Limgrave finally get a ruler who will care for the land after so long.

NEXT: Elden Ring: Complete Guide And Walkthrough