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Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree, is a Great Enemy in Elden Ring. You fight her before in her spirit form in Caria Manor in North-west Liurnia of the Lakes. Loretta is located in Miquella's Haligtree, guarding the way to Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.

Related: Elden Ring: How To Defeat Great Wyrm Theodorix

This fight can be challenging as the fight is scaled as an end-game fight, but because of the similarities to her spirit form, you will know a thing or two about dodging her attacks. Here is all you need to know about the former Carian Knight Loretta, Knight of Haligtree, who is in Miquella's service to protect Haligtree from intruders.

Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree Overview

The boss approaching the player.

Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree Overview


Miquella's Haligtree




Players and Spirit Ashes


  • 200,000 Runes
  • Loretta's Mastery
  • Loretta's War Sickle

Weak To


Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree, is a boss you will find as you explore Miquella's Haligtree. The boss is optional to fight and does not affect any ending in the game. However, you will have to face her to proceed further into Haligtree and face the Sharbearer residing there. Defeating her will earn you Loretta's War Sickle (Halberd) and Loretta's Mastery (Sorcery). Both of these are great items to get, especially the Sorcery, as it is one of the best spells for Mages in PvP as it has good tracking. You can also buy Loretta's outfit from Finger Reader Enia in exchange for Runes.

Getting the rewards after defeating the boss.

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Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree Attacks

The boss using its polearm to slash the player.

Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree, is the true form of Royal Knight Loretta. Her moveset is the same as her spirit form. However, these attacks do much more damage now.

Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree Attacks

Refer to Royal Knight Loretta for her attacks.

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Related: Elden Ring Caria Manor Dungeon Guide


Loretta slashing her polearm on the player.

There are two main strategies for this fight.

Melee Strategy

The player using a melee weapon to attack the boss.

Loretta is a normal boss fight with attack patterns you can memorize quickly. None of her attacks are extremely dangerous and can be avoided with enough focus and proper dodging. Half of her moveset revolves around polearm slashes, while the other half are different types of sorceries she casts on you. For her sorceries, it is recommended that you should keep your distance, making the tracking of the attacks harder to hit you and giving you more time to think and dodge accordingly.

As the boss casts sorceries that deal magic damage, it is best to have some type of magic negation on you at all times. The Spelldrake Talisman is quite a useful item to have in this fight. In the second phase of the fight, the boss casts more powerful sorceries and even buffs her polearm with magic damage, so having the Talisman can make a huge difference.

You can take advantage of the boss's constant spell casting in the fight. To do this, you will need the Erdtree Greatshield. This is a shield that drops from Tree Sentinel Duo. The shield's skill is Golden Retaliation which dispels all Incantations and Sorceries thrown at it and retaliates by shooting a golden beam at the boss, which has insane tracking.

If you do not own the Erdtree Greatshield, then you still have the option of using any normal shield and using the Carian Retaliation (Ash of War) on it. This nullifies any sorcery in range when used and causes Glintstone Blades to appear on your head. These can track the boss and deal a good amount of damage. The boss is weak against Lightning, so bringing Dragon King's Cragblade is good because of its unique Lightning skill. You can acquire this weapon by trading the Remembrance of the Dragonlord to Finger Reader Enia at the Roundtable Hold.

Ranged Strategy

The player using Rock Sling on the boss.

For the ranged strategy, using a Tanky Spirit Ash is a must. A good Tanky Spirit Ash, like Lhutel the Headless, can attract the boss while you cast your Incantations on the boss. The boss has a high resistance to Magic and Fire as compared to other affinities. If you are a Sorcery Build user, then try keeping Sorceries that deal serious damage and can break the boss's poise like Rock Sling.

Lightning Incantations are extremely useful for this fight because of the boss's low resistance to them. As the boss fight takes place late in the game, you will most probably have access to most of the good lightning skills. Keep in mind that the boss has high magic damage output, so use Magic Fortification (Incantation) to increase your magic damage negation.

If you are a ranged player and want to deflect the boss's sorceries like the melee players, then you can use the Carian Retaliation (Sorcery) to dispel incoming spells and shoot Glintstone Blades at the boss. You can buy the Sorcery from Preceptor Seluvis for 9000 Runes or Twin Maiden Husks after giving them his bell bearing.

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General Tips

Elden Ring
  • Be Level 100 or above
  • Stay away from the boss when she casts her ranged spells.
  • Make use of Tanky Spirit Ashes.
  • Bring Talisman and Equipment for Magic Damage Negation.
  • The arena for the fight is big, so move around a bit so you do not get cornered.

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