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In order to survive your adventures in Elden Ring, you’re going to need items to help you on the way. Whether that’s items that cure status conditions or are consumable weapons that give you an edge in battle, often the easiest way to procure them is to craft them yourself.

RELATED: Elden Ring: Beginner Tips

In order to unlock these items for crafting, there are many Cookbooks scattered among the game’s many locations. Some are easy to obtain, looted from corpses or bought from merchants, but others will require more effort. Here’s how to find all seven Missionary’s Cookbooks.

How To Craft Items Using Cookbooks

Elden Ring Cookbook

Finding a Cookbook will add the contents to your crafting inventory. In order to access this feature, you’ll need to get your hands on the Crafting Kit key item. Afterwards, you’ll see an option named Item Crafting appear in the menu.

Thankfully, you won’t have to do too much work — we’ve got a handy guide that shows you exactly where you need to go, as well as explaining the fundamentals of crafting.

Missionary’s Cookbook Locations And Recipes





Missionary's Cookbook [1]

Holy Water Pot


Purchase from Merchant Kalé at the Church of Elleh.

Elden Ring Map showing the location of Missionary's Cookbook [1]

Roped Holy Water Pot

Missionary's Cookbook [2]



Purchase from Patches in Murkwater Cave, after choosing to spare him.

Elden Ring Map showing the location of Missionary's Cookbook [2]

Grace Mimic

Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot

Missionary's Cookbook [3]

Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot


Found on a corpse in the Smouldering Church, on the border with NW Caelid.

Elden Ring Map showing the location of Missionary's Cookbook [3]

Missionary's Cookbook [4]

Holy Grease

Altus Plateau

Found in the Minor Erdtree Church, by the western gate to Leyndell Royal Capital.

Elden Ring Map showing the location of Missionary's Cookbook [4]

Drawstring Holy Grease

Haligbone Arrow

Haligbone Arrow (Fletched)

Haligbone Bolt

Missionary's Cookbook [5]

Sacred Order Pot

Siofra River

(see below for exact location)

Elden Ring Map showing the location of Missionary's Cookbook [5]

Missionary's Cookbook [6]

Holyproof Dried Liver

Volcano Manor

(see below for exact location)

Elden Ring Map showing the location of Missionary's Cookbook [6]

Missionary's Cookbook [7]

Rejuvenating Boluces

Mountaintops of the Giants

Purchase from the Nomadic Merchant near the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace.

Elden Ring Map showing the location of Missionary's Cookbook [7]

How To Find Missionary’s Cookbook [5]

Screenshot showing location of Missionary's Cookbook [5] within Siofra River in Elden Ring

This Cookbook is relatively easy to get, provided you’ve already unlocked the Aqueduct-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace in Siofra River. From here, head through the tunnel to the left and out onto the cliff.

Carefully drop down onto the ledge, and then down onto the circular building, being mindful not to miss the edge. Immediately turn to your right and head over the bridge to a second circular building, where you'll find the Cookbook on a corpse.

Be warned though, there’s a powerful Crucible Knight in this area. Don’t get caught out!

How To Find Missionary’s Cookbook [6]

Screenshot showing location of Missionary's Cookbook [6] within Volcano Manor in Elden Ring

For this Cookbook, start off at the Temple of Eiglay Site of Grace within Volcano Manor. Head up the lift on the right, out onto the ramparts and follow them round to where you see the cliffs with lava flowing down them.

Jump down, and immediately get out of the lava so you don’t burn to death, and follow the path round. Drop down at the end of the cliff, then head up and over the lava to the tower. Be careful of the enemy wielding a pair of massive blades, and jump through the window on the right side of the building.

Open the wooden door on the right, to act as a shortcut, then turn around and descend the ladder. Follow the staircase down into the gloom, taking care to defeat the enemies, then open the barred gate with the corpse behind it to claim your Cookbook.

NEXT: Elden Ring: Complete Guide And Walkthrough