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At the base of almost every Minor Erdtree in Elden Ring, you will encounter a boss that drops a bevvy of useful treasures to amplify your powers, mostly to do with new combinations to try for your Flask of Wondrous Physick. From the Weeping Peninsula to Liurnia of the Lakes, Erdtree Avatars guard these Erdtrees. But as for the Minor Erdtree in Altus Plateau, you'll find something very different waiting for you there.

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Bent over and covered in a shroud, the Wormface rose to its feet, displaying its abnormal height. With the ability to spew Death Blight, we will give you a complete rundown of how to defeat the Wormface.

Wormface Overview



Minor Erdtree, Altus Plateau




Spirit Ashes and Players


  • 10,000 Runes
  • Crimsonspill Crystal Tear
  • Speckled Hardtear

Weak To

  • Physical Attack
  • Bleed Attack
  • Frenzy Spells

The forests of the Altus Plateau are rife with Lesser Wormfaces, but if you approach the Minor Erdtree at the center, you will notice a Wormface larger than most. Interestingly, you'll mostly either find Erdtree Avatars or Putrid Avatars at the base of all other Minor Erdtrees, but not in this one.

Like all the other Wormfaces, this big boss Wormface is able to inflict Death Blight buildup that can one-shot you easily.

With both vulnerability to physical and bleed attacks, it is best to arm yourself with a Bleed weapon that is upgraded to a +4 or above, with your chosen Spirit Ashes scaled up to a +4 as well. As for sorcerers, sorceries that deal tons of physical damage usually do the trick.

Wormface Attacks

Elden Ring Wormface's attacks

The Wormface largely uses its eldritch-like face that comprises a thousand wriggling worms to unleash torrents of Death Blight. It also uses a charge and a grab attack from time to time that are absolutely devastating. Here is a full outline of attacks you can expect from the Wormface boss.

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Battle Strategies

Elden Ring Wormface's battle strategies

There are two varying strategies to defeating Wormface. Ranged fighters might have more of an edge over melee combatants when it comes to going head-to-head with this boss since its Death Blight attack is the main issue when dealing with it.

Summoning Spirit Ashes will really help with distracting this boss from you, as well as ending the fight faster.

Melee Strategy

Elden Ring's Wormface's melee strategy

For melee combatants, it is recommended to summon Torrent and do this fight on horseback. You'll need a quick getaway when it unleashes its Death Blight attack, along with galloping near it and dealing a few blows before backing out to avoid its foot stomps and body slams. Since it is weak to Bleed, arm yourself with bleed weapons such as a Bloodhound's Fang that has been upgraded to a +4, coat your blade with Blood Grease, or equip a Bloody Slash Ash of War.

You can summon a bit of support to help you with this fight, such as the Kaiden Sellsword or the Lone Wolves upgraded to a +5. Spirit Ashes that have been upgraded more than the latter are more than capable of handling Wormface on its own.

Be careful not to attract surrounding hostile NPCs, such as the group of Lesser Wormfaces nearby.

In order to negate Death Blight buildup, craft and equip Immunising Cured Meat or Rejuvenating Boluses.

Ranged Strategy

Elden Ring Ranged strategy for the Wormface

As for sorcerer builds, using spells that deal physical and Frenzy damage is recommended in defeating Wormface. Sorceries such as Loretta's Greatbow, Glintstone Pebble, or Greater Glintstone Shard will be extremely effective against this boss. Summoning the same Spirit Ashes as for the melee fighters is also recommended.

If you are on foot, use Opaline Bubbletear to boost your defensive capabilities. Again, keep Torrent's whistle handy when it unleashes its AoE attack, as well as a healing spell in case you didn't evade it quickly enough.

Next: Elden Ring: Complete Guide And Walkthrough