The new chapter of Elder Scrolls Online brought with it the long-awaited companions. Now that Elder Scrolls Online has entered the Gates of Oblivion, many find themselves desperate to get hold of the teased companion. However, getting them isn't as easy as simply buying the chapter.

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These companions are perfect for a solo player and a wonderful addition to any group who loves to play this awesomely popular MMO. Once you know more about these NPC's, the possibilities are endless.

10 How Many There Are

Both companions split image

There are two companions available in the Blackwood chapter of Elder Scrolls Online. One is a Dark Elf Nightblade named Mirri Elendis whereas the other is an Imperial Dragonknight named Bastian Hallix.

It hasn't been determined if there will be more in future updates but even so, these two are pretty different which makes them fit in perfectly with each character, depending on their class and preferred playstyle.

9 When They're Available

Fighting an emey with a companion

A few players suspected that simply buying the chapter would grant them with a companion, but nothing's ever that easy. You have to complete a few quests before you get to the stage of having a companion by your side. Interestingly it's different for each companion.

For Mirri Elendis you have to complete the Shattered and Scattered quest which is in the form of a note on the ground in the northern portion of DoomVault Vulpinaz.

Bastian Hallix's quest is a little more obvious. Head to the southwestern part of Deepscorn Hollow and you should come across Bastian in bindings, speaking to him will begin the Competition and Contracts quest. After completing that, he'll be on your team.

8 How To Summon Them

Both companions in their element

It's worth mentioning that you can't have the two companions active at the same time but they should appear in your Allies Menu and can be summoned from there. It's also worth noting that your companion takes up one space in a dungeon so they're perfect if you haven't got all the players you need, but will be unsummoned in a group of 4.

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To bring them out simply head into the collections tab on your menu and select allies. Choose whichever companion you feel most comfortable with from there.

7 Companion Skills

Companion skills and top level split image

The Companions menu is split into subsections and includes, appearance, skills, equipment, and much more. While companions are extremely customizable you can only choose from the list of skills they already have, depending on if you choose healer, tank, or DPS.

There is a range of Class, Weapon, Armor, Guild, and Racial skills so you have the chance to make your companion as unique as your own character. Just make sure to check through them as they do have different effects to the regular skills in the game. Their skills level up as they do, just like your own character.

6 Non- Combat Perks

Riding along with your companion

While the AI may be controlling your companions' skills, they also come with some extremely useful passive perks that can help you in combat or a little bit of looting.

Bastian’s Insight:

This would be perfect for those players who love hunting for chests and are always looking for the best equipment. Bastian would be best served in any combat situation due to the loot from the monsters. If you're a single-player maybe a healer or tank to cover your back. If not then he can fill any gap you need.

Mirri’s Expertise:

  • "Treasure Chests found through Treasure Maps and in the Overland have a chance to provide additional loot from hidden compartments"

Mirri is best used for the adventurers who prefer to keep those maps they find and hunt around for a little gold and all the loot they can find. You're best using Mirri when wandering the beautiful landscape and looting your heart out. Similarly, Mirri is used to fill gaps in combat so if you feel like you need someone to take the hits or heal you then you can build her around that.

5 Assign A Mount And Change Their Appearance

Companion riding a mouint and its location in the menu

Similar to your own character, you can change your companions' appearance and mount just by heading to the companion menu and going to the collectibles section. Simply click on the appearance or mount to change the way they look and ride.

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It's an awesome way to make them really feel like part of the team, as well as allowing you to utilize that mount or costume you love but just can't use.

4 How To Interact With Your Companion

Companions talking to eachother over a table

Each companion has their own morals and are happy to do certain things. For example, Bastian disapproves of thievery, looting thieves troves, and killing friendly NPC's. Whereas he approves of gathering runestones, visiting crafting stations, and harvesting portals and rifts. Ultimately, battling with your companion and completing their personal quests will increase your rapport.

You can also talk to them and engage in conversation to learn more about them. It's worth noting that if you keep doing things they disapprove of then they could leave you for a while. Mirri approves of excavating, reading books, looting portals, and killing Goblins. Whereas she disapproves of collecting flying insects and killing any friendly NPC, also Harbors.

3 Leveling The Companions

Fully leveled companion

Each companion has a maximum level of 20 and will start at level 1 so you'll need to level them up pretty quickly if you want them to actually hold out in a battle.

Luckily the companions level in the same way you do. So the best way is to pretty much fight anything you can. And put on any experience boosts they can as that directly transfers to the companion too.

2 Relationships With Your Companion

A companions Rapport

While some of the things the companions love to do are simple, they are extremely important if you want to get onto the companions' personal quests. You have to speak to them and learn all about their preferences to build a rapport.

To find the status of your friendship head over to the companion UI, you can't miss it. It's also worth noting that at the moment you cant fall in love with your companion.

1 Limitations

In a huge battle with your comanion

The companions sound amazing and definitely change the game for new players and old, but there are unfortunately some limitations to this awesome update.

The first one is the fact that your companion can't follow you while you're swimming. So no being saved from those horrible Slaughter Fish. They cant be summoned in combat as well as PVP or solo arenas and can also not be summoned if you haven't completed the introductory quest. The last one is the rapport and its consequences. It can hinder you a little but the companion won't disappear forever.

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