John Romero and publisher Paradox Interactive have detailed one of the crime bosses that will be featured in Empire of Sin, a rather interesting looking tactical strategy title developed by Brenda Romero (John's wife). Based on Romero's real-life great-grandmother, Elvira Duarte looks like a real badass and has a ton of neat abilities to boot.

As John describes in the video, her boss combat ability is called "Devil's Breath" and it will allow players to temporarily control enemy units to give themselves cover. They'll eventually perish when the effect wears off, though not before laying waste to their former allies. It sounds incredibly useful for tight combat situations.

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The non-fictional aspect of Elvira is what makes this character so intriguing. Duarte went by the name of Elvita Duarte Morales. During the 1920s, she ran multiple brothels in Nogales, Mexico. After doing that for roughly 20 years, she won the lottery, sold off her rackets, and retired. Just how she is related to Romero isn't exactly clear (be it from his father's side or mother's), but that's a hell of a legacy to have attached to your family.

The design of Elvira comes from Romero's grandmother. One of Elvita's children, Romero claims that she looks just like this real-life grandmother. Brenda is also particularly happy about the resemblance Elvira has to John, noting the gray hair streaks.

For those unaware, Empire of Sin is a strategy game that puts players into the role of a crime boss attempting to take over 1920s Chicago. The reveal from E3 last year showed off Al Capone, but a number of different historical crime bosses will be selectable. You'll go about traversing through Chicago in a roguelike fashion in an attempt to control every racket in the city.

The idea was the brainchild of Brenda Romero, who had been cooking it up for most of her life. Having been given the opportunity to create her dream game, it looks like she and her team are going all out to ensure this will be a wild time.

When Empire of Sin does release, it will be available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch.

Source: YouTube

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