Fallout 76 is one of those RPGs that attracts a certain sort of role player. They're the kind that really get into a setting, the kind that immerses themselves in a universe that's far outside the ordinary. Basically, theater kids. So perhaps it's not all that surprising that an in-game theater troop in Fallout 76 is putting on a production of Romeo and Juliet live tomorrow night.

The Wasteland Theater Company and Five-O Productions present William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet on April 30 at 9 PM ET (6 PM PT). All the core roles will be played by in-game players, and the production company even has a stage built to look like London’s Globe Theater, which Rock Paper Scissors says is a place that puts on a lot of Shakespeare.

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It probably won’t be the full retelling of Romeo and Juliet, however. Previous Shakespearean plays put on by the troop have typically been shortened to around 45 minutes or so. Those include Macbeth and a collection of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Previous plays featured players in costume using emotes where possible and using whatever they can find to simulate theatrical effects such as firing laser pistols into the air.

Judging by the trailer, it seems like the Montagues and Capulets have been replaced by settlers and raiders. Juliet expresses her regret for falling in love with a raider, who presumably has tortured and killed settlers in the past just to steal their Nuka Colas.

If you don’t actually have a Fallout 76 account, you can watch the show on Twitch here.

In other Fallout news, Bethesda and Xbox are once again hosting a digital presentation in June, so you just know there'll be some announcements for Fallout 76. Tune in on June 12 at 1 PM ET to find out more.

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