Everybody loves a good video game theory and with the advent of message boards and forums, gamers have a multitude of platforms to share their thoughts on theories behind some of the biggest and most well-known games. Reddit, in particular, is filled with gamers strange theories about characters and plot lines, with fans often going down the rabbit hole with what they believe. These theories are often so fleshed out, that they start to make a lot of sense — when you see this much evidence, the ideas start to solidify as part of the folklore of a video game. These particular theories definitely put a new spin on classic console games (and, needless to say, we all want to go back and play these games in a new light after seeing these stories).

Most of the theories thought up by fans are conceivable and slightly interesting, but every now and then someone comes up with something that's absolutely surprising and a little on the creepy side. For instance, have you heard the theory about Animal Crossing, and how it's actually a game about stealing people for a fun-filled animal society? These are just two of the creepiest and weirdest fan theories discussed in this article that will have you looking at a number of video games in an entirely different light.

24 Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - Wandering A Post Apocalyptic World

via: YouTube (GrimSynergy)

The side scrolling platform game Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards is a fun game starring the pink, boisterous title character.

But there's a twist to the game with some fans believing the level Shiver Star is meant to represent a post apocalyptic earth.

The level certainly resembles earth, except it appears to have been destroyed by some kind of devastating attack and is now overrun with wicked robots. Exploring the planet you come across abandoned shopping malls and factories, with the theory suggesting an end of days winter has hit earth and all the humans have either been eliminated or been evacuated. Pretty dark stuff from a game that's meant to be light and fluffy.

23 Mass Effect 3: The Indoctrination Theory

via ign.com

Mass Effect is a sprawling trilogy of games that has you take control of the main protagonist Shepard as he tries to defeat the invading aliens known as Reapers. In the third game of the series when you reach the end you are faced with three different choices; control the Reapers, destroy the Reapers, or become the Reapers. Whatever you choose Shepard is defeated and the Reapers win, so many fans believe Shepard is already under the control of the aliens by the games end. Throughout the games it's explained how the Reapers slowly use subtle techniques to indoctrinate everyone to their way of thinking, and this theory states Shepard is just one of millions to have fallen under their control, which makes sense considering the way the game ends.

22 The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Five Stages Of Grief

via: YouTube (VortexxyGaming)

As far as Zelda games go Majora's Mask among the most controversial, thanks in part to its mature themes and darker tone. It seems the game could be even more darker than first thought, with fans believing the game actually explores the five stages of grief. Locations in the game where important events happen are used to describe each stage. The Clock Town is denial, the Woodfall Temple is anger, Snowhead is bargaining, The Great Bay is depression, and Ikana Valley represents acceptance. This one is quite deep and will have you thinking and is best explained in detail by this great video from YouTuber Vortex, a well-known Zelda theorist.

21 Pokémon Red & Blue - You're A Murderer

via ign.com

There are many different theories surrounding the Pokémon franchise, with one of the most devastating revolving around Pokémon Red & Blue. The theory proposes that when you face off with your rival trainer and defeat his Raticate (that's evolved from a Rattata), you've actually ended the creature. The proof exists when you next see your rival who is visiting the Lavender town cemetery, the home of Pokémon who are sleeping ... forever. And you thought it was all harmless fun?

20 Skyrim - Bugs Will Bring About The Apocalypse

via: elderscrolls.wikia.com

Remember the side quest in Skyrim where you have to collect five jars containing different bugs? Well it turns out there might be an ulterior motive for the purpose of each jar. One theory suggests the runes on each jar translate to five different locations on the map that create a pentagon. Between each point is a Dragon sanctuary along with two other landmarks, forming a second pentagon that creates a transmutation circle, which in simple terms is an area where great energy can be found. At the center of this circle is a shrine to Talos, one of the ancient gods, with the theory proclaiming that a ritual is to be performed at the shrine that will bring about the end of the world. It's a little out there but you can read about the theory in more depth here.

19 Max Payne - The Ex-Cop Is A Ghost

via: vandal.elespanol.com

Throughout the enjoyable Max Payne 3, the title character is frequently visited by an ex-cop. Unlike the damaged Payne, the ex-cop has a wife and daughter and is living a rather successful life. Many gamers see similarities between the two and believe the ex-cop is either a ghost, or a projection of Payne's mind showing him how his life could have turned out if his family wasn't eliminated during the first game. This is both heavy and creepy and only adds to the mythology of the excellent Max Payne series.

18 Super Smash Bros. - A Toy Story Remake

via: forums.kc-mm.com

Super Smash Bros. is a hyperactive and fun fighting game containing a host of colorful characters from various Nintendo games. One theory about the game concerns Master Hand, the villain of the story mode. First seen in the original opening credits as a disembodied glove who picks the characters out of a toy chest and prepares them for battle, the theory suggests Master Hand is, in fact, a young child who is picking his toys to fight in his bedroom. The strange theory also states that when you fight Master Hand you are fighting the young child's anxieties about his childhood innocence and wanting to play with toys. While I'm down for the first part, the second sounds a little far-fetched to me, but interesting nonetheless.

17 Minecraft - You Might As Well Be Walking On The Sun

via: nichegamer.com

There's been an idea floating around for years that the monsters in Minecraft only come out at night, and this has led one keen gamer to theorize the game actually takes place on the sun. YouTuber Spumwack has noticed that when the sun sets and rises it does so in the opposite direction, meaning the moon would rotate on its own path and not around the earth.

Spumwack proposes that the earth eliminated so we turned it into a star because the sun was losing power.

Once the stars burned out we moved back there and Minecraft is that world players are trying to rebuild. If you're lost I don't blame you, but you can watch Spumwack's explanation here on this outlandish video game theory.

16 Mario Bros. - Luigi Is A Maniac

via: dzbc.org

Similar to Pokémon, there are many different theories floating around on the internet about Mario and Luigi. One of the wildest states that although Mario is seen as the dominant force of the two, it's actually Luigi who is the most powerful. He is said to not only be super strong but also slightly unhinged, with the power to destroy the entire universe. That's the reason why he always shows up with his brother, because Mario is actually keeping an eye on him to make sure he stays out of trouble and doesn't unleash his wicked tendencies upon unsuspecting citizens.

15 Pokémon - The Pokémon War Theory

via technobuffalo.com

Here's another Pokémon theory for you to mull over that's just a little bit worrying. Playing any Pokémon game it quickly becomes apparent there aren't any adults around. The Pokémon War Theory hypothesizes there was a great war that wiped out most of the adults in the world, leaving only a handful left. With children allowed to run free without adult supervision, they begin collecting monsters and making them fight each other, exactly what happens in Pokémon games. I'll admit this one is a bit left of center but is another interesting take on the game from devoted fans.

14 Metal Gear Solid 3 - It All Happened In Virtual Reality

via: deviantart.com/rppuzzle

Metal Gear Solid continues to be a popular video game franchise, with lead character Solid Snake a fan favourite. There hasn't been a favorite Metal Gear Solid game but fans were left a little disappointed when forums started to discuss Metal Gear Solid 3 as being a simulation. During the opening of the game Solid Snake is told to start the Virtuous Mission, replying, "Virtual Mission?"

Many gamers believe this is confirmation the entire game is actually a virtual reality mission Snake is participating in as a training exercise.

There's a number of other hints, such as a multiple time paradoxes and visual clues, which you can read up on here and decide for yourself whether you think the game actually happened.

13 Final Fantasy VIII - It Was All A Dream

via: kotaku.com.au

Another epic in the franchise, Final Fantasy VIII also features the near passing of a main character Squall. Or does it? A long held theory states that when Squall is pierced with the ice shard he actually falls to his end. The events that happen during the rest of the game is actually a dream or a vision of what Squall sees before he passes on into the netherworld. There isn't much substance to this theory but many fans truly believe poor old Squall didn't make it.

12 Skyrim/Fallout - Sharing The Same Universe

via: kotaku.com.au

Skyrim and Fallout are made by the same developer and this has led many fans to try and find connections between the two worlds. Some believe they have found proof in the form of a greenhouse found on Prydwin (The airship that houses the Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout 4). Inside is a collection of weird and wonderful plants, with one particular plant almost identical to the Nirnroot plant from Skyrim. Even the ships logs describe the plant as having healing powers and the ability to glow, with it first being found at the mouth of a river, just like the Ninroot. Could Fallout 4 be the futuristic setting of Skyrim when the apocalypse happens as mentioned earlier in this piece?

11 Portal - Trapped Inside The Cube

via: knowyourmeme.com

Portal is a fantastic game made all the more enjoyable thanks to the wicked A.I. GLaDOS who is always ready to bring you down. One well known level of the game requires you to carry the iconic Companion Cube around, with GLaDOS constantly telling you not to listen to the Cube or believe what it says.

The reason for this is because one theory states the cube actually contains a bound and gagged scientist.

What makes this all the more horrifying is that to complete the level you must throw the Cube into the incinerator, meaning you just attacked an innocent person!

10 Silent Hill 2 - Mary's In The Trunk

via: YouTube (Verdegrand)

Silent Hill 2 is not only as awesome as the first game, but even more creepy, especially when talking about this theory. In the game James Sutherland's wife writes a note to him asking him to meet her their special spot before she is taken by illness. We learn that Sutherland actually ended his wife and the game is about him dealing with his grief and remorse. But we never see Mary in the game, with one reason being many believe she is actually in the trunk of Sutherland's car during the entire game. Not that's what I call a creepy fan theory.

9 Animal Crossing - Building A Village Of Children

via: techradar.com

For most people Animal Crossing is a great kids game whereby human characters live in a village inhabited with animals and carry out various tasks. But video game conspiracists believe is actually about your player-character being brainwashed into joining a weird society where animals live amongst them. You are taken by strange men and kept in a fenced off village and if you try and escape there are guards who stop you. This has to be up there with the zaniest and wackiest video game theories on this list and makes me think twice about playing this apparently kid friendly simulation ever again.

8 Civilization - You're Playing In The Afterlife

via: kotaku.com.au

As far as strategy games go they don't get much better than Civilization. Creating a nation from scratch and then slowly conquering the world (and then space) has never been bettered by any other strategy game, but what if it's all a lie? A theory suggests all the great world leaders who have been eliminated are now in a version of the afterlife where they are given the opportunity to once again rule a civilization without the fear of ending. This theory borrows from Norse mythology, likening the afterlife to Valhalla, where all the leaders gather and try to create their own successful worlds.

7 Overwatch - Mercy Is A Ghost The Entire Game

via: gear.blizzard.com

Many people believe that Mercy from Overwatch is actually a ghost and has been during the entire game. Not only does she look like an angel, with her wings and halo, but there are numerous points throughout the game that hint at her not being human. During a conversation with Mei she reveals she hasn't aged in years while at one point she checks her pulse and laughs, suggesting she doesn't have one. The theory bandied about is that she was ended years ago but has been kept alive by some kind of medicine or machinery that she also uses to heal others with in the game.

6 Fallout 3 - Predicting The Future

via: amazon.com

Fallout 3 is another great post apocalyptic RPG from Bethesda and a game that many believe is predicting the future. At a certain point during Fallout 3 the in-game radio station Galaxy News Radio begins relaying coded messages.

Some of these are morse code messages and players have discovered two are related to real life evens.

One message is the real life date of actor Gary Coleman's end while the other is the date the Deepwater Horizon oil spill off the Gulf of Mexico happened. The crazy thing is the game was released before either of these two events. While Bethesda have claimed there's no truth to this theory, they would say something like that, particularly if they have an insight into the future.

5 Destiny: The Guardians Are The Villains

via: destiny.wikia.com

In Destiny, the Guardians are seen as the protectors of good, with the Traveler a giant sphere that appeared when the The Darkness tried to wipe out humanity. It all seems above aboard, except some fans think the Guardians might actually be the baddies. There's quite a bit of evidence that supports this theory. The Guardians are called things such as Hunters and Warlocks while their enemies are known as Knights and Wizards. There's also the fact that during the game some enemies are known to shout, "It's the Darkness!" when you attack them. Maybe the Guardians aren't as clean cut as they appear.