The Nintendo Switch is a fantastic little system, who doesn’t love it? It is chock full of 1st and 3rd party titles that can be played anywhere, docked or on the go. While the system is absolutely fantastic, there are a few things that could be done to make it even better than it already is.

Sure, everyone loves a kickstand that falls off the second it is utilized. And who doesn’t want the inability to use voice chat on their favorite video game system? There are certainly some problems that could be fixed, so here are five features the Switch needs, along with five that we can do without.

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10 Need: Themes

How are we this far into the Switch life cycle and we don’t have themes? We have an option in the settings, and there is white and black. At least let us be edgy and add in red or something.

Hardware revisions are literally being thought of before giving us themes. If you’re not going to do paid ones in the shop (a great plan to drain us of more money), at least give us a few more colors to choose from.

9 Don't Need: Netflix And Other Streaming Services

At this point, it’s kind of ridiculous that Netflix doesn’t want to be on the Switch, but do we really care? At this point, we all have smart TVs, and Fire Sticks exist.

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The Switch’s main function isn’t to be a TV box, and if we don’t get any more streaming services, that’s fine. Granted, if they want to hop over, that’s okay too. But let’s not prioritize them over our Edgelord Red theme, please.

8 Need: A Better Kickstand

More of a hardware revision here, but please fix that kickstand. It is horrible. By now, everyone who has ever used it has popped it right out on accident.

If this thing was held together by glitter glue and hope, well, let’s just say that no one would really be shocked. It doesn’t take much to make this better, so maybe strengthen the kickstand in the next batch of systems?

7 Don't Need: Internet Browser

At this point, do we really need an internet browser for the Switch? While some people are still asking for it, we have phones for a reason, people. Internet browsers on consoles have always been… not good.

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They’re clunky, game systems aren’t meant to browse Twitter endlessly. If we’re going to be wasting our time, let’s not do it on the Switch. That three hours of battery life could be put to much better use.

6 Need: Actual Virtual Console

Yeah, a bit more than a simple feature, but that online service, oof. This is not the only point of contention with the service in this list. Nintendo, drip feeding 3 NES titles a month does not compete with the other console manufacturers, much less what you were doing in past generations, years ago.

Even if one must outright buy Donkey Kong 64 for the 14th time, just give us the option to do so. A virtual console would go a long way in helping supplement the amazing lineup of games already coming to the system.

5 Don't Need: Any Other Apps

As previously stated, we don’t need internet browsers, we don’t need Netflix. One other thing that we don’t need to bog down the system with is any other apps. For example, we don’t need a messaging system.

We can tell how well that is utilized with the PlayStation. Okay fine, just one more place where a robot girl tells us about this new crazy way that she’s making money that we’re just going to love. Just one. By the way, she just needs your credit card number for age verification. That’s all.

4 Need: Better Cloud Saves

How is it that two games that don’t utilize the cloud save functions of the online service are Pokémon and Animal Crossing?? What? That is absolutely absurd. There shouldn’t be certain games that are restricted from this feature.

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This doesn’t happen on other consoles, and it really does nothing but show how behind the times Nintendo is regarding any sort of online capabilities. I guess we should be thankful though. They did give us Tetris 99, the best battle royale game of all time.

3 Don't Need: Friend Codes

This is kind of cheating because they’re already there, but shhh. Get rid of them. It is 2019 and you still need a code in order to add your friends on the Switch. How hard are usernames, truly? They aren’t. It is easier to find and play with your friends on Roblox than it is on a dedicated gaming platform.

What is happening here? Just let us Splatoon. Cut to 2319 and we’re still using friend codes on the New Super Nintendo Max XL Supreme Nintendo Switch Pikachu Yellow Edition 3 HD and Knuckles.

2 Need: Voice Chat

The fact that Fortnite essentially bullied Nintendo into proving that native voice chat on the system is possible and it still isn't in every game. Good lord.

This system is more powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360, two platforms that had this feature with ease. This should not be an issue. The fact that they’re pushing this app so hard is just, completely unnecessary. While it is good for things such as browsing custom stages, there is no need for using it for voice chat.

1 Don't Need: More App Integration

On that note, drop the app. The Nintendo Switch Online app does not need any more integration than it already has. As previously stated, Nintendo should not be using this app as a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.

We don’t have an issue using the system for voice chat, so why are we using the app for the feature in the first place? Drop the app and add some voice chat to your system. It would absolutely justify the $20 price tag for a lot of new users.

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