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Cutter's Cry is an optional level 38 dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. In this side-dungeon, you will need to defeat the Chimera that lives deep inside Cutter's Cry once and for all. Venture into the dungeon with your allies and avenge the woodcutters and warriors who have fallen to the beasts of the dungeon.

Related: Final Fantasy 14: The Sunken Temple Of Qarn Dungeon Guide

This dungeon is one of the first you will encounter with difficult mechanics. If you're using the Duty Support system, be sure to take your time as you make your way through the dungeon. Now, let's take a look at each boss you'll encounter in Cutter's Cry, their attacks and mechanics, and how to beat them.

How To Unlock Cutter's Cry

Cutter's Cry is unlocked through the following side quest.

  • Accept the quest 'Dishonor Before Death'
    • NPC Location: Sibold - Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:14..0, Y:10.1)

This quest will become available after reaching level 38, and has no Main Scenario Quest requirements.

Dungeon Walkthrough

cutter's cry cave landscape

In the first part of Cutter's Cry, you will need to defeat all enemies in each room to cause the Shifting Sands to appear. Use these sands to move to the next area of the dungeon.

After defeating the first boss, you will move into an area with Cactuar enemies. You don't need to kill all enemies in this room for the Shifting Sands to appear, but be cautious as you make your way through this area.

In the final segment of this dungeon, just before the last boss, you will encounter blue flames that inflict the Burn debuff to players who step on them, and periodically explode, dealing high damage. Avoid stepping on the glowing blue fire as you make your way to the last boss.

Myrmidon Princess

myrmidon princess, first boss of cutter's cry

The first boss of Cutter's Cry is the Myrmidon Princess, who will summon more Myrmidons throughout the fight. The Princess's attacks are detailed below.

  • Mandible Bite: The Myrmidon Princess will deal damage in a cone shape to her front. Move outside the AoE indicator to avoid this attack.
  • Silence: Targets a player and inflicts the Silence debuff, causing them to be unable to cast spells. This debuff is removable using Esuna.
  • Haste: The Myrmidon Princess will cast this buff on herself or her summons to increase their attack speed.
  • Summons: Throughout the fight, Myrmidon Princess will summon three different types of enemies. Focus on the Marshal first, then the Guard, then the Soldiers last.
    • Myrmidon Marshal: This enemy will tether itself to the Myrmidon Princess, granting her the Rehabilitation buff, which slowly restores her health over time. The Marshal can also use Mandible Bite.
    • Myrmidon Guard: This enemy will use Mandible Bite and auto-attacks.
    • Myrmidon Soldier: This enemy will only use basic auto-attacks, making it easy to ignore or kill with AoE attacks.

The Myrmidon Princess will repeat these attacks until she is defeated. Be sure to focus on the Myrmidon Marshal when it spawns, and either ignore or kill the others with AoE attacks as necessary.

Giant Tunnel Worm

giant tunnel worm, second boss of cutter's cry

The second boss of Cutter's Cry is the Giant Tunnel Worm. This boss will use the following attacks and mechanics.

  • Sandstorm: The Giant Tunnel Worm will deal damage in a small area to its front. This attack has no AoE indicator, so the Tank should face the boss away from the rest of the party to avoid hitting them.
  • Sand Cyclone: The Giant Tunnel Worm will target a random player, dealing damage to them and inflicting the Sludge debuff. This debuff deals damage over time, but can be dispelled with Esuna.
  • Earthbreak: The Giant Tunnel Worm will burrow into the sand and move around the arena, dealing damage with Sand Pillar each time it moves. After a few seconds, the Worm will emerge and deal damage with Earthbreak in the area it surfaces in.
    • To avoid this attack, watch where the Worm starts moving and run away from its path, then stay away until it emerges.
    • Later in the fight, the Worm will move erratically around the arena, dealing damage in random locations before hitting the entire arena with Earthbreak. The Healer should be prepared to restore the party's health, and the party should group together to make it easier for the Healer to do so.
  • Bottomless Desert: The Giant Tunnel Worm will once again burrow into the sand, this time creating a sand whirlpool in the center of the arena that pulls in players. Then, the Worm will emerge in the center of the arena, dealing more damage the closer you are to the center.
    • To deal with this attack, quickly run to the edges of the arena after being pulled close to the center to reduce the amount of damage you take from Earthbreak.

The Giant Tunnel Worm will repeat these attacks until it is defeated. The Healer will be doing a lot of work throughout this fight, so try to remain close to them to make their job easier.


chimera, final boss of cutter's cry

The final boss of Cutter's Cry is the Chimera. This boss has a variety of difficult mechanics to watch out for, which are listed below.

  • The Lion's Breath: The Chimera will deal damage in a cone to its front. This attack is untelegraphed, so the Tank should face the boss away from the rest of the party.
  • The Ram's Breath: An untelegraphed attack to the right of the boss. Stand behind the Chimera throughout the fight to avoid this attack.
  • The Dragon's Breath: An untelegraphed attack to the left of the boss that inflicts Paralysis. Similar to The Ram's Breath, melee players should remain behind the boss to avoid taking damage from these attacks.
  • The Ram's Voice: The message "The ram's eyes now burn blue" will appear, indicating that the Chimera will attack with a point-blank AoE around itself, dealing damage and inflicting Frostbite, which deals damage over time. When the ram's eyes turn blue, run away from the boss to avoid this attack.
  • The Dragon's Voice: The message "The dragon's eyes now burn violet" will appear. Then, the Chimera will attack with a wide AoE, dealing damage and inflicting Paralysis, with a safe spot in a circle around the boss. When the dragon's eyes turn violet, run towards the boss to avoid this attack.
chimera using the dragons voice to cover the area in lightning
  • Cacophony: The message "The chimera's eyes now focus on a single target" will appear. The Chimera will launch an electric orb at its target, which will follow that player. When the orb reaches the targeted player, it will stop and continuously deal damage with Chaotic Chorus, a circle AoE that also inflicts Paralysis.
    • The targeted player should run away from the orb until it stops moving, then avoid the Chaotic Chorus AoE as they make their way back to the boss.
  • The Ram's Keeper: The Chimera will target a random player and fire an ice AoE in their direction. This attack deals damage and inflicts Heavy and Frostbite, which will slow down hit players and inflict damage over time, respectively. The Ram's Keeper will also leave an ice puddle behind, which deals damage over time and inflicts Frostbite.
    • All players should watch carefully and avoid this attack, then avoid moving into the ice puddle. The puddle persists for a while, so the Tank should move the boss away from it to avoid players stepping in it.

The Chimera will repeat these attacks until it is defeated. Watch carefully for the messages that appear throughout the fight to know where to move to avoid the Chimera's high damage attacks.

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