With their only objective being to preserve the future of the realm Eorzea, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn consists of some of the best characters in Final Fantasy 14. Furthermore, most of the Scions are incredibly talented, charismatic, and absurdly attractive individuals, making us wish for the option to romance them in-game.

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Simply put, it is near impossible to hate any member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, especially after spending hundreds of hours with the vast majority of them. From the start of your journey to the bitter end, the Scions are maybe the best ensemble of characters in gaming.

10 Tataru Taru

Tataru in Final Fantasy 14

While she's responsible for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn's finances and acts as their receptionist, Tataru slowly became more and more prominent throughout each expansion in Final Fantasy 14.

She's adorable, funny, and has a genuine care for each member of the Scions. Due to her inability to battle, you will rarely get the chance to kick back with Tataru, but those rare instances are what make her such an incredible character.

9 Krile Mayer Baldesion

Krile in Final Fantasy 14

Krile was always an essential member of the Scions, but it wasn't until Shadowbringers you got to see her true powers in action. In fact, if it weren't for her and Tataru's tireless efforts in Shadowbringers, the entire realm would have been doomed.

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Between blackmailing Estinien into working with them and keeping the critical members of the group alive in the Source while their souls were away on the First, Krile proved she is one of the best Conjurers in the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and the entire realm.

8 Urianger Augurelt

Urianger in Final Fantasy 14

Often speaking in riddles and poetry, Urianger can quickly annoy some players but remains one of the best characters in Final Fantasy 14 despite that. Urianger is a loyal member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, though fans would have doubted that when he was acting as a double agent when you first begin your journey.

Urianger has seen many role changes from Arcanist to an Astrologian before landing on Lithomancer in Endwalker. Urianger's vast knowledge and kind heart easily make him one of the best amongst the Scions.

7 Thancred Waters

This Is Thancred in Final Fantasy 14

Thancred's willingness to dive into enemy territories while serving as a recon-agent for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn is just half the reason he's one of the best members. Being extraordinarily charming and handsome also helps.

In Shadowbringers, Thancred changed his appearance and Job role, moving to a Gunbreaker from a Rogue and even having significant character development, which solidified him as one of the best characters in the game for many.

6 G'raha Tia

G'raha Tia in Final Fantasy 14

Despite being a rather forgettable character in A Realm Reborn, G'raha Tia proved to be one of the Scions' best, most useful, and most influential members. G'raha will go to great lengths to ensure the safety of his people and the rest of the Scions... even if he accidentally almost killed most of them, but that's beside the point.

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Though you don't really get to see him in action until Shadowbringers, where he joins the Scions, he earns his place almost immediately once it's revealed that he's the Crystal Exarch. Having spent only two expansions with G'raha, he prevails as a fundamentally essential and lovable addition to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.

5 Alisaie Leveilleur

Alisaie in Final Fantasy 14

While it can be argued that Alisaie is the best of the Leveilleur twins because of her sheer confidence and determination to catch up to The Warrior of Light, she doesn't have nearly the same arc of character progression as her brother.

Even if it may boil strictly down to having less screen time than Alphinaud, Alisaie falls slightly behind him but is still a tremendous character nonetheless. Alisaie really gets her feet under her in Shadowbringers and keeps trucking forward into Endwalker and beyond as one of the best Scions.

4 Alphinaud Leveilleur

Alphinaud in Final Fantasy 14

As just mentioned, Alphinaud is slightly higher up the list than his twin sister, Alisaie, and it might honestly come from having more screen time. While it is easy to sort of dislike Alphinaud when you first meet him, he evolves into a genuinely lovable character that you will follow into battle and risk your life for.

Though it will take quite some time to see Alphinaud become the character everyone knows and loves today, seeing him gradually transform into one of the game's best characters from expansion to expansion is an incredible sight to behold. The bonds you build with the Leveilleur twins are precious and unmatched.

3 The Warrior of Light

The Warrior of Light in Final Fantasy 14

Hydaelyn's Chosen, the Champion of Eorzea, the Bringer of Light/Shadow, are just some titles the Warrior of Light has earned throughout Final Fantasy 14. While the Warrior of Light is the player-created character, they are undoubtedly one of the most crucial members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.

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Sure, the player character is supposed to be strong, but conveying such raw emotion through nods of approval and various other gestures is more than half the reason the Warrior of Light is so likable. Forging such strong bonds with every character you come across feels genuine and earned, which is what you're looking for in any hero.

2 Estinien Varlineau

Estinien Varlineau in Final Fantasy 14

Estinien is an often blunt and curt speaker who can come across as rude or unapproachable to many. While much of that holds some truth, it's when Estinien joins the Scions where he opens up slightly to The Warrior of Light and Alphinaud.

Often teasing his fellow Scions for their "good-heartedness," Estinien often displays an arid sense of humor but will still risk his life to protect them. Simply put, Estinien may be the most badass character in the game and is adored by many.

1 Y'shtola Rhul

Y'shtola in Final Fantasy 14

In terms of popularity amongst the fans, Y'shtola might be the most beloved character in all of Final Fantasy 14, which is quite the feat. Y'shtola possesses tremendous wisdom and comes across as cultured and clear whenever she speaks.

Though Y'shtola is typically calm, she has no issue calling someone out on their wrongdoings or rudeness. She will even snap back at The Warrior of Light if they become overly flirty or make jokes in a dire situation. Still, Y'shtola remains a genuine comrade and one of the best Sorceress in the realm.

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