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Doma Castle is a level 67 dungeon in Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood. In your quest to liberate the Far East, the time has come to mount a full assault on Doma Castle and reclaim it from the Empire. Success in this mission depends entirely on you and your allies.

Related: Final Fantasy 14: Bardam’s Mettle Dungeon Guide

The bosses of Doma Castle have rather straightforward attacks, but don't think they won't be difficult. Each boss in this dungeon will overlap and combine attacks together, leading to complex boss fights. Let's take a look at each boss in Doma Castle, their attacks and mechanics, and how to beat them.

Updated May 26, 2023: Patch 6.4 brought small changes to each of the boss fights in this dungeon, so we've updated this guide to make sure everything is accurate and up-to-date.

How To Unlock Doma Castle

Doma Castle is unlocked through the following main story quest.

  • Accept the Main Scenario Quest 'The Die Is Cast'
    • NPC Location: Hien - Yanxia (X:24.9, Y:12.8)

Dungeon Walkthrough

During the first section of this dungeon, watch out for the random cannon fire that will barrage the path. Dodge the circular AoEs that appear while grouping up and defeating trash mobs.

Between the first and second bosses, you will come across a long and narrow path that is guarded by cannons that will fire down the path. Determine the pattern the cannons fire in, and dodge accordingly as you run past them.

Magitek Rearguard

magitek rearguard, first boss of doma castle dungeon

The first boss of Doma Castle is the Magitek Rearguard, whose attacks and mechanics are listed below.

Attack Name



Cermet Pile


The boss will occasionally attack to its front with a cleave attack that deals moderate damage. This attack is untelegraphed, so the Tank should face the boss away from the rest of the party for the duration of the fight to avoid hitting them with Cermet Pile.

Garlean Fire


Targets a random player and fires a sequence of circular AoEs in their direction. Move out of the way to avoid.

  • Subsequent uses of this attack will increase the number of AoEs that are simultaneously fired.

Rearguard Bit


The Magitek Bits in the back of the arena will begin firing line AoEs. These will go off every few seconds, so be mindful of your position as you dodge the following attack. After the Bits are activated, they will fire line AoEs for the remainder of the fight.

Rearguard Mine


Mines will begin moving slowly from the left and right side of the arena to the opposite side. Coming into contact with these will cause them to explode after a short delay, dealing high damage in the area. If you run into one, quickly move out of the area to avoid its explosion.

The Magitek Rearguard will repeat these attacks until it is defeated. Dodge the Rearguard Mines, move out of the way of AoEs, and you'll make it through this fight without any problems.

Magitek Hexadrone

magitek hexadrone, second boss of doma castle dungeon

The second boss of Doma Castle is the Magitek Hexadrone. This Magitek tank's attacks and mechanics are detailed below.

Attack Name



Circle of Death


A point-blank knockback AoE around the boss. Move outside of the telegraphed area to avoid this attack.

2-tonze Magitek Missile

Stack Marker

Targets a random player with a stack marker. Group up on the affected player to spread out the damage of this attack.

Magitek Bits - Chain Mine


Magitek Bits will spawn around the edges of the arena and create straight line AoEs that knock back players that come into contact with them. Keep this in mind when preparing to deal with the boss's next mechanic.

Magitek Missiles


A Pillar will appear on the arena that at least one player needs to stand in to prevent high party-wide damage. This can be tricky to get to during Magitek Bits, so be sure that the party is spread out so that at least one player is close enough to the Pillar when it appears.

  • Later in the fight, two Pillars will spawn together. These will both need a single player to stand in them to prevent party-wide damage.

As the fight continues, these attacks will be used more frequently and will being to overlap. Watch your position during Magitek Bits to avoid being repeatedly knocked back into other AoEs. Try to spread out to each of the corners during this fight, if you can. This will ensure that, when the Magitek Bits and Pillars spawn, there should be at least one player near a Pillar.

Hypertuned Grynewaht

grynewaht, final boss of doma castle dungeon

The final boss of Doma Castle is Hypertuned Grynewaht. Now is your chance to make this guy leave you alone for good. Grynewaht's attacks and mechanics are listed below.

Attack Name





Begins charging an attack to Grynewaht's front, dealing continuous damage for the duration. This attack will target the Tank, who should move out of the area to avoid taking continuous damage.

Delay-action Charge

AoE Markers

Targets two players with AoE markers. Affected players should spread out from the rest of the group to avoid unnecessary damage.



Grynewaht will move to the center of the arena before targeting a random player. Then, he will begin to continuously fire at them in a straight line. Move out of the line of fire of other players while the Healer prepares to recover the targeted player's health.

Prey - Thermobaric Charge

Proximity AoE

Targets a random player with a proximity marker. The affected player should move as far away from the rest of the party to drop the marker, then quickly run back to reduce the amount of damage taken.



Giant saws will spawn around the arena and cast a large line AoE. Find the gap between the AoEs and stay there to avoid this attack. This attack usually occurs at the same time as Gunsaw.

Magitek Bits - Chain Mine


Similar to the Magitek Bits from Magitek Hexadrone, Bits will spawn around the arena that will use line AoEs that knock back players that move into them. This will make dodging the rest of Grynewaht's attacks more difficult, as it will reduce the safe area of the arena.

Grynewaht will repeat these attacks until he is defeated. As the fight progresses, these mechanics will overlap, creating more complex situations that you will need to use your best judgment to navigate. If you are targeted by Prey, be sure to move as far away from the rest of the party as possible, without running into the Magitek Bits.

Next: Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood - Where To Find All Aether Currents In Yanxia