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Endwalker is the epic conclusion to Final Fantasy 14's Hydaelyn and Zodiark arc that has been unfolding since the launch of A Realm Reborn. It raised the level limit to 90, introduced two new jobs — Reaper and Sage — and invited us to the ends of the universe and back again.

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But how long exactly will this adventure take you? We've got average times listed right here. Everyone plays a little differently, so take that into account, and naturally, skipping cutscenes will save you a bunch of time, but we recommend you enjoy Endwalker to the fullest and soak up every last bit of the story.

How Long Does It Take To Complete Endwalker?

Mare Lamentorum in Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker

According to howlongtobeat.com, it takes the average player 52 hours to complete the main scenario campaign for Endwalker. This means no side content whatsoever, just simply plowing through the main storyline and mandatory dungeons and trials.

For those who like to mix things up a bit and try out some of the side quests and additional new content while pursuing the main storyline, players have recorded an average of 104 hours. Naturally, time varies from player to player depending on exactly how much time they spend doing side quests, leveling new jobs, or experiencing optional dungeons and other new content that Endwalker added.

How Long Does It Take To 100 Percent Endwalker?

Final Fantasy 14 concept art of Old Sharlayan in Endwalker

If you're looking to complete absolutely everything that Endwalker has to offer, including side quests, optional duties, and more on top of the main scenario quests, players have currently recorded an average of 106 hours.

We have a sneaking suspicion you might be looking at quite a bit longer if you truly want to experience everything, though.

Can You Buy Endwalker Story Skips?

zenos challenge the player to a final showdown

At present, you cannot skip past the Endwalker storyline by purchasing a Tales of Adventure Main Scenario Progression from the Optional Item Store, as it is not yet available.

You can, however, pay to skip all the expansions prior to Endwalker if you want to jump right through to the beginning of the end(walker).

NEXT: Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide