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After the cold climes and forlorn fields of Heavensward, the first zone that Final Fantasy 14 players experience in Stormblood feels like something of a return. There's warmth in The Fringes, even in its conquered state. Traversing its hills and valleys, the Scions and their military allies know they're not at their civilization's end — they've merely entered the rightly-named fringes of another.

Related:Final Fantasy 14: Most Expensive Things You Can Buy With MGP

Of course, sprinting from one end to the other grows old over time. Even riding on the back of a noble Chocobo eventually feels sluggish. Locating The Fringes' aether currents to unlock flying is the ultimate goal here.

There are four field currents to be found, whereas prior to the launch of Endwalker, there used to be a whopping ten. Should you come upon material elsewhere on the internet that still has those subtracted six, know that it's outdated. There are also five quest currents. Finish them all and celebrate by taking to the skies.

The Fringes Aether Current Locations

Final Fantasy 14 The Fringes Aether Currents

Aether Currents Found On the Map

Aether Current Co-ordinates



(X:36.3, Y:17.2)

On a ledge beneath a path.


(X:27.9, Y:21.6))



(X:24.5, Y:11.4))



(X:11.7, Y:16.4))

Beneath the bridge.

Aether Currents Obtained Via Quests

Quest Name

Quest Level

Quest Location



Eyes Bigger Than Her Stomach


(X:30.1, Y:26.1)

Becomes available upon completing the main scenario quest 'Rising Fortunes, Rising Spirits'.


Unexpected Guests


(X:9.1, Y:10.8)

Becomes available upon completing the main scenario quest 'The Lure of the Dream'.


The Hidden Truth


(X:9.2, Y:10.9)

Becomes available upon completing the main scenario quest 'Divide and Conquer'.


Magiteknichal Failure


(X:8.4, Y:11.2)

Becomes available upon completing the main scenario quest 'Signed, Sealed, to Be Delivered'.


The Silence of the Gods


(X:31.6, 16:6)

Becomes available upon completing the main scenario quest 'The Lady of Bliss'.

Next:Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker - Smileton Dungeon Guide